Well, while the turkey may be around for a while longer, I’m sure the pies and cakes have disappeared by now. The family has gone home, some to disappear into screaming mobs of shoppers, and others to watch football, and yet others who are waiting for the crowds to die down.
Personally, I did some yard work yesterday morning, before the weather changes this weekend. I gathered a whole cart full of thistles. I went to visit my sister to deliver her sampler platter of Thanksgiving dinner, since she and her husband could not attend due to his illness. While there, we took our usual tour of the garden and chickens, and I asked the chickens could have eaten the thistles I had pulled up. That led me to an internet search which revealed, that yes indeedy, thistles ARE edible! I found a good site on foraging here, which I found interesting.
The shopping will happen later. Possibly online. But I have to figure out when to pull out the Christmas decorations. Traditionally, Lovely Daughter and Handsome Son take over the decorating, but Handsome is working a lot, and Lovely has her own home to care for this year.
PS: I thought I had this scheduled to be up in the wee hours of this morning. Sorry for the delay.
Post Prandial Weekend Open Comments
The video, which graphically shows the process of human progression, begins by showing an egg being fertilized and ends by illustrating a baby’s actual birth. Throughout the clip, viewers see the full fetal development, with explanations about what, exactly, is happening at each phase. But the imagery is spellbinding. Watch the astounding video, below. The actual sequence of a fetus’ development begins at 2:05, with Tsiaras explaining the development process both before and after the clip: I liked the very end of the birth depiction. You see the baby’s real head and torso outside his mommny but the rest of… Read more »
Yup, that about sums up Gary Johnson’s candidacy.
# 65, Thank you, Hamous
Am I living in Bizzaro Land or what? Up is down, in is out, right is wrong, the LEFT is now the RIGHT? The payroll tax holiday hasn’t done anything to stimulate job growth, so Republicans may not support extending the tax cut favored by President Obama and Democrats — at least in its current formula — a key GOP senator said Sunday. and then this? Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, said not extending the payroll tax holiday will amount to a tax increase of $1,500 for the average family. But what burns me… Read more »
62–Bro Squawk
Lol–Eegah is even better when lampooned by MST3K.
Saw Gary Johnson on Fox News Channel’s Special Report, Center Seat (individual interviews with the GOP nominee wannabes) several weeks ago. For all the world it looked like a takeoff on a sketch that could have been on the Carol Burnet show or Laugh-In. The panelists showed remarkable creativity in keeping straight faces in between posing their questions and hearing his-ahem-replies. Charles Krauthammer deserved an Emmy for his performance in holding it together; the other three deserve a best supporting Emmy. Anyone who is adept at finding it and posting it, please do so. That’s above my pay grade…. I… Read more »
I dunno Brother Phil. This may be a documentary of where we came from.
What’s this world coming to?
need a good laugh<?? Go here
I absolutely hate autocorrect. A reasonable person my consider that if a particular app is so wissin frustrating that a website is created to display its foibles, perhaps they could give people the WISSIN OPTION TO TURN THE WISSIN THING OFF apparently we are not dealing with reasonable people.
#57 RobertM:
Ditto times 10. Professional team-sport players are a bunch of way over paid, crybabys, who have been coddled for their entire lives – because they were good at a wissin game. The owners are a bunch of treasury raiding thieves. With few exceptions, they all suck!
#54 GJT: one of the linkies connected to your linkie:
Warning: Awwwwwwwwww aint that cute moment.
I, for one, was hoping there wouldn’t be a professional basketball season for this year or any year thereafter. I’ve been down on professional sports for a long time. Their demands for newer and newer stadiums, at the taxpayer’s expense, for them to get rich was way too much for me. I can’t remember the last time I watched a pro game in it’s entirety. Wonder why we haven’t built any pro golf courses?
Son was not impressed. ‘Course he ain’t ever shucked a batch of raw corn neither.
We just tried the microwave corn shuckin’ method. It works!
The Manchester Union Leader has endorsed Newt Gingrich for President and Slick Willie likes him too.
Mark Kelly is just using Palin to sell his book.
In a surprising and possibly game changing developement in the New Hampshire primary, the Manchester Union Leader has endorsed Newt Gingrich for President in a front page editorial of thier Sunday paper that is also available online outside thier normal printe edition firewall. This newspaper endorses Newt Gingrich in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. America is at a crucial crossroads. It is not going to be enough to merely replace Barack Obama next year. We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing. He did so with… Read more »
49 GJT
We still have Walter Cunningham.
Just an observation that prolly has no basis for comparison, I suspect the ratio of conservatives to liberals in the astronaut corpse is prolly real close to the conservative to liberal ratio Hollywood. Me thinks todays lastronauts have a “gawd” complex, unapproachable by us little people who are occasionally blessed by their acknowledgment the we exist.
