Wednesday Ghost Bikes Open Comments

I was listening to the radio on the way home and a segment came up that I immediately (and permanently) thought was a tad bit creepy.
I imagine most of you have seen white crosses along local roadways for several years. Our fine busybody friends at MADD came up with that one to remember those killed by drunk drivers. At first, this was a laudable goal, but as time wore on, we started seeing more and more of these crosses springing up everywhere.
After some time, the decedent in a given accident didn’t even have to have been killed by an drunk driver, or a sober driver, or anyone else for that matter. Once someone had met his untimely demise on a highway or byway of our great land, it was suddenly imperative that someone memorialize the unfortunate.
Along the way, the simple (well-constructed) cross gave way to more ersatz and less structurally-sound versions. These were often festooned with (cheap plastic) flowers, balloons (the mylar kind that last forever), small stuffed animals, signs, etc.
They had become eyesores. Worse still, the local highway department or county road crews would not remove them for what I assume would be fear of some sort of angry response from the families of the casualties.
I understand that people have different grief processes, but do they really need to drop a load of what will be garbage within six months along a local street for the rest of us to endure simply because Johnny or Susie had an unfortunate accident and didn’t make it?
Is not a funeral adequate for the grief process? Is not an obituary notice sufficient for whatever public attention needs to be paid?
Back to the segment on the radio:
There is a group/movement called Ghost Bikes whose purpose is to memorialize bicycle enthusiasts who met their ultimate fate while riding a bicycle along a street or roadway. Instead of a cross (and teddy bears, ribbons, cards, plastic flowers, and other sundry crap), these people get a bicycle, paint it white, and chain it to a road sign, lamppost, tree, or other suitably immovable object or structure to memorialize their fallen comrade.
Some are simple (and creepy):

Some resemble the crosses that we have seen the past several years:

Can we please stop with this before we end up putting crosses in hospital rooms?



