Wednesday “Last Day” Open Comments

Tonight is my last class for the year. I’ve spent almost every Wednesday evening with just under 50 teenagers since last September. They’ve been lovely, heart-wrenching, irritating, funny, and, on occasion, thoughtful. I’ll remember each of them for different things. “W” for his strange questioning mind, “S” for his arrogant but sometimes funny attitude, “F” for her beauty and her pro-homosexual bent, “A” for her quiet desperation, “C” for her intelligence, “N” and “J” for their way-too-early bond to each other, and “S” for her quick wit.
They’ve been challenging in more ways than one. They give me a chance for the Holy Spirit to work through me. They’ve made me work harder at my faith. They give me love and it is returned.
I am so bad at remembering names, but I will always remember their hearts. This is the end of my teaching year, and I look forward to my break, but I also look forward to next year – and my next class.
I wish all of you blessings like these. Even though sometimes you want to strangle those little blessings!



