Creative Writing Exercise

Let’s see what kind of (dark) imaginations we have in this group. I’ll start it off, you can add a paragraph or two to the story. I’m almost afraid to see where this takes us, but it should be interesting if not fun:

There I sat, all alone in the room, with my only company being my thoughts and a strange clicking that always seemed to be coming from behind me, even as I searched the room. It was frustrating and useless to continue searching, and I was giving myself a small case of whiplash to boot, so I sat in the only item in the room, which was a plain wooden chair. I sat there, fidgeting occasionally as I my buttocks started falling asleep. I kept looking at my left wrist, but I had no watch there, just the dark hairs against my pale skin. I seemed unusually pale, or at least my wrists did. How long had I been in here, anyway? I was wearing a long, robe-like garment, with a rope belted around my waist.

Okay, have at it!



