Thursday Penn State Open Comments

Things are looking even worse for disgraced former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky. Two more alleged victims have stepped forward, describing sexual abuse/assault perpetrated on them by Sandusky.

One of the new victims claims to have screamed for help during one of the assaults, knowing that Sandusky’s wife was at home upstairs, to no avail.

If this is true and she heard the cries for help, she needs to be charged with aiding and abetting Sandusky’s activities.
Sandusky & his lawyer had an interesting exchange in the courtroom.

“I’m very disappointed that I didn’t even get a courtesy call that new charges had been filed. I had to find out from the media,” [Sandusky lawyer Joe] Amendola said.
Sandusky, wearing Penn State pants at the time of his arrest, requested that the arraignment not begin until Amendola arrived at the courthouse, according to ABC affiliate WPVI.
Amendola greeted Sandusky in the courtroom by saying, “Told you. We had this discussion. Some day you will listen to me,” to which Sandusky smiled, according to WPVI.

This whole thing goes much deeper than an alleged pervert & his wife.

Also Tuesday, Penn State President Rodney Erickson told sceptical faculty members not to worry that school trustees would ‘whitewash’ their own investigation.
Mr Erickson pledged to the University Faculty Senate that investigators will have unfettered access to and cooperation from the school.
He said the leadership of a committee checking into the allegations should lend confidence ‘that there will be no whitewash … no sweeping under the rug.’

Let’s hope he lives up to his words.





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December 8, 2011 10:27 pm

#28 Tim Hallelujah, I’m deprogrammed just by not running for the board again! Wore me out knocking heads with one gal. She will be president next year. Oh man, I’ll miss not writing all those letters about your grass needs mowing and the gutters are hanging off the front of your house. 🙂 (joke, kiddos, joke — I did not… Read more »

December 8, 2011 10:23 pm

I notice that Channel 11’s news has no mention of the Democrat Planned Parenthood celebration, despite the fact that many, many emergency personnel were called to the site. I presume they were there to protect the libs from the eeeevil pro-lifers who were singing Christmas carols outside the gates.

December 8, 2011 10:14 pm

Bonecrusher; Do any of you hamsteronianites have a gently used car/truck/suv that is reliable and gets reasonably good mileage that you would be interested in selling for $1500-2000? I’ll be willing to sell my Corolla when she hits 300,000 miles. So, if you can wait another 75,000 miles I think I’d sell my car to you then and for far… Read more »

December 8, 2011 10:11 pm

wagon #20;

It’s for her a$$.

By that, do you mean her husband?

December 8, 2011 10:10 pm

Tedtam #17;

I never understood the families who opened gifts on Christmas Eve.

Our tradition was (usually at Grandma and Grandpa’s house) to open presents on Christmas Eve and to open Santa’s present Christmas day. I enjoyed it. Tradition now is to wait until Christmas day to open presents. I enjoy that just as much.

December 8, 2011 9:54 pm

Bonecrusher, I have something that is close to your price range. I do not know about “gently” used, but it has been well maintained. I have never abused it, but it is an older, high mileage vehicle. The good thing is that it is a Toyota.
Hamous, you have my permission to give Bonecrusher my email address. thanks.

December 8, 2011 9:25 pm

Where do you go to get deprogrammed? 😛

December 8, 2011 7:04 pm

Hamsterville, I am off to my last HOA board meeting tonight. Woo Hoo!

December 8, 2011 5:51 pm

Do any of you hamsteronianites have a gently used car/truck/suv that is reliable and gets reasonably good mileage that you would be interested in selling for $1500-2000? I have cash and need to find a vehicle for my son, Headcrusher. Cosmetics are not terribly important but a good a/c would be nice. Moderator Dude or Dudette: please forward my email… Read more »

El Gordo
December 8, 2011 3:09 pm

The world is coming down around our ears out there. Europe is financially cratered, our government is running wild and out of control, the crooks who emptied the vaults now have the keys to the printing presses, more and expanded war drums beat in the middle east, and we are following the gossip columnists and perverts. No wonder things are… Read more »

December 8, 2011 3:06 pm

Actually the cargo plane for flotus is for her ego and her a$$ because nothing else will fit with those two items; so an extra plane has to be stolen/used.

