Friday “The Chord” Open Comments

Much debate has occurred over the years about The Chord.
Most immediately and intuitively know exactly which chord is being discussed. Until recently, the exact composition of that musical phrase has been much of a mystery.

The true musician of The Beatles has stated that, while his playing might have been the predominant note,
there was more involved than just that.

Q: Mr Harrison, what is the opening chord you used for “A Hard Day’s Night”?
A: It is F with a G on top (on the 12-string), but you’ll have to ask Paul about the bass note to get the proper story.

Leave it to a **ahem** mathematician (of which your humble correspondent is one) to use advanced mathematical techniques, modeling, and other analysis beyond the reach of lesser persons to determine its composition.
Turns out, there were five musicians involved in that single chord:

So, all in all, what do we have?
George Harrison: Fadd9 in 1st position on 12-string electric guitar
John Lennon: Fadd9 in 1st position on a 6-string acoustic guitar
Paul McCartney: high D played on the D-string, 12th fret on electric bass
George Martin: D2-G2-D3 played on a Steinway Grand Piano
Ringo Starr: Subtle snare drum and ride cymbal

Where does that leave our intrepid mathematician?

The resulting chord was completely different than anything found in songbooks and scores for the song, which is one reason why Dr. Brown’s findings garnered international attention. He laughs that he may be the only mathematician ever to be published in Guitar Player magazine.

Gotta love it.



