Friday Personality Types Open Comments

The first class I teach for my church each year has little to do with Catholic faith or doctrine. I usually don’t have my full roster of students yet, so I don’t want touch on the “hard stuff” until most of my class is in place. The first class is a brief study of personality types, which we then apply to our personal lives and then to Bible characters. My goal is to not only have the students understand themselves better, but to make the dusty pages of their Bibles more real to them, to help them understand that the names in the Bible are real people, not just stories from some bygone time.
I base my class on a book by Florence Littauer titled Personality Plus. She bases her book on the ancient Greek study of personality types using the body fluids, hence the four types are (and remember these are general descriptions of common traits, not every person will have every trait):
Choleric: Choleric personalities are born leaders and dynamic doers. They are independent and self-sufficient. They exude confidence and charisma. Cholerics are goal oriented, and see the big picture, and don’t bother themselves much with details. They move quickly to action and delegate work. They thrive on opposition and are usually right. They can run anything. They are the ones who can and do get things done. TAKEN TO EXTREMES, these traits can yield individuals who are unaffectionate, headstrong, proud, domineering, tactless, manipulative, stubborn, argumentative, and short-tempered workaholics. Most of the world’s leaders have strong choleric streaks in them, and the tyrants take their usually positive traits to the extreme.
Phlegmatics: Peaceful Phlegmatics are wonderful people to have around. They are low-key, calm, and patient people. They are happily reconciled to life and make great parents and sympathetic friends. They are not easily upset or ruffled, operate well under pressure, and keep their calm in a crisis when everyone is losing theirs. They don’t get in a hurry, and are competent and steady in their affairs. They are inoffensive and make good listeners.They have many friends. They don’t like conflict, and are great peacemakers. TAKEN TO EXTREMES; the phlegmatic can be a lazy, timid, indecisive, unambitious, and aimless person to whom results are not important. “Don’t worry, be happy” (I have a relative like this and he drives me up the wall!)
Sanguine: The Popular Sanguine is fun to be around and very charismatic. They tend to have appealing personalities. They are the life of the party because they are usually cheerful and bubbly with a good sense of humor. The Sanguine can be quite naive, because he is so trusting and childlike. He is quite the talker and loves to tell stories. Full of energy and creativity, the Sanguine inspires others to join his group. Sanguines love people and are quite charming, and make friends easily. They seem exciting and are good on stage. They look great on the surface. They don’t hold grudges and apologize quickly. TAKEN TO THE EXTREME, Sanguines can be talkative, disorganized, messy, loud, scatterbrained and unreliable. They ride an emotional roller coaster of high highs and low lows, but neither state seems to last for too long. They are easily hurt, but that’s okay because the perfectly Sanguine personality has the attention span of a gnat, loves being around people too much, and can’t hold onto a grudge for long. Think of your ditzy blonde at the party who can’t remember where she put her car keys.
Melancholy: The Melancholy personality is deep and analytical, desiring perfection. They can be very talented and creative, appreciating beauty. They are philosophical, poetic, idealist, and conscientious. Content to stay in the background, they are genius prone and can be very persistent and thorough. They pursue order in their world and find creative solutions to problems. Good listeners, they also have a deep concern for others, though they make friends cautiously. When they do make friends, they are devoted and faithful. They have a need to finish things. Many artists and engineers are melancholies. TAKEN TO THE EXTREME: The Melancholy can be a persnickety perfectionist, pessimistic, critical and hard to please. This causes them to be unpopular and feel alienated, which generates a negative attitude. The Melancholy can be very insecure and bashful. They can be too sensitive and thus withdrawn. They can be loners and very moody. They are usually a calm and steady personality type, but when hurt or depressed they hold onto resentments and suffer long, deep lows. They are champs at carrying grudges and can be revengeful.
Everyone has all four types in their personality makeup, but usually one or two are dominant. Even day to day someone can fluctuate from being a strong Sanguine to a strong Choleric or even a strong Phlegmatic, but over time a person will usually fall into a particular category. Choleric/Sanguines make great leaders. Phlegmatic/Melancholies are great diplomats. Phlegmatics are good in emergency situations. There is no good or bad personality type, only strength traits taken to the extreme to make them weaknesses.
We had several students experience revelations about themselves last night. One girl pegged herself as Phlegmatic and has a strong Choleric for a sister. Now she knows why they don’t get along very well. One boy thinks he’s a Melancholy, and true to form, he didn’t want to raise his hand. The Sanguines just lit up. Everyone seemed to know of a Choleric in their school. Duh. Cholerics are hard to miss.
Then we looked at various stories in the Bible – Adam and Eve in the garden, Moses trying to weasel out of his commission to bring the Jews out of Egypt, Peter and the foot washing incident – and discussed their types and the fact that God uses all types and all people.
At the end of the class, as we were closing it down and preparing for dismissal, I asked them if they liked the class and if they learned something. Somewhere in the mumbles I heard “This class was AWESOME!” My sanguine side appreciated that comment!
It’s good to do the things I do, sometimes. Thanks to the Holy Spirit that drives me, and the gift of my personality to reach the students.