December 8, 2011 2:51 pm

The cargo plane is for the specialized security gear that has to travel with flotus. For potus there are 2 airforce one jets that fly and no one knows which one he will be on; plus at least 2 cargo planes for security and communications gear that always travels with potus.

December 8, 2011 1:27 pm

Uh… hater?

December 8, 2011 1:06 pm

Drudge has linked a story sez Michelle may fly separately from Obammy to the Haiwaian vacay. A detail that struck me:

a cargo plane that may trail the first lady’s jet on such a trip

So is this a cargo plane full of boob belts, silver flats and cardigans?

December 8, 2011 11:43 am

Well, here’s a message for TBO.

December 8, 2011 11:38 am

I never understood the families who opened gifts on Christmas Eve. A little delayed gratification would probably do them some good.

December 8, 2011 11:31 am

#14 Fat Al No offense, just answering your question. I had to get on the computer and do something for Hubby before leaving for mass, and I saw the door was still locked, but I had no time to open it up and clear the couch before I had to leave. I figgered someone would clear the couch while I… Read more »

fat albert
fat albert
December 8, 2011 11:26 am

#7 Tedtam:
You, Madam, are indeed Wonder Woman! Please understand that I was in no way directing my request at anyone specifically. And it wasn’t meant to be at all pejorative.
I was simply curious, and a little surprised.

December 8, 2011 11:19 am

Class discussion of Christmas practices Patrick addressed the class: “Well Ms. Jones, me and my twelve brothers and sisters go to midnight mass and we sing hymns; then we come home very late and we put mince pies by the back door and hang up our stockings. Then all excited, we go to bed and wait for Father Christmas to… Read more »

December 8, 2011 11:17 am

#6 Bonecrusher I can’t find the story now, but I remember a news article about how personally difficult it was for American military to work with Afghans because of their common practice of sexually using young boys. The Afghans working with the Americans would proudly show pictures of their boys. I remember the look on the soldier’s face (I can’t… Read more »

December 8, 2011 11:14 am

Really good article on liberal gun control logic I have often heard the antis bleating that “we register cars, why not guns”, and it might surprise people to know that I’m perfectly willing to go the “license and register guns just like cars” route. Under this plan, gun safety and handling courses will be available to all students 15 and… Read more »

December 8, 2011 11:13 am

Micheal Moore, citing figures gleaned from a recent Washington Post study, reminded Morgan that President Barack Obama sure loves pocketing big bucks from the very same Wall Street he often rails against. MICHAEL MOORE, ON CNN: “Well, ‘The Washington post’ three weeks ago had this investigation and they said that President Obama has now raised more money from Wall Street… Read more »

December 8, 2011 11:11 am

TT and all the other business owners out there
BBB Scam Alert
Pic of Scam letter
Warning letter from BBB

December 8, 2011 11:09 am

G’Morning all
I feel that Sandusky should be given 20 years as the prison girlfriend.

December 8, 2011 11:08 am

#1 Fat Al Where is everybody????? I, unlike certain Democrat “catholics”, attended 8:00 am mass this morning. Then I had to take Handsome to school, since he is sans car at the moment. He and his father are rebuilding his engine – hopefully tomorrow he’ll have his wheels again. (He sounded very excited about that prognostication.) Then I had to… Read more »

December 8, 2011 11:04 am

Those Afghannistaner are such wonderful people; and so morally upstanding.

fat albert
fat albert
December 8, 2011 10:37 am

I guess that since I’m the only one here, I can say anything. . . . . . .
Did you ever notice that Ron Paul actually looks like the undertaker in a cheap Hollywood western movie from the ’50’s?

