Wednesday Arbroath Open Comments

Arbroath is a pretty nice little town. Lots of windy narrow streets (windey? – whatever, they have lots of curves & turns). Fishing here has declined somewhat over the years; it is no longer a significant part of the local economy. Not much industry either. It seems to be a bedroom community for Dundee (25km SW) and Aberdeen (70km N).
There have been a couple of significant happenings here in times past. A letter called the Arbroath Declaration was written here at Arbroath Abbey in 1320, exhorting Pope John XXII to recognize Scottish independence and the kingship of Robert the Bruce.

Quia quamdiu Centum ex nobis viui remanserint, nuncquam Anglorum dominio aliquatenus volumus subiugari.
“as long as a hundred of us remain alive, we shall not on any condition be be subjected to English rule.”



