Friday Smokin’ Open Comments

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Canadians will be able to freely heat up some gun barrels, now that the long gun registry is coming to an end. And a smidgen of common sense breaks out north of the border:

“It does nothing to help put an end to gun crimes, nor has it saved one Canadian life,” he said.

An electric cigarette blows up in a man’s mouth. The things that happen when you try to do the right thing…and here’s what can happen when you don’t.
Nothing like greasy sausage to make the best-smelling fire needing extinguishing. Pass the sauce! I just hope that smoke didn’t get in their eyes. As long as they weren’t near any lightning, and kept away from the the smokestack.
Maybe the firemen trained here. Or, if they’re really smart, they’ll train here. GIG ‘EM!
But these young men are getting a head start on their training.
Of course, if you do catch yourself near a fire and need to get help, you could always do this.