Wednesday Beach Volleyball Signage Open Comments

In my effort to educate you people on the lesser-known aspects of the Olympics, I bring you a topic that will arouse the interest of most of you, even those of you who are not interested in the Olympics per se.
I turn your attention to volleyball. Specifically beach volleyball. It is a game that combines raw athleticism, graceful movement, speed, agility, accuracy, colorful uniforms, and strategy. It is this last point we examine here.
With only two people on a team who must somehow cover an entire half of the court, clear communication is vital. This communication must also be secret so the other team will not secure an advantage in that knowledge.
The solution? Signs flashed from the forecourt player to the backcourt player.

As a bonus, at the link are lots of examples of the signs flashed and what they mean.
You too can be a beach volleyball expert!



