Where is the keeper of the keys to the couch this am? It’s not like anything momentous happened like, THE POPE RESIGNING or something. . . . . . . oh wait. . . .
1st pope in almost 600 years to resign.
Still not buying it, MH42. A catalyst that took 30 years to manifest itself? Nope… does not pass the sniff test.
February 10, 2013 8:01 pm
#80 Dooooooooooooood Catalyst was what I said. Sure lots of stinky stuff was then done by lots of stinky people, but CRA, Dims requiring lowered standards for their people, is where the damage began.
February 10, 2013 7:57 pm
Danke, Pyromaniac. I never heard starfish called sea stars before, but there may well be an infinite number of facts I am not aware of.
Super Dave
February 10, 2013 7:54 pm
BTW; When I joined back in 1970, no one could become a member without being recomended by another member, that changed after the NRA decided that to save the second amendment they would have to get into politics, something that they had not done before.
#79 Shannon, she could have called me, I’m a “Benefactor Member” the highest membership that there is, that said, the number that I posted was one that Tom Gresham had set up just for him so that all his listeners could join under his name. The reason he set it up is that when he called he had to wait 25 minutes because everyone and his brother was trying to join.
In case you didn’t know this already, here’s a report that shows how the Community Reinvestment Act was the catalyst that destroyed our economy. Here are some logical questions that leave no doubt in my mind that blaming the CRA is nothing more than a worn out, tired meme without any merit: • Did the 1977 legislation, or any other legislation since, require banks to not verify income or payment history of mortgage applicants? • 50% of subprime loans were made by mortgage service companies not subject comprehensive federal supervision; another 30% were made by banks or thrifts which are… Read more »
My wife joined the NRA a couple of weeks ago. She said a lifetime member must recommend you to qualify for a lifetime membership. So she blew it off and got a 3 year.
She probably knows five hundred people that would do that for her but thought it was a stupid hoop to jump through.
February 10, 2013 5:06 pm
Here’s an interesting story about the dismissal of Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis, commander CentCom.
Mattis is famous for his blunt style and blistering aphorisms — “be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet” was his clear-headed advice to the Marines he led during the treacherous Iraq War.
Sadly, the story says the documentation comes mostly from the states and this is predominatly from Kalifornia so if the waste gets any public attention they’ll just quit documenting it.
While solar is a far less polluting energy source than coal or natural gas, many panel makers are nevertheless grappling with a hazardous waste problem. Fueled partly by billions in government incentives, the industry is creating millions of solar panels each year and, in the process, millions of pounds of polluted sludge and contaminated water.
To dispose of the material, the companies must transport it by truck or rail far from their own plants to waste facilities hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of miles away.
Super Dave
February 10, 2013 1:31 pm
I’m listening to “Gun Talk” and Tom gave out the number to call to become a NRA Life Member for only $300 instead of $1000. The number is; (888) 678-7894. One guy called in and has bought memberships for all his kid/grandkids, (13)! Over the years, I’ve given them to son, daughter & son-in-law. Daughter-in-law is next. 😉
February 10, 2013 11:45 am
#69 Daverino
I am sorry something awful happened to you from the link I posted. I had linked to it and read the item and watched the video, with no ill effects.
Super Dave
February 10, 2013 9:10 am
Rumor has it that Barney got ball park franked at Fenway Park while wearing red socks.
Super Dave
February 10, 2013 9:09 am
FWIW; When I clicked on the link in #62 “Jay Leno” the site started installing something on my computer so I quickly stopped but it already put two icons on my desk top. It changed my tool bar sor I ran anti virus and restated the computer several times and every time that I went to a site it would go into some kind of loop and I coudn’t stop it! Finally I went to the control panel and uninstalled everthing that was installed today (7 items). So after about an hour I’m back in business. 🙁
Mornin’ Gang
February 10, 2013 9:05 am
More evidence, as if we really needed it, that the feds are completely out of control. HEADLINE: Explosive Fed. Mandate Killing Thousands of Red Snapper MOBILE, Ala. (WPMI) A federal mandate to remove old, abandoned oil and gas rigs in the Gulf of Mexico is blowing up a lot more than just the rigs. Undercover video obtained by Local 15 shows thousands of pounds of dead fish, mostly red snapper, floating to the surface after one of the controversial demolitions in the Gulf. “Good Lord,” marine scientist Dr. Bob Shipp said, when Local 15 showed him the video. “As a… Read more »
February 10, 2013 8:44 am
G’Sunday Morning All
Grammy-winning musician Steve Vaus, creator of the Buck Howdy character, has recorded a new song that defies those advocating gun confiscation to “come and take it.” Invoking the spirit of the Texas battle for independence, the song declares, “Come and take it if you want it. Come and take it if you think you can. Come and take it, but we’ll warn you, you’ll have to pry it from our cold, dead hands.”