fat albert
fat albert
December 8, 2011 10:35 am

Let’s hope that Penn State does a better job of investigating Sandusky than they did of Michael Mann – the global warming “scientist”.

fat albert
fat albert
December 8, 2011 10:32 am

At 10:30????????
Where is everybody?????
(plaintive cry echos through empty halls………)

December 8, 2011 10:27 pm

#28 Tim Hallelujah, I’m deprogrammed just by not running for the board again! Wore me out knocking heads with one gal. She will be president next year. Oh man, I’ll miss not writing all those letters about your grass needs mowing and the gutters are hanging off the front of your house. 🙂 (joke, kiddos, joke — I did not… Read more »

December 8, 2011 10:23 pm

I notice that Channel 11’s news has no mention of the Democrat Planned Parenthood celebration, despite the fact that many, many emergency personnel were called to the site. I presume they were there to protect the libs from the eeeevil pro-lifers who were singing Christmas carols outside the gates.

December 8, 2011 10:14 pm

Bonecrusher; Do any of you hamsteronianites have a gently used car/truck/suv that is reliable and gets reasonably good mileage that you would be interested in selling for $1500-2000? I’ll be willing to sell my Corolla when she hits 300,000 miles. So, if you can wait another 75,000 miles I think I’d sell my car to you then and for far… Read more »

December 8, 2011 10:11 pm

wagon #20;

It’s for her a$$.

By that, do you mean her husband?

December 8, 2011 10:10 pm

Tedtam #17;

I never understood the families who opened gifts on Christmas Eve.

Our tradition was (usually at Grandma and Grandpa’s house) to open presents on Christmas Eve and to open Santa’s present Christmas day. I enjoyed it. Tradition now is to wait until Christmas day to open presents. I enjoy that just as much.

December 8, 2011 9:54 pm

Bonecrusher, I have something that is close to your price range. I do not know about “gently” used, but it has been well maintained. I have never abused it, but it is an older, high mileage vehicle. The good thing is that it is a Toyota.

Hamous, you have my permission to give Bonecrusher my email address. thanks.

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
December 8, 2011 9:25 pm


Where do you go to get deprogrammed? 😛

December 8, 2011 7:04 pm

Hamsterville, I am off to my last HOA board meeting tonight. Woo Hoo!

December 8, 2011 5:51 pm

Do any of you hamsteronianites have a gently used car/truck/suv that is reliable and gets reasonably good mileage that you would be interested in selling for $1500-2000? I have cash and need to find a vehicle for my son, Headcrusher. Cosmetics are not terribly important but a good a/c would be nice. Moderator Dude or Dudette: please forward my email… Read more »

Super Dave
December 8, 2011 3:09 pm

The world is coming down around our ears out there. Europe is financially cratered, our government is running wild and out of control, the crooks who emptied the vaults now have the keys to the printing presses, more and expanded war drums beat in the middle east, and we are following the gossip columnists and perverts. No wonder things are… Read more »

December 8, 2011 3:06 pm

Actually the cargo plane for flotus is for her ego and her a$$ because nothing else will fit with those two items; so an extra plane has to be stolen/used.

December 8, 2011 2:51 pm

The cargo plane is for the specialized security gear that has to travel with flotus. For potus there are 2 airforce one jets that fly and no one knows which one he will be on; plus at least 2 cargo planes for security and communications gear that always travels with potus.

December 8, 2011 1:55 pm


December 8, 2011 1:27 pm

Uh… hater?

December 8, 2011 1:11 pm

It’s for her a$$.

December 8, 2011 1:06 pm

Drudge has linked a story sez Michelle may fly separately from Obammy to the Haiwaian vacay. A detail that struck me:

a cargo plane that may trail the first lady’s jet on such a trip

So is this a cargo plane full of boob belts, silver flats and cardigans?