Thursday Return To The Arts Open Comments

Here are some paintings that have the obvious subject(s) and to a greater or lesser degree, a secondary subject.

Gentlemen (I’m using that term with the loosest possible meaning) and ladies, the arts.





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fat albert
fat albert
December 30, 2011 12:19 am

Baylor wins!!!!!
RG III for president!

December 29, 2011 11:14 pm

Darren # 74, I saw that article in the Chron. At last the Catholic Bishops are speaking up about secularist discrimination against the Church in particular and Christians in general. Seems to me that other Christian denominations make good allies in this battle with the secularists over the abortion issue, and everbody ought to get together and stand united on… Read more »

December 29, 2011 10:22 pm

Catholic charities have been closing shop de to gay activism that in order to recieve state money for adaoption, an organization must accept homosexual couples as an exceptible choice of adoption placement. Heres the latest from Illinois (emphasis mine): For the nation’s Catholic bishops, the Illinois requirement is a prime example of what they see as an escalating campaign by… Read more »

December 29, 2011 9:10 pm

I never realized this before.

December 29, 2011 8:46 pm

Season’s Greetings!

December 29, 2011 7:39 pm

#59 Adee Hubby said that people who go for the lowest bidder don’t always know what they are (not) getting. That reminds me of a past job we had bid for $5000. It involved cutting open the street, installing the tap and the commercial size water meter, then refilling with stabilized sand as per city ordinance, and then resealing the… Read more »

December 29, 2011 7:15 pm

Thank you good folk for your condolences on our distraction from the holiday season’s good tidings and merriment. I think we will toast to the success of the repair, as Bonecrusher suggests, at dinner on New Year’s Eve. The nearby restaurant we frequent especially on Easter and Thanksgiving for their wonderful buffet has New Year’s Eve dining at 5 pm… Read more »

December 29, 2011 6:53 pm

#59 Adee
Sorry to hear your plumbing horror story, but I always say it is good to have problems that can be fixed just by spending money.

December 29, 2011 6:46 pm

#54 Bones

only 14% greater in population

Nuts to that. Blacks are probably > 90% of the public school population in DC.

December 29, 2011 6:37 pm

#38 Hammy

Three “Establishments” and two “Joe Straus’s” in one day

And one F-I-F-Y that sneaked past Hal and/or Blog Monkey.

December 29, 2011 6:36 pm

Exclusive: Romney Responds To Surge In National Polls

Mitt Romney appeared on the Hugh Hewitt show to discuss his recent surge in the national polls, the electability of his fellow candidates, and his support for Scott Walker in Wisconsin.

December 29, 2011 6:29 pm

#20 PyroManiac!

How do you think the HOA’s get to be so nazi-like?

Now you have stabbed me to the heart!

December 29, 2011 6:24 pm

From Hot air: While campaigning in Iowa on Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul praised the Occupy Wall Street movement, comparing it to the Tea Party movement. “In many ways, I identify with both groups,” Paul said. Both groups are fed up with problems in Washington and “the two-party-system,” Paul said while speaking at an insurance company in Des Moines.… Read more »

December 29, 2011 6:23 pm

#13 Bones
I thought we had figured that one out — Hugo Chavez got his “abdominal” cancer by dating barnyard animals. Someone posted a story on how common that is in Latin America.

December 29, 2011 6:16 pm

#11 PyroMan

graced these pages?

Wow, I hadn’t seen that one before. The brave (butt nekkid) Obammy rides in on a unicorn to save and/or attack teh Russian Bear? While Metropplis burns in the background?

December 29, 2011 6:11 pm

That’s pretty sad, Adee.
There is a very special place in eternity for contractors like that.

December 29, 2011 5:56 pm

#59 Adee: What great news, now all the “throne rooms” are fully functional. That ought to be worth at least a champaigne cork pop.

December 29, 2011 5:52 pm

Pervy Geek Paradise Las Vegas (CBS Las Vegas) – Reality star and veteran brothel owner Dennis Hof wants to go where no man has gone before. Hof, 65, is the present owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. But now, he is opening up a new venture, a sci-fi-themed bordello situated 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The venture will be… Read more »

December 29, 2011 5:39 pm

Good afternoon Hamsters. Two mornings with frosts and barely missing 32; this morning it was 38 and everything sparkled with dew instead of frost. Lovely to see sunshine again for a few days after the dismal, but welcome, rainy and gray ones. Tuesday we made a day trip to the College Station area for a Christmas visit with horse owning… Read more »

December 29, 2011 5:11 pm

Thrilled to see some input, thanks. Now tell me why the article didn’t mention some of those salient points, hmmm? Dya think they are fanning the race flames?

December 29, 2011 5:01 pm

So, Bonesy—
With number like that, and all things being equal, Black students should be being expelled at a rate 10 times higher than White students. It actually look like its the White students who are taking the hit.

December 29, 2011 4:54 pm

Actually, there are 54 blacks for every 40 whites. The article does not mention other races, so out of every 100 people, we’re dealing with 94. That means that blacks form 57 1/2% of the population being compared are black and 42 1/2% are white, a disparity of 15%. The article does not mention whether or not the comparison was… Read more »

December 29, 2011 4:34 pm

#53 Sarge: I don’t see a reason why blacks are 2-5 times more likely to be suspended/expelled than whites when they are only 14% greater in population.

