Thursday “Never Be Alone” Open Comments

Have you ever heard the phrase “There’s someone for everyone”? Well, there’s a place for everyone, too. For example, if you like being tied up in knots, there’s an international guild just for that purpose.
If you like hanging out with dead people, here ya’ go.
Broad swords rule! Well, technically, the king rules, but these dudes aren’t interested in crowns. Unless they’re bustin’ ’em.
These people don’t like fat cats. Literally. Like, no — fat — cats. Or dogs. People they don’t worry about so much. I wonder what they do with pigs?
I’ll bet these people laugh at the fat cat people. Just sayin’.
Camp nurses have an association. Not to be confused with the real ones at the hospital or in the doctor’s office. These probably have to have tweezers on them at all times, to remove ticks. Or baseball bats. To remove boys from girls.
I’m assuming this group doesn’t care about Samoyeds on welfare. Does this make them racist? I think we should worry more about getting people working. Oh, wait, Obama had a council for that. And he disbanded it. I guess we’re stuck working the dogs.
And we have to protect our prehistoric fish!
And, last but not least, doesn’t anyone care about desserts?
The moral of the story? You never have to be alone. Not even the freakazoids in D.C. They have their own associations, too. There’s the Senate, the House of Representatives, the Black Caucus…..



