Monday Bridal Shower Open Comments

Well, I’ve returned from my journey to Vernon.. Future son-in-law hails from this town, and we spent a lot of time with him and his family. Aggie Beau and Lovely took us on a tour of the town. AB showed us the guar manufacturing plant, where he says most of the guar production in this country comes from. He said guar bean is so stringy and is mostly cellulose, it’s not much use for anything else. It’s a good thing that the gum is so useful, else it’d be a pretty useless plant.
We also visited his cousin’s house and I was able to make new friend – his 3 year old son, “Billy”. We all went out to see the baby goats in their pen – I might put up some pics later, if I get a chance. They were cute. And yes, I know they’re called “kids”. “Baby goat” is more fun to say. And I wouldn’t want to confuse the audience on where “Billy” and his baby sister were kept. “Billy” and I didn’t bond much until they came over to AB’s house, where I was able to read a book to him. I don’t read as much as re-enact the stories, and he learned how to roll around when the main character did, and make a tent over his head with his hands. After that, we were golden.
I was up late Thursday night, taking care of stuff, and so Friday morning we got a late start. It was about nine hours’ driving up there, and Handsome helped with some of it so I could close my eyes for a bit. Friday and Saturday night I was just unable to go to sleep. By Sunday morning, I was dragging, and Handsome again drove for several hours to help me out. I finally got some sleep last night. It wasn’t totally uninterrupted, but when I slept, I slept hard. I’m still behind on my rest, but at least I’m functional.
There was a lot of wind. I remembered wind from out trip to Lubbock last year, but until you experience it, you forget what a strong, constant wind can feel like. They are still behind on their rainfall, so I’m sure the wind doesn’t help any.
The bridal shower went well. “Billy” wanted help, and a second kid, “Joshua” wanted to help, too, so I focused my efforts on feeding the gifts one at a time to the young boys, who carried them to Lovely and Aggie Beau so that they could open them, then taking the unwrapped gifts and restacking them on the table. The two boys were also in charge of putting the wrapping paper in a trash bag. The couple accumulated much in the way of household goods, and the boys did a good job. For most of the time. “Billy’s” attention span was finally reached, and he began taking the paper out of the trash bag and throwing himself into the pile. Kids!
I met a lot of really nice people. Grandpa Willy is a hoot, and all of the relatives were fun to hang out with. Aggie Beau’s mom was a great hostess. As tired as I was, the company and the schedule kept me going.