Weekend Driving Test Open Comments

I was going over some old files, and came across something I used when I was teaching Lovely Daughter how to drive. It was a driving test, designed to test her ability to read maps, plan trips, and handle potentially dangerous driving conditions. Keep in mind that Lovely was hoping to attend Texas A&M at the time this test was administered. I was not taught about the freeways and major streets when I was taught how to drive, and I remembered my panic when caught in a situation for which I was unprepared. I was bound and determined that my kids wouldn’t panic, and that they’d be able to read maps and plan their trips.

Describe the following requested trips, giving turn directions (right, left, straight) and street names.
1) You find out that a really killer blouse is on sale at JC Penney at Almeda Mall. You pick up your friend K— and begin driving. How do you intend to reach the mall?
2) Before you leave your neighborhood, you hear on the radio that there’s a wreck on the freeway where you plan to enter. What is your trip plan now?
3) Go back to question 1. You get on the freeway, and then hear about a wreck further down the freeway, before you exit for the mall. How do you plan on getting to the mall now? (You REALLY want this blouse!)
4) You are visiting colleges, and plan to see Texas A&M at College Station, Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches, and Texas A&I in Kingsville. How do you plan to exit Houston to visit these colleges?
Texas A&M: __________________________________________
S.F. Austin: ____________________________________________
Texas A&I: ____________________________________________
6) You are all grown up and have moved into your own apartment. In the middle of the night, you get a hysterical phone call from your kind, loving, sweet, nurturing mother who misses you more than words can tell. She cannot rest until you see her. How do you get from your apartment in Bryan, Texas to your childhood home?
7) You are a teenager looking for a job. Your job interview is at the intersection of Fairmont Parkway and Red Bluff. How do you get from your school to your interview?
8.) You are alone in your car at a stoplight. You feel a bump and look in the rear view mirror to see a man getting out of his car and coming towards your window. There are no other cars around. What do you do?
a) Get out your license and insurance information, a pencil and a piece of paper so that you can exchange information.
b) Lock your doors and hold your insurance information up to the window.
c) Wave and smile and leave the scene.
d) Get on your cell phone and call your parents or some other adult for help.
9) You and your friends are in the car. Sally refuses to wear her seat belt, saying it’s “too confining and uncomfortable”. Your other friends tell you to just go ahead and stop arguing with her. What do you say?
a) “Okay, we’ll go. Just stay in the back and act like you’ve had it on if we get pulled over.”
b) “Sally, you twit, you are just too cute for words. Of course I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Just hang on tight if we get in an accident!”
c) “Sally, it’s my car and my rules. Make a choice: buckle up or get out, before we’re late.”
d) “Let’s go in Sally’s car!”
10) You are meeting a friend at her house, and you’ve never been there before. You find you are lost, and now you’re scared. What do you do?
a) Pull out the tissues so you can wipe your face while you cry.
b) Get your cell phone and call her while you continue to try to find your next turn.
c) Keep driving until you find a street name you recognize.
d) Find a safe, public place to pull into. Pull out your trusty key map and cell phone, and find out where you need to go.
11) You are on a freeway, and need to exit. No matter how hard you try, the cars in the next lane will not let you move over. What do you do?
a) Go to the next exit, the next exit, the next exit, until you can safely move over. Then double back.
b) Nose your car into the next lane, forcing the oncoming traffic to slow down enough to let you in.
c) Cuss. Loudly. Long. Feel free to indulge in a few hand gestures until someone lets you in.
d) Turn on your hazard lights and slow down until you find a break in the traffic.
12) You are coming home from a nighttime basketball game on the far side of town. You notice a car that seems to follow you in speed and lane changes. You get nervous, and start to panic. What do you do now?
a) Slow down and put on your hazard lights until the car stops following you.
b) Go directly home, and then run into your house as fast as you can.
c) Try to exit the freeway and lose the jerk in a neighborhood.
d) Drive to a brightly lit parking lot or police station and honk your horn if he’s still around.
13) The unbelievable happens. You get pulled over by the police. What is the FIRST thing you do?
a) Reach over to get your insurance information out of the glove box and your license out of your purse so you can have it ready for the officer.
b) Call your parents or boyfriend to let them/him know you’re going to be late.
c) Roll down your window and put your hands high up on the steering wheel.
d) Unbuckle your seat belt and step slowly out of the car.

FWIW – Number 12 actually happened to me one night on my way home. Scared me to death. During his pursuit of me, he turned on his interior light so I could see him. I’ll never forget the tan interior and his Middle Eastern features. I managed to ditch the guy by crossing two lanes at the last minute to catch an off-ramp. Fortunately for me, there were no cars in those two lanes for at least a half mile, so I had time to formulate my plan and execute it. The perv, his light still on, was craning his neck as he watched me exit.




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August 22, 2011 8:32 am

#104 GTOtracker: Perhaps they are “lobbying” for good treatment in the new Lybia?

