Weekend “Adverb Death” Open Comments

I’ve been noticing something lately that has been really bothering me. It’s the disappearance of the adverb, especially those ending in -ly.
An afternoon talk show host is particularly annoying in this respect. He doesn’t take anything seriousLY, he takes it serious. Every time I hear him say that I want to reach through the radio and b-slap him and ask if he really considers himself a professional. If you listen, you’ll find that people don’t do things quickLY, they do it quick. People don’t handle guns dangerousLY, they handle them dangerous.
Why are we getting so lazy with our language? Even street signs are lazy. Drive slow! Don’t drive slowLY! But if you don’t drive slowly, does that mean you’ll be driving quick?
And don’t even get me started on “well” and “good”….


