Weekend Barf Kitty Open Comments

You asked for it – a cat thread. Don’t curse me, just think about things before giving me a hard time again. 😉
This is Barf Kitty.

Barf Kitty in the window
Barf Kitty in the window

This is one of the few pictures I have of her awake. Her real name is Miss Salem. Originally the name was going to be just “Salem,” but when Lovely Daughter found out that the baby kitty was a girl and not a boy, she added the “Miss” to the front. Miss Salem is a show quality Cornish Rex. Cornish Rex cats tend to have very distinctive triangular faces and long, whiplike tails. Their fur is very, very short and is uniquely wavy. When I want to get Lovely riled up I call her “the rat cat”. She hates that. (“Hi, Lovely! I love you!”)
We got her from a breeder who was closing down her business due to illness. We had to agree to have her fixed before we took her, even though we would have done it anyway. We weren’t planning on having baby BK’s running around the house. She’s been pretty frisky lately despite her years, but still spends most of her time looking like this:
Kitty Donut
Miss Salem, aka "Barf Kitty," in donut formation

I love kitty donuts. I think they’re cute. And I always wonder how cats can sleep with their heads all contorted like that. Anyway, Miss Salem can be very persistent about wanting to sit on human bodies, aka “heat sources”.
Barf Kitty napping while Lovely Daughter types away

I have found a way of acquiring my freedom. All cats are heat seeking, but I think because Miss Salem’s fur is so very, very short, she’s particularly sensitive to the temperature. I fill a large vinegar bottle or milk jug with hot water, put it on the couch, cover it with one blanket to hold in the heat, and put another blanket over that to make what I call the “cat cave”. Barf Kitty will stay in her cave all day, until the heat dissipates. When she starts to bother me again, I heat it back up. After I pet her for a while.
Barf Kitty in her cat cave

With the blankets, Barf Kitty can stay warm for h-o-u-r-s. She can get too warm, and start stretching herself out.
Warm and sleepy kitty

She looks like she needs a taxi ride home after a hard night of partying, doesn’t she?
When she’s not curled up sleeping, eating, pooping, or barfing, she’s either playing with her favorite toys (little fuzzy pony tail holders) or kneading my neck (left side, just under the ear).
When she’s carrying the pony tail holder in her mouth, she looks a little like Hitler. She’s also partial to the foam hair rollers, but I haven’t had one of those around in years. Fortunately, pony tail holders are very cheap. And they’re more exciting when they are on the couch instead of the floor. Don’t ask me why. I don’t think cat. I just deal with them.
She’s very particular about where the neck kneading takes place. A few times over the years she’s ended up on the right side of my neck, but soon moves to the left. It’s like kitty crack – when she wants it, there’s no getting rid of her until I succumb to her persistent harassment. Sometimes it’s a 2 minute neck massage, other times up to 15 minutes.
So, there you go. The lesson on Barf Kitty is now complete. You have your cat thread.