COME AND TAKE IT – Steve Vaus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vcr5-QvMdY
February 10, 2013 12:23 am
Rumor has it that Barney got ball park franked at Fenway Park while wearing red socks.
Well, it’s the weekend, I will patiently wait for some proof that that pic is a closeup of the ventral surface of a starfish. I could see the 5 arms on the last pic in that link Hammy posted, but I didn’t see any captions for any of those pix.
February 9, 2013 8:53 pm
Note to kids: when I pass on, don’t bother looking behind the sheetrock
February 9, 2013 8:52 pm
The “strawberry coral”, for lack of a better descriptive, google-image-searched right back to the OC thread…
Where’s your link to something that explains how these pix are starfish?
don’t have my PC with me, but drag one of them into google image search. There were 7 or 8 of them. I picked the ones I thought were best.
February 9, 2013 8:45 pm
#54 Shannon
Funnier than you know..
I think I get the joke, but I doubt if the lady considers the object of her affection to be a boy toy.
February 9, 2013 8:43 pm
Tim, it sounds like a lovely service. Hope it was consolation for the bereaved family and friends. I have a coworker whose dad got an unexpected cancer diagnosis last fall, with prognosis of maybe 2 years. But instead, he went downhill very fast and had died by Christmas. Not as precipitous as your MIL’s case, which was shocking, but still gone faster than most medical causes. I just heard a bizarre story from coworker when I was at the office on Friday. I had not seen him since his dad died. Unbeknowst to everyone except the eldest son (in a… Read more »
February 9, 2013 7:34 pm
MIL’s Memorial Service was a great celebration of her life. Discounting numerous technical issues trying to play homemade DVD’s of the videos Sweetie made it went very well. Several folks spoke and from the heart, including my son – don’t know where he gets that from, certainly not me. Lots of food, music and fellowship.
HEADLINE:DHS Watchdog OKs ‘Suspicionless’ Seizure of Electronic Devices Along Border /snip
According to legal precedent, the Fourth Amendment — the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures — does not apply along the border. By the way, the government contends the Fourth-Amendment-Free Zone stretches 100 miles inland from the nation’s actual border.
First it is people crossing the border then it is people along the border then it is people within 100 frikken miles of the border, what next, 1000 miles from the border???
#39 no
#41 no
btw – I’ve never seen a sea urchin spin.
Super Dave
February 9, 2013 2:45 pm
Not coral
Not sea anemone
Not bacteria
Not pollen
OK it has to be something that grows in water liquid, I don’t think it microscopic, IF the colors are real and Sea Urchins are usually spinny, hummm. ❓
Super Dave
February 9, 2013 2:40 pm
#34 #35 #36, “Iron Mary” be on a roll! 😀
February 9, 2013 2:37 pm
a close-up of a tongue? Perhaps a nasal lining or the lining of an intestine?
Where is the keeper of the keys to the couch this am? It’s not like anything momentous happened like, THE POPE RESIGNING or something. . . . . . . oh wait. . . .
1st pope in almost 600 years to resign.
Still not buying it, MH42. A catalyst that took 30 years to manifest itself? Nope… does not pass the sniff test.
#80 Dooooooooooooood
Catalyst was what I said. Sure lots of stinky stuff was then done by lots of stinky people, but CRA, Dims requiring lowered standards for their people, is where the damage began.
Danke, Pyromaniac. I never heard starfish called sea stars before, but there may well be an infinite number of facts I am not aware of.
BTW; When I joined back in 1970, no one could become a member without being recomended by another member, that changed after the NRA decided that to save the second amendment they would have to get into politics, something that they had not done before.
#61 mharper42
#79 Shannon, she could have called me, I’m a “Benefactor Member” the highest membership that there is, that said, the number that I posted was one that Tom Gresham had set up just for him so that all his listeners could join under his name. The reason he set it up is that when he called he had to wait 25 minutes because everyone and his brother was trying to join.
In case you didn’t know this already, here’s a report that shows how the Community Reinvestment Act was the catalyst that destroyed our economy. Here are some logical questions that leave no doubt in my mind that blaming the CRA is nothing more than a worn out, tired meme without any merit: • Did the 1977 legislation, or any other legislation since, require banks to not verify income or payment history of mortgage applicants? • 50% of subprime loans were made by mortgage service companies not subject comprehensive federal supervision; another 30% were made by banks or thrifts which are… Read more »
My wife joined the NRA a couple of weeks ago. She said a lifetime member must recommend you to qualify for a lifetime membership. So she blew it off and got a 3 year.
She probably knows five hundred people that would do that for her but thought it was a stupid hoop to jump through.
Here’s an interesting story about the dismissal of Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis, commander CentCom.
