Talk Like A Pirate Open Comments

It be everyone’s favorite “holiday”! The only other even close be Groundhog Day.
It be the tenth annual International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

So Jib the mizzen! Spin the spinnaker! Hoist the Jolly Roger!

Here be some history of Jolly Roger and stories about several cousins of the widely-known symbol of pirates everywhere.
So get with the program or I’ll have ye walkin’ the plank.

Ye had best get yerself a good pirate name and tale, or there’ll be some sharks feastin’ on yer carcass.
I be Harpoon Harry The Horrible.

You enjoy ravishing young maidens so much that the Pirate Society gave you a Merit Badge. Unfortunately it also means you’ve been banned from most of the local convents, soda shops, whorehouses, and pre-schools. Arrrr, no one ever said the Pirate Life was easy!

Sounds pretty accurate…
PS – Know any good bad jokes of, about, or otherwise pertaining to pirates?
I’ll start:
Q: What does a pirate dog say?
A: Arrrrrrrrrrf!
Q: What’s a pirate’s favorite vegetable?
A: Arrrrrrrrrrrtichokes.