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September 16, 2011 11:25 pm

#13 Texanadian. I never tire of seeing a new episode of Adolf and the boys schlepping through a new disaster. Whoever writes the subtitles is devilishly clever. And likely has a price on his head. Attackwatch is the perfect petard for the Obama acolytes to hoist themselves on. And unless it’s been mercifully put out of their misery, it’s still… Read more »

September 16, 2011 11:06 pm

Condolences to Bonecrusher on the loss of his good friend, and to that gentleman’s family.
Condolences also to Hamous on the loss of a neighbor, and to the Hernandez family.

September 16, 2011 9:39 pm

Following up on the Post Office, I saw this in the USPS story running on Drudge today: And as the president and Congress search high and low for ways to boost job creation, up to 35,000 people could be laid off as part of that effort. My husband is convinced that the Post Office cannot fire, reduce, let go, or… Read more »

September 16, 2011 9:32 pm

No matter what the impeachable Obumma does the prOpabamagandist media will continue to report on him in this manner–Especially the MSNBC straw color haired spitter.

September 16, 2011 9:26 pm


BTW; Where is Iron Mary Cash? Arrrrgh

Here she be, Davey lad. (I was watching an episode of The Unit from my tapes so IMC was tied up too.)

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 9:04 pm

(I broke him of “borrowing” my kitchen items when he used my best Pyrex measuring cup for fuel additive and my good roasting pan to drain oil, but I use caution, anyway.)

Honey!! Can you get this dayaam transmission out of the bath-tub so I can take a shower?!
~Jeff Foxworthy

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:46 pm

100 Sucker!! 😉
Thanks Goat!!
BTW; Where is Iron Mary Cash? Arrrrgh

September 16, 2011 8:45 pm


September 16, 2011 8:45 pm


Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:44 pm

Way back in another life, I used to love the Reno Air Races.
3 Including Pilot Dead After Crash at Air Races.
It would be a P-51, one of my favorite aircraft of all time.

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:35 pm

Welp, Ole Dave Kilt the dang Blog again,….sniff,sniff, nope not the deodorant, maybe I’m just a wind-bag?….Humm, scratching chin…. you really don’t have to answer. 😀

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:31 pm

They recently opened a post office inside the store,

WHAT!! I thought that the last time a Post Office was located inside a private store was 1890?!?!

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:29 pm

Dang, just scrolled down more, Hambone, your Hernandez family will be added to my prayer list….sigh

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:26 pm

#75 Bonecrusher, prayers to his family and yours. May the good Lord help his family and friends through this difficult time.

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:22 pm

#72 Texanadian, I heard that on the radio yesterday, Michael Berry’s show, I think?
Ooh and I left out, you can’t make this $#i! up!!

September 16, 2011 8:20 pm

#88 Bones Reading that made me so dayaam mad at THE NY TIMES I was spitless. Israel should see the Palestinian bid for statehood not as a threat, but as a chance to return to the negotiating table and prevent further conflict. Recent polls show that up to 70 percent of Palestinians say they believe there will be a new… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
September 16, 2011 8:17 pm

It’s a gift. Or a curse.
Insert dreaded acronym here. 😉
You’re welcome!

