Wednesday Catholic Humor Open Comments

Something light to start off the day! I referenced some of these a few days ago. I’m sorry, but for a Catholic, some of these references are absolutely hilarious.
Before you view the videos, you’ll probably enjoy them if you know the following:
– Recently, the Church updated its responses during mass to more closely match the original Latin. It seems that some people are having a hard time with the changes. This includes using the word “consubstantial,” along with several other phrases said during mass.
– Discerning/discernment: the term used when trying to figure out if religious life is the path to take instead of marriage
– Vocation: can include the vocation of marriage, but many use it to refer to a religious life
– Some people hold hands during the recitation of the “Our Father” during mass. Personally, I don’t care for it, unless it’s my Hubby or family member. Sometimes, other parishioners don’t get it when I don’t extend my hand for theirs. I’ve been tapped rather forcefully on the arm. This posture is not written in the procedures for mass, so it’s not required, and it’s not what I grew up doing.
– Confirmation saint/name: When receiving the sacrament of confirmation, it is a custom to find a saint with traits you admire and want to emulate. During confirmation, you can receive this “saint’s name” to add to your own. (PS: Mine was Cecilia)
– St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost items
First, the girls:

Now, from the guys:

And this one appears to be from a youth retreat – Catholic pick up lines:

I hope you enjoy these as much as I have!
And now, for our Mormon friends:

NOW, we can hash out world events.



