Weekend Open Comments

I was reading through several accounts of the events leading up the the “protests” this past Tuesday. Here are some thoughts in no particular order:
1. The press is now, more than ever, fixated on shielding The One For Whom We’ve Been Waiting from criticism, going to ridiculous lengths to try to pretend that Romney’s criticism of the Cairo Embassy’s statement on the video was over the top, politicizing the violence occurring in the area, when the actual timing of the events fails to bear that out. In other words, Romney’s statement was worse than the deaths of four people and the destruction of an embassy and consulate.

2. The “senior diplomatic sources” who say that there was credible evidence 48 hours prior to the attacks that something was about to happen spoke out because: a. they personally knew those who were murdered and are outraged at the lack of effort taken to protect them; b. they genuinely care about the US and its interests and see the way the unfolding events of the recent past are unraveling the hard work they and their dead colleagues put forth; c. they realize that “there but for the grace of God go they” and have come to believe that they and their other colleagues are liable to be treated as unthanked cannon fodder; e. some combination of the above. Here is an article with lots of pictures of the aftermath of the Benghazi attack.
3. The media is schizophrenic in its reporting. On one hand, they report that the attacks were premeditated for days while also saying they weren’t “attack-attacks”; they were protests that got out of hand. JCS Chairman Gen. Dempsey is not helping matters when he personally calls the nut pastor in Crackerland to ask him to withdraw his support of the video blamed for the violence.
4. We are once again holding ourselves “hostage to the hurt feelings of those with perpetually hurt feelings” in the hope that they won’t cause more mayhem. If Catholics rioted at every slight given to symbols of our faith, including the image of God the Son on a crucifix and the Body and Blood of Christ by those who do not share our beliefs, the entire planet would be a cinder in orbit around the sun by now. It’s way past time that the President (whoever he might be at the time) simply says “We value the freedom of expression in this country, even if that expression may be distasteful to others. If you don’t like what someone says or does, then don’t look or listen.”
5. These events have the potential to be the defining moment of the Obama Presidency. As more and more information leaks into the public record, the Administration seems to be getting more and more nervous. Good. They need to be.
6. Did one or more of the Daily Security Briefs Obama missed in the past week mention the rising of tensions noted earlier? Did those rising tensions get missed because he didn’t read the book that (those) day(s)? How much of an impact did his campaigning have on the events in the Middle East and his response thereto?
7. Obama needs to stop reading books like the one by that plagiarizing hack Fareed Zakaria and start reading more by people like Caroline Glick. She set a new high water mark with this article. You should read it. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
8. Some Democrat Senators are now of the opinion that the “protests”, especially in Benghazi, were premeditated attacks
9. By all accounts, Ambassador Stevens was a very brave, capable, honest, smart, and caring man, as were those with whom he died. His death must not be in vain.
And may God rest his soul.