Is Sarge out backbacking and hammocking this weekend? Shore has been quiet hereabouts.
It’s Sunday.–I feel like hearing some spiritual music.
Sadly, the story says the documentation comes mostly from the states and this is predominatly from Kalifornia so if the waste gets any public attention they’ll just quit documenting it.
#73 Tim
Even unicorn farts are polluting, alas.
Solar industry grapples with hazardous wastes
I’m listening to “Gun Talk” and Tom gave out the number to call to become a NRA Life Member for only $300 instead of $1000. The number is; (888) 678-7894. One guy called in and has bought memberships for all his kid/grandkids, (13)! Over the years, I’ve given them to son, daughter & son-in-law. Daughter-in-law is next. 😉
#69 Daverino
I am sorry something awful happened to you from the link I posted. I had linked to it and read the item and watched the video, with no ill effects.
FWIW; When I clicked on the link in #62 “Jay Leno” the site started installing something on my computer so I quickly stopped but it already put two icons on my desk top. It changed my tool bar sor I ran anti virus and restated the computer several times and every time that I went to a site it would go into some kind of loop and I coudn’t stop it! Finally I went to the control panel and uninstalled everthing that was installed today (7 items). So after about an hour I’m back in business. 🙁
Mornin’ Gang
More evidence, as if we really needed it, that the feds are completely out of control. HEADLINE: Explosive Fed. Mandate Killing Thousands of Red Snapper MOBILE, Ala. (WPMI) A federal mandate to remove old, abandoned oil and gas rigs in the Gulf of Mexico is blowing up a lot more than just the rigs. Undercover video obtained by Local 15 shows thousands of pounds of dead fish, mostly red snapper, floating to the surface after one of the controversial demolitions in the Gulf. “Good Lord,” marine scientist Dr. Bob Shipp said, when Local 15 showed him the video. “As a… Read more »
G’Sunday Morning All
Grammy-winning musician Steve Vaus, creator of the Buck Howdy character, has recorded a new song that defies those advocating gun confiscation to “come and take it.” Invoking the spirit of the Texas battle for independence, the song declares, “Come and take it if you want it. Come and take it if you think you can. Come and take it, but we’ll warn you, you’ll have to pry it from our cold, dead hands.”
Rumor has it that Barney got ball park franked at Fenway Park while wearing red socks.
But Barney Frank says differently!
That’s what I did in #44.
Yay, Jay!
In case you didn’t know this already, here’s a report that shows how the Community Reinvestment Act was the catalyst that destroyed our economy.
Well, it’s the weekend, I will patiently wait for some proof that that pic is a closeup of the ventral surface of a starfish. I could see the 5 arms on the last pic in that link Hammy posted, but I didn’t see any captions for any of those pix.
Note to kids: when I pass on, don’t bother looking behind the sheetrock
The “strawberry coral”, for lack of a better descriptive, google-image-searched right back to the OC thread…
don’t have my PC with me, but drag one of them into google image search. There were 7 or 8 of them. I picked the ones I thought were best.
#54 Shannon
I think I get the joke, but I doubt if the lady considers the object of her affection to be a boy toy.
Tim, it sounds like a lovely service. Hope it was consolation for the bereaved family and friends. I have a coworker whose dad got an unexpected cancer diagnosis last fall, with prognosis of maybe 2 years. But instead, he went downhill very fast and had died by Christmas. Not as precipitous as your MIL’s case, which was shocking, but still gone faster than most medical causes. I just heard a bizarre story from coworker when I was at the office on Friday. I had not seen him since his dad died. Unbeknowst to everyone except the eldest son (in a… Read more »
MIL’s Memorial Service was a great celebration of her life. Discounting numerous technical issues trying to play homemade DVD’s of the videos Sweetie made it went very well. Several folks spoke and from the heart, including my son – don’t know where he gets that from, certainly not me. Lots of food, music and fellowship.
Funnier than you know..
I’m pretty sure Cougars for men our age are walkin’ around on canes and have their left blinker on all the time.
mharper42, Bonecrusher made the correct guess, but he did it by looking at Hamous #44 link,…..the last picture pretty much “splains it.
Texas has outdone Illinois again.
Where’s your link to something that explains how these pix are starfish?
The 4th amendment is toast within 100 miles of the border.
First it is people crossing the border then it is people along the border then it is people within 100 frikken miles of the border, what next, 1000 miles from the border???
squid skin?
a retina?
#39 no
#41 no
btw – I’ve never seen a sea urchin spin.
OK it has to be something that grows in
waterliquid, I don’t think it microscopic, IF the colors are real and Sea Urchins are usually spinny, hummm. ❓#34 #35 #36, “Iron Mary” be on a roll! 😀
a close-up of a tongue? Perhaps a nasal lining or the lining of an intestine?
Not pollen