Friday Open Comments

I know the topic will soon turn to politics, but for a bit of Friday fun, let’s try something else, shall we? Please don’t lament that we are not discussing the heavy topics of the day. It won’t be long, I assure you.
I was asked yesterday how I connected chickens to painter’s tape. My sister, who owned chickens, was moving out of our unit, which needed repainting, which meant I needed to buy painter’s tape to start masking off the painting area.
Let’s see if you can come up with a connection (imaginary or real) to these random word choices. How creative is this group, after all?
Group 1: table -> ocean
Group 2: TV -> post office
Group 3: buffalo -> pencil
Group 4: toenail -> spark plug
Group 5: China -> squirrel
This ought to be fun!



