Monday Urban Survival Open Comments

With all the dire predictions of death and destruction – especially if our Dear Leader is not re-elected – how ready are you to survive a breakdown of society? A terrorist attack? Natural disaster?
covers some of the information you’ll need to survive. From your GHB (get home bag) to one of my favorites, the many uses for a bandana, you can learn lessons that are not only useful in times of catastrophe, but daily use also.
I skimmed through this document, and found information on how to survive a depression as well. The last few pages have instructions on – horrors! – cutting off things like your cable service in order to save some money for more important things, like saving your home. We had an employee years ago, who was under financial stress, but they wouldn’t consider cutting of their cable or not moving to a larger apartment – because their boys “needed” the games on the cable to entertain themselves. Yeah, well, don’t come crying to me when you get evicted.
What are your favorite survival tips?