September 16, 2011 8:16 pm

Dang dammit there’s people dying out there that have never died before! Yes, my HOA newsletter editor is MIA since last night with her 84-yr-old mother on her deathbed. There have have been 2-3 close calls in recent years, but this time it is described as last go-round. A really nice woman, she will be greatly missed. When I say… Read more »

September 16, 2011 8:09 pm

This really offw me with urine! A Saudi Prince/ambastarder to the US is telling us we have to support palestenian statehood. When have the delicate palestenians ever recognized Israel’s right to exist? Wouldn’t one reasonably assume that that would be a prerequisite for statehood. Why the wiss does their capital have to be in the historical ancestral capital of Israel?… Read more »

September 16, 2011 7:44 pm

@attackwatch Bush was given the opportunity to give Solyndra the loans but declined; can you blame him anyway?

September 16, 2011 7:41 pm

Hammy, sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Dang dammit there’s people dying out there that have never died before!

September 16, 2011 6:50 pm

I wonder if the USPS will be able to retain leased P.O. boxes. We’ve had one for 20 yrs, originally because it was a way to subscribe to a lot of computer magazines, w/o having them destroyed by being crammed into a small residential mailbox. Over those 2 decades, the magazines have pretty much all ceased publication. So I think… Read more »

September 16, 2011 6:04 pm

Boney – prayers of peace for your friend and his family.
Unfortunately I’m on my way to a Rosary for a good neighbor who died unexpectedly this week. Y’all keep the Hernandez family in your prayers as well.

September 16, 2011 5:59 pm

Bless their stinky little hippie hearts. Trendy hipsters from Austin open up a gluten free vegetarian Mexican restaurant smack dab in the middle of the barrio in Northside. Nothing sez Mexican like a baked chili relleno stuffed with soft tofu. Along the way, Staci catered other gatherings for presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich, Daniel Ellsberg, the Bioneers Convention and the Pacifica… Read more »

September 16, 2011 5:58 pm

Thanks y’all

September 16, 2011 5:48 pm

#75 – “His LAST breath on Earth was his FIRST breath in Heaven!”

September 16, 2011 5:15 pm

#75 Bones
Condolences to you and your friend Kevin’s family and friends.

September 16, 2011 5:13 pm

#72 T-C
I heard Doug Urbanski read that story on air late last night. Couldn’t make much sense of it. I know there is a Brit TV show called “Midsommer Murders” that always refers to a mythical village named Badger’s Drift.

September 16, 2011 5:07 pm

With tears flooding my keyboard, I have to inform y’all that my friend, Kevin, lost his battle with cancer about 3:15 today. I am really bummed to have lost one of my closest friends but am grateful that his suffering is over and most importantly that he is now in the arms of THE MESSIAH.

September 16, 2011 5:05 pm

#69 Pyro

How quickly is the butter sliding off Michelle Bachmann’s noodles?

She is unfortunately very polarizing. But with only Lege experience, I have gradually concluded she is not a great candidate anyway.

El Gordo
September 16, 2011 4:40 pm

#69 – Shows what happens when women get into politics – They just don’t understand that when they have won the point, it’s time to shut up.

September 16, 2011 4:02 pm

Well let me explain. It’s like this … uh … hmm. heck you figure it out.

September 16, 2011 3:42 pm

The germans are outraged!
h/t Drudge

September 16, 2011 2:48 pm

the only enjoyment most Americans get out of it is knowing that when we win, the fact that we don’t care is like a shiv to the heart of soccer fans from whiny, ungrateful, countries around the world who complain incessantly about our country.


September 16, 2011 2:41 pm

I am starting to see why someone here on Hammy’s Couch calls you “crazy aunt”!

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

September 16, 2011 2:41 pm

Whaddya mean “You people”???

You’re a people, are you not?

September 16, 2011 2:35 pm

#60 TT
I am starting to see why someone here on Hammy’s Couch calls you “crazy aunt”! How do you come across some of this amazing stuff you find on the net? “Bachelor Vision” is a good example of it.
/flinches, ducks, runs for her life

September 16, 2011 2:28 pm

#56 Hammy

Whaddya mean “You people”???

Us Hamsterousians, I reckon. It was long, but I read it all. I actually didn’t like the writer that much, he seemed like a stuffed shirt egotist to me.

September 16, 2011 2:22 pm

More or less. Instead of a dryer for ironing, I’d hang stuff up in the bathroom and let the shower steam do its magic. Also, I never had any dishes in the sink. It wasn’t that never cooked, which I did, but I only had out one plate, one glass, one knife, fork & spoon. It then takes less time… Read more »

September 16, 2011 1:38 pm

#55 – Remarkably GREAT read – THANKS for posting SUH!!