Thursday “Run Away” Open Comments

It seems that our fearless Commander-in-Chief seems to be turning tail to avoid certain situations:
He won’t answer questions from the Press Corps, but he’ll schedule time with Telemundo.

President Obama has been less than forthcoming with the press. Picking and choosing his interviews is a tried and true strategy. Don’t expect him to face any serious questions from Telemundo.

Ambassador Murdered, Obama Goes to Vegas

This morning, the White House announced that Obama will continue with today’s campaign schedule. He leaves this afternoon for Vegas, to attend a fundraiser for his reelection. Those mourning the loss of their loved ones, who died in service to their country, will take little comfort in the knowledge that, as President, Obama is so committed…to his own reelection.

Well, he can’t meet with Netanyahu, the Prime Minister worried about a neighbor with a homicidal bent. I guess Jay-Z and Beyonce don’t have that problem.

The White House declined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request on Tuesday to meet U.S. President Barack Obama during a UN conference in New York at the end of the month.
The White House National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor told Haaretz the two would not meet due to a scheduling conflict. “The President arrives in New York for the UN on Monday, September 24th and departs on Tuesday, September 25th. The Prime Minister doesn’t arrive in New York until later in the week. They’re simply not in the city at the same time.”

He’s the President of the United States, for cripes’ sake. I would think that he could somehow make the time to meet, if he thought it was important enough. Especially with all hell busting loose in the Middle East.