Between John Glenn and Mark Kelly, I don’t think astronauts are my heroes anymore.
Why that is just terrible. How could you? Oh wait, neither did I. Never mind.
Oh joy professional bassetball is returning to grace our telabitchions Christmas day. I am looking forward to that day with the same fervor and expectation as I do for a visit from my ex-wife.
I didn’t think to call him either, and they were in town!
/holding head down in shame
My contribution to the anti-kitteh cute picture crusade.
The title of that piece is
It should be
How pathetic can you get.
I thought we had decided the whole civility thing was a fad that had faded.
Good morning, Hamsterville. My little part of Houston went black at 7 pm last night. We heard one transformer blow that sounded fairly close, then a few seconds later, a more distant pop. We walked a short distance to the corner and could not see lighted houses in any direction. Got power back at 7:30 this morning.
It was 67 degrees in the house when I got up, not too bad. Haven’t heard a word what might have caused this power outage, but my guess is drought-weakened tree branches coming down in the high winds.
Saw pictures of Obummer and the kids at the bookstore for “Small Business Saturday” but didn’t see Moochelle. Was she on vacation or what??
Nope, what is going to insure an Obammy victory in 2012 is the REPUBLICAN party period end of story.
Y’all really need to read the article, digest it and understand what Caddell is trying to say, and realize that if the REPUBLICANS do not take advantage of this limp wristed weak president and tear him a new one and differentiate themselves they are going to lose.
#31 Hammie
Nawwwww THIS is how you “kilt the blog” 😉
Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving amigo.
He polls well below 1%. He may get the stoner vote…if they remember to go vote.
Miss Tedtam
If you have an iPhone this is for you. Lemme know and I will donate the 99 cents.
Gary Johnson threatens third-party 2012 run
The GOP and the American people are doomed to four more years of Obama. This will tear the Republican vote into two and ensure an Obama victory.
(I was wondering myself if Johnson was still running)
Islamabad (CNN) — A Pakistani woman is being held on suspicion of killing her husband, cutting him up and trying to cook the pieces, Karachi police said Friday. Zainab Bibi, 32, was arrested in connection with the murder Tuesday of her husband Ahmad Abbas, police said. Her 22-year-old nephew, Zaheer Ahmed, is accused of helping Bibi stab Abbas to death and carve his body into small pieces. I thought this woman seemed insane until… In an interview broadcast late Thursday, she claimed to have killed her husband because he wanted a physical relationship with their daughter — and said she… Read more »
Whee, the wind is blowing a gale and whipping leaves, acorns, and small branches around. Currently 54 and falling. A taste of winter will arrive by tomorrow, and acute memories of 100- degree + days in August will be GWTW.
G’night all.
This is a cool idea.
Josey kilt the blog.
Get ready, little lady. Hell is coming to breakfast.
Gave up on the Gator game. Watching OJW for the 578th time.
You’re wanted, Wales.
Reckon I’m right popular. You a bounty hunter?
A man’s got to do something for a living these days.
Dyin’ ain’t much of a living, boy.
I didn’t surrender. But they took my horse and made him surrender. They got him pulling a wagon up in Kansas, I’ll bet.
#18 Pyro
I wonder if people like their oddball names given to them by uneducated & probably drug-addled mothers. But, on the bright side, some good hurricane names in that collection. 🙂
#15 TT
I didn’t see any election news exactly, unless you’d like to vote for her honey-flavored GCS for Prez, but this zany blogger has another post called Brave Little Toaster, in which I found…
Heresy! Off with her head!
Yep. You don’t wanna mess with those nuns!
Fourth quarter of the Wisconsin-Penn State game, ~ 10 minutes left. It is painful to watch. Badgers are leading 45-7; Nittany Lions have been making horrendous mistakes that lead to Badger scores. A convent of nuns could beat them today.
Wow. Watching “The Rifleman” and Adam West shows up. Batman visits the Rifleman!
Wow. These are real Christmas spirit sucking scumbags. I especially appreciate their last line: “that just goes to show how the system works. If you support it, you’re welcome. If you question it, you’re a target.”
No, you dufus. If you enter PRIVATE PROPERTY for a PRIVATE ENTERPRISE and pass out “information” that’s intended to insult their customers and discourage their business from making money, you are a target.
What wissholes.
#15 Tedtam Dang, I want one! Crap, I don’t have any canned air to blow all the slobber off my keyboard.
#19 – very ASTUTE observation MsAdee and you are perzactly correct! (I packed multiple layers thankfully)……………tail winds both ways and dry (even if cool) = GREAT road trip