August 22, 2011 8:30 am

I wonder what happened to Mohomar’s Amazon body guard. Did they fight to the death or defect in mass and will be dancing at Rick’s?

August 22, 2011 8:03 am

I wonder if we are gonna get a Monday thread under which to post this week?

August 22, 2011 7:50 am

Collusion! But I am glad that Dave finally got a #100. Where was Tim?

August 22, 2011 7:48 am

I heard it on Fox this am that the Qadaffi fambily managed to secure $70 BILLION in graft and corruption during his 40 year stint as “leader”. there is still no word as to the where-abouts of the worn-out drag queen Muhommar or what ever the heck his name is. I think right about now in Lybia his name is… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 22, 2011 7:20 am

100 😉

August 22, 2011 7:17 am


August 22, 2011 7:16 am


August 22, 2011 7:16 am


August 21, 2011 9:52 pm

Yah butt, I’m still a registered “RED NECK” bloodline goes back MANY generations!

No matter, you still outted yer “all that” self.

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 21, 2011 9:43 pm


#90 SD: GEEK!~

Yah butt, I’m still a registered “RED NECK” bloodline goes back MANY generations! 😀

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 21, 2011 9:40 pm

Well the Boy just called and he is dragging the Sea Ray outta’ the water and taking it home, he was surprised to find the “Mickey Mouse Ears” in the back of his truck when he got back to the landing. He had called eariler and wondered where they were, as I always leave them on the lower unit so… Read more »

August 21, 2011 9:37 pm

It looks like the worn-out drag queen Qadaffi is finished. Now we have another festering cesspool of mooooooooooooooooooslim brotherhood scumbags thinking of ways to thwart civilization.

August 21, 2011 9:36 pm

#90 SD: GEEK!~

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 21, 2011 9:28 pm

#87 mharper42, Remember Erie = the land of Irish Kings, a canal, Ashtabula’s waterfront, and don’t forget my favorite Palindrome; Able was I ere I saw Elba. Also remember any two or three letters thrown together is a river SOMEWHERE! 😉 FWIW; I’m a world Champion Crossword Puzzle nut. I do love the New York times Friday Xword! The best… Read more »

August 21, 2011 9:11 pm

Maxine Waters: ‘The tea party can go straight to hell’

Linkie here.
You first Beyotch!

August 21, 2011 9:07 pm

M42, Dave, Darren: Many thanks your kind words. I got nothing against Simple on a personal level, I don’t even know him but I would like to. Mayhaps that can be fixed at the next real life couch meeting. Lets do that on a sunday in October so it ain’t so wissin hot.

August 21, 2011 8:34 pm

Thought by now there would be some activity on the Couch, but looks like the whole crew has Gone Galt this weekend. Guess I’ll finish the Sunday crossword.

August 21, 2011 4:37 pm

Nice comeback.
Fun video of the surfing puppies.
But it’s your #55 which is absolutely brilliant. Here’s why,. 😉

August 21, 2011 4:20 pm

#84 Dave
The only way WWII ended the depression is by keeping FDR & his boys otherwise occupied. The depression actually ended in about 1948 or so. It helped a lot that the US had the only intact manufacturing base.

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 21, 2011 3:55 pm

#76 Bonecrusher, Ding, Ding, Ding. We have a winner, you hit the nail on the head! Don Pardo, what has our local Sadist won? You have to remember, Simple is a good man and I agree with him about 80% of the time BUTT he still has a little streak of “Old southern Democrat” in him. IE he loves FDR,… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
August 21, 2011 3:49 pm

Well it’s is a slow day today and that’s a good thing because everyone is making deposits in the ole memory bank. I just got through cleaning my Para 45 GI Expert and my new toy, North American Arms 22/22Mag. We had a great time up at the deer lease, got the grass cut, what little that there was, and… Read more »

August 21, 2011 3:32 pm

#77 M42: The LSM is full of socialists and we all know that. The answer is to bypass the LSM via facebook, twitter, talk radio, etc. When we are forced to appear in the LSM, we don’t take the bait and stick to the points and don’t let them play the sympathy and or race cards. We need to speak… Read more »

August 21, 2011 3:19 pm

#77 M42: You are correct that stopping “cold turkey” would cause a whole new slew of problems. I can see how a weaning of 2-3 years, coupled with job training, would go a real long way to ending the chronic welfare mentality. Whenever I hear someone throw up the BS screen of “but its for the children” I wanna puke.… Read more »

August 21, 2011 3:18 pm

My dentist offered gold or non-gold at the same price last time I needed a crown. The gold is more durable and lasts forever. The other is subject to breaks/chips. I got the gold because it was a molar and would not show.
I bet the price isn’t even close to being the same now.

August 21, 2011 2:59 pm

If I was as close to the bay/beach as you are, that would be my choice.
It’s the earthly pursuit that soothes my soul like nothing else.

August 21, 2011 2:15 pm

#76 Bones Good work of analysis & response to Simple. Some of his posting was pure-dee irrelevant e.g. all that stuff about dental work. But do you agree with me that weaning the leeches off the