Wednesday Ten New Terms Open Comments

In a twist on a year-end “top ten” list, we have a list of terms that have sprung into being or into wider notice this past year.
Some you’ll recall immediately.

Tebow (verb)
Origin: Denver Broncos Quarterback Tim Tebow’s high propensity for praying midgame.
1. According to, a website that celebrates the practice, to “Tebow” is “to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.” 2. An Internet craze that explains all of those awkward-looking photos you see people taking everywhere.

Some are more obscure (at least to some of us).

Bunga bunga (noun)
Origin: Italy
1. A phrase of indeterminate origin and meaning, often used in reference to the sexual exploits of Silvio Berlusconi, former prime minister of Italy. 2. Just one way in which Berlusconi embarrassed many Italians (see also Berlusconi’s definition of “Tanned”).





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December 29, 2011 5:26 am


December 28, 2011 10:30 pm

And the New Hampers don’t like Dr. Kookoobananas all that much either. The thing in Iowa is that the system there is odd—its not an election per se, and having fanatical supporters wearing brown shirts can actually help there. Having said that, there’s an article out there somewhere that the Holidays are playing holy hades with pollsters that’s not giving… Read more »

December 28, 2011 10:22 pm

My main point was an R who stinks can nonetheless be guided by good Tea Party people in the Congress.

There were folks who told me that good Tea Party folks in the Texas Lege would be able to control Joe Straus.

December 28, 2011 10:17 pm

Newt’s campaign is done. Paul’s recent “revelations” justifiably make him look more cocernable than ever. At this point I’d love for a Santorum surge to ocurre but even if there is one it’ll likely die off just as the others did but I will get behind him if he does surge. I think from the start I’ve been mentally preparing… Read more »

December 28, 2011 9:53 pm

#65 Sarge
Fortunately, I don’t think Ron Paul has any chance at all to be the R candidate. Most people know he’s a nutburger. Who cares if Iowa and New Hampers like him? Truth is, all the candidates stink. My main point was an R who stinks can nonetheless be guided by good Tea Party people in the Congress.

December 28, 2011 9:50 pm

Katfish #61;
Spit, rinse, brush teeth, wash out with mouthwash.
You’re welcome.

December 28, 2011 9:46 pm

He also has a righteous mane.

Gives Perry a run for his money.
/yes, I went that far. 🙂

December 28, 2011 9:45 pm

Shannon; I think it’s his passionate conservatism and joie de vivre Heh. I’m sure you meant both in a stiff way. Newt’s campaign is done. Paul’s recent “revelations” justifiably make him look more cocernable than ever. At this point I’d love for a Santorum surge to ocurre but even if there is one it’ll likely die off just as the… Read more »

December 28, 2011 9:39 pm

Darren, all those odd phrases came straight out of today’s OC link…

I didn’t get the microphone effect until I read post #22.

December 28, 2011 9:38 pm

63 mharper42 says: December 28, 2011 at 9:21 pm All I have to fall back on is, I expect to vote for ABO. At least any Republican elected as president is likely to be reined in by the (hopefully redder) Congress, and that can’t be said of Obammy after all he’s unleashed on us. I’ll vote for Obama if Dr.… Read more »

December 28, 2011 9:23 pm

Darren, all those odd phrases came straight out of today’s OC link…

December 28, 2011 9:21 pm

All I have to fall back on is, I expect to vote for ABO. At least any Republican elected as president is likely to be reined in by the (hopefully redder) Congress, and that can’t be said of Obammy after all he’s unleashed on us.

December 28, 2011 8:57 pm

If Sha Na Na’s votin fer a Yankee Ah’m movin to Costa Rica!

December 28, 2011 8:56 pm

#57 – *HUH?*
(I jus barfed a lil in my mouf)

December 28, 2011 8:09 pm

If big brass ones were spaghetti, Stedman would be Chef Boyardee.

The number of officers killed in the line of duty jumped 13 percent in 2011 compared with the year before — and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder condemned the increase as “a devastating and unacceptable trend” that he blamed on illegal firearms.

December 28, 2011 8:00 pm

You know–
I’ll let a politician insult my intelligence a little bit now and then cuz I know that’s how the game is played.
But that one was like he slapped my Momma and told me a monkey ran in the room and did it, then ran back out again.

December 28, 2011 7:57 pm

He just told me that Romneycare was inherently Conservative legislation. Glad he clued me. I’ve been such a fool.

December 28, 2011 7:49 pm

I’m leaning towards Romney now. I think it’s his passionate conservatism and joie de vivre.

December 28, 2011 7:34 pm

In my estimation, a bigger problem is having primaries spread out for over six months with IA and NH holding such a prominent role in the process. I’m tired of having the nominee essentially decided before I even get a chance to vote. I’m in favor of ALL state primaries being held in a one month period. May or June… Read more »

December 28, 2011 7:25 pm

At any moment a Pennsylvania dominatrix drag queen will disclose his/her long term relationship with Santorum.

December 28, 2011 7:09 pm

Santorum is riding the rocket now.
At any moment Karl Rove will plunge and twist the dagger into him.

December 28, 2011 6:57 pm

Banner on Drudge calls Mr. Charisma, Rick Santorum, the wild card. Romney is a wild card as he is all over the map on abortion, gay marriage, Romney/Obamacare, gorebull warming, etc. Does he have any firm positions on issues that have not changed in the last few years? Ditto Gingrich. Luap Nor is wackier than a bag of squirrels, Bachman… Read more »

December 28, 2011 6:54 pm

Ah, I just read #22.
Things are starting to make sense.

December 28, 2011 6:51 pm

I think the current system in Texas is just fine.
I’ll not be forced to declare an affiliation ahead of time.
I might want to some day vote in the Democrat Primary for Michelle Obama or Al Sharpton. Or Sarge.

December 28, 2011 6:51 pm

Darren, you gotta get with the program, man.

That’s an understatement. I easily get confused.

December 28, 2011 6:48 pm


Dwez3#}+£• x;)@999??? Z4/–46nine bowser 6330

That doesn’t say Miranda, I hope. 😯
(Ends after about the 2:35 mark)

December 28, 2011 6:44 pm

Darren, you gotta get with the program, man.

December 28, 2011 6:42 pm

Wagon #27;

December 28, 2011 6:34 pm

#27 PyroMan
I never cease to be amazed by how your mind works.

December 28, 2011 6:04 pm

#38 Hamous: IA and NH having the big say when they represent so little is absurd, we are in complete agreement on that point. I suggest 4 or 5 “super tuesdays” say 10, 20 30 40% of the delegates per election. That way each election becomes way more important, after the first some may drop out, after the 2nd all… Read more »

December 28, 2011 5:49 pm

The water is warm.
Max is a good pup.
86. Frumpy fat feet. Zong.

December 28, 2011 5:46 pm

It’s high time the establishment killed off the asinine, ignorant, dangerous Ron Paul phenomenon.
Calling all establishments.
Coded message follows:
Dwez3#}+£• x;)@999??? Z4/–46nine bowser 6330

December 28, 2011 5:40 pm

So we’re supposed to see the aurora borealis tonight?

December 28, 2011 5:08 pm

I don’t think there’s much shenanigans in the open primaries. I can’t think of a singe time when Democrats picked a Republican candidate in the primary. I like the idea of an open primary and no party registration. On the contrary, I think the open primary system is a benefit. If I had to register as a Republican just to… Read more »

December 28, 2011 4:16 pm

This one is for all you horse folks out there.

December 28, 2011 4:08 pm

I’ve been away from the computer for a while. #18 Shannon: The primaries need to be closed in every state, including Texas. Otherwise, when you have a situation like the one we currently have, the Ds don’t really have much to vote on in the primaries so they will try to screw ours the best they can. If you have… Read more »

December 28, 2011 3:49 pm

#34 Tedtam
I used to know a guy in Houston who sold super high risk policies for worker’s compensation. He told me his best account was the biggest offshore rig service SCUBA diving company in town. Their rates were something like 58 cents on the dollar.

December 28, 2011 3:40 pm

Got our notice for our TWC rate for the coming year. It went from .56% to .61%.
Thank goodness we haven’t had any claims against our account. No telling how high it would be.

December 28, 2011 3:32 pm

My long-lost brother will be joining us for dinner tonight. I am very excited. We’ll be looking over old family photos and laughing our fool heads off.

fat albert
fat albert
December 28, 2011 3:18 pm

It’s not the hats…it’s the blankets

No way, man, it’s the beards!

December 28, 2011 2:52 pm

It’s not the hats…it’s the blankets

We won’t be safe until we get the blankets, too.

December 28, 2011 2:32 pm

It’s not the hats…it’s the blankets

December 28, 2011 1:31 pm

I shamed a friend out of the timeshare selling business.
So he became a stock broker.

December 28, 2011 1:01 pm

I just found out that the timeshare that we thought we sold in 2010 was never sold. We exchanged it for a points program at a resort closer to home, and signed all the paperwork. The company who bought it screwed up, went out of business, and the successor company never filed the deed transfer in Florida. I’ve spent hours… Read more »