Dead Che Week: Thug-shot-in-the-throat Tuesday Edition

Last month, at the beginning of “Hispanic Heritage Month”, Barack Obama’s EPA sent out an email celebrating the murderous Ernesto “Che” Guevara:

The Environmental Protection Agency kicked off the start of Hispanic Heritage Month with a staffwide email featuring militant Che Guevara.
The e-mail, apparently inadvertently sent by a staffer to agency employees, prominently features a photo of Che and facts from the Latino culture. Che is a controversial figure who some view as a militant and assassin who helped put Cuba’s Fidel Castro to power and ordered the murder of hundreds, while others like Nelson Mandela have referred to him as an “inspiration.”

Guevara was executed on October 9, 1967. The last shot hit him in the throat and he drowned in his own blood. I find that fitting for a pig that reveled in the murder of thousands Cubans and South Americans under his orders or by his direct hand.
So while our socialist president, the communist hero of South Africa, and countless white trust fund babies look upon “Che” as a hero, those who suffered under the murderer know better.

“Che was a cold-blooded murderer who killed so many innocent victims,” Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida Republican and a Cuban-American, said in an email. “This Administration has granted visas to Mariela Castro and other top Cuban regime officials, offered the Castro brothers unilateral concessions, and now sends an E-mail with a image of an anti-American mass murderer.”
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, also a Cuban America Florida Republican, said the email insults everything that the Hispanic community stands for.
“This is not only offensive to victims and their families, but also to anyone who believes in freedom,” she said.

In 1997, Guevara’s moldy corpse was dug up and buried in a mausoleum in the Cuban city of Santa Clara. One day, in the not-too-distant future, this unholy site will be turned into rubble by the Cuban people. In a generation it will be forgotten by everyone but Dan Rather, Robert Redford, Sean Penn, and Oliver Stone.



