Thursday Super Pac Open Comments

From – BigJournalism: Why the Media Hates and Fears the Super Pacs

To begin with, you can’t look at the mainstream media as a biased or out-of-touch entity. Instead, you have to look at the media for what it really is: a gaggle of left-wing operatives disguised as journalists who use objectivity and a near-monopoly to control the news and information-narrative all in an effort to damage the Right and promote the Left.

Truer words were never spoken. In another story, the discussion is how Fast & Furious FINALLY broke the national news. But never fear – the intent of the short mention was to uphold Holder’s testimony.

But to understand how terrified the media is of super PACs, you have to examine just how hypocritical and un-American their objections are.
First off, at its very core, the media is objecting to free and unlimited political speech — the very thing protected by the very first Amendment. The media’s outrage that there are now no longer restrictions on how much money a company or individual can spend to further a political cause, is the same as expressing outrage that that most sacred of American rights — unlimited political speech — is no longer limited by a tyrannical government.
But most hypocritically glaring is the fact that Obama, the Left, and the media (but I repeat myself) have always enjoyed many of the very same rights “Citizens United” has now given to everyone — but they wanted those rights all to themselves.

The Left believes that freedom of speech is reserved for the pigs in the big farm house. Because they are more equal.
Read the whole article.