Friday Hovering Open Comments

Not quite a Star Wars speeder, but getting there:

If these ever become marketable, just think of the changes in society:
Roads will become less important.
Neighborhoods possibly can be designed without permanent roads.
There will be less wear and tear on the pavement, reducing those expenses.
Fences will have to be higher, to keep the impatient drivers from cutting across or through your yards.
How many house collisions will there be, when drunk-hovering will be available?
Since it doesn’t depend upon wheels and friction, will this reduce gasoline consumption?
Parking garages may have to reconfigured, as these can be parked vertically.
Can they be taken up onto mountainsides? Can they carry loads? Can we see houses on otherwise inaccessible cliffs soon?
If they can’t handle large loads like, say, concrete delivery, how will having fewer, but heavier vehicles impact road design and tax structures?
How will we manage traffic, with vertical levels for lanes? (This has been seen in science fiction for some time now.)
Will we begin to have traffic jams over water?
Will we have to increase/enhance rescue to include towing vehicles and emergency vehicles for water rescues?
These are the thoughts I have late at night, when I should be sleeping…