December 29, 2011 4:16 pm

The question is why the disparity?The 2009 U. S Census sites the population of the city of Washington at 599,657 and ranks the city 21st in size compared with other U. S. cities. The population is 47.2% male and 52.8% female. The race breakdown is as follows: White: 40.6%; Black: 54.0%; American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.4%; Asian: 3.2%; Two… Read more »

December 29, 2011 4:01 pm

Blatant, naked political pandering. HEADLINE: ICE launches hotline for busted immigrants As states across the nation ramp up their efforts to catch illegal immigrants, the Obama administration on Thursday launched a new free hotline for people busted on violations to get help. The hotline, run by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, is available 24/7 for detained individuals to… Read more »

December 29, 2011 3:55 pm

#49 This article on Drudge raises some interesting questions. Headline: In Washington area, African American students suspended and expelled two to five times as often as whites questions: The question is why the disparity? What are the root causes and how do we, as a society fix the root causes that create the problem? Let’s see if we can think… Read more »

December 29, 2011 3:52 pm

49 Shannon says:
December 29, 2011 at 3:40 pm
Along with the blankets and hats, target the baggy pants.

Who knew? The fashion police will save us from terrorism and poor behavior in schools.
All that money wasted——-
Somebody call Richard Simmons.

December 29, 2011 3:40 pm

Along with the blankets and hats, target the baggy pants.

December 29, 2011 3:26 pm

I can’t believe that in this group of powerful thinkers no one has taken up the challenge in #10 above.

December 29, 2011 3:26 pm

duhmoose #44;

I am a strong believer that if your actions don’t back it up, you might not have the faith you think.

I completely agree with you. And I know I struggle to do things I know I should. Just gotta keep striving to do better.
Keep up the good work, duhmoose.

December 29, 2011 3:04 pm

funny from my inbox: Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of… Read more »

December 29, 2011 2:52 pm

I just found out a friend of mine suffered a heart attack on Christmas Day. He’s just down the street, so I made sure he knew to call me if he needs anything. Man, that had to suck. Christmas Day. He just got back from the hospital. He’s started a whole new set of resolutions already – exercise, lose weight,… Read more »

December 29, 2011 2:50 pm

Darren, we have been going strong for about 2 1/2 years now. The hardest thing is getting them off their duffs to actually put feet to their beliefs. I am a strong believer that if your actions don’t back it up, you might not have the faith you think. It is kind of funny being the “daddy” of the group… Read more »

December 29, 2011 2:50 pm

Yep, I believe everything he says: The new practices are “part of a broader effort to improve our immigration enforcement process and prioritize resources to focus on threats to public safety, repeat immigration law violators, recent border entrants and immigration fugitives while continuing to strengthen oversight of the nation’s immigration detention system and facilitate legal immigration,” ICE wrote in its… Read more »

December 29, 2011 2:39 pm

In all due seriusness, I do hope your Bible study group goes well. Hope your group learns much and *does* much to come closer to Christ.

December 29, 2011 2:38 pm

We need someone to balance out us crazy nondenominational Bible church evangelicals.

Catholics going to Bible Study.
What is this world coming to?

I’ll join in and set you both straight. 😉

December 29, 2011 1:17 pm

The comments are pretty funny. vis: The only door New Hampshire voters need show anyone, is that door showing the Union leader editor McQuaid into federal prison as he should be easily found guilty of election tampering for this editorial. Well you can tell who the commenters are who listen to, and are programmed by, conservative talk radio. Talk radio… Read more »

December 29, 2011 1:11 pm

Wow. Three “Establishments” and two “Joe Straus’s” in one day, and it’s only half over!

December 29, 2011 12:42 pm

Catholics going to Bible Study.
What is this world coming to?

December 29, 2011 12:03 pm

Oddly enough, most of my Dad’s side of the family are Lutherans and my current roommate, who also attends my church, is a back sliding Presbyter who went to Wheaton. Those Reformed groups are just strange.

December 29, 2011 11:54 am

Noted domestic terrorist at the height of his power (man on far right). Note headgear.
Same domestic terrorist as powerless prisoner. Note new location of head gear.
I rest my case.

December 29, 2011 11:47 am

This usually happens after a substantial bit of time has passed and things have gotten really bad because uprooting the established Establishment leadership is difficult because they control the rules.

Fixdit 4ya

December 29, 2011 11:35 am

29 wagonburner says:
December 29, 2011 at 11:33 am
I come from a long line of “crazy nondenominational Bible church evangelicals” and Baptists.
Just be careful with Lutherans.
They’re a bunch of terrorists.

Yah. But we took thier hats and blankets away a long time ago and thus rendered them powerless.

December 29, 2011 11:32 am

#25 Duhmoose Sounds interesting. I actually attended a non-denominational Bible study group at my office building for a while (it was my first experience with a Bible study, actually). I warned the leader that I was Catholic, that it was my first Bible study, and I’d probably have a lot of questions. He invited me to ask all I wanted.… Read more »