Friday Circles Open Comments

In the interest of finding something other than the latest political circus (which I’m sure will be discussed in detail shortly), I bring you something different and cool (pun intended) to look at.
Here’s someone with a lot of time on his hands:

…the imprints were made by alien lifeforms leaving behind remarkable patterns for us to gaze at.
Instead, they are the work of a lone artist who has spent up to ten hours a day trudging around a French ski resort.
The intricate patterns are huge – some span the equivalent size of six football pitches.
They are created by British artist Simon Beck while wearing snowshoes and come in a range of designs from snowflakes and spirals to cubes and more abstract creations.
Each pattern is crafted by Mr Beck alone in the skiing town of Les Arcs, in the French Alps, where he lives during winter.
And he uses an orienteering compass to create the perfect geometric designs.

I do admire the artistic nature of this man’s art. It requires vision, patience, and a lot of work. How does he take potty breaks? Won’t he disturb the beauty of his designs if there’s a line of running steps to the nearest “relief center”? 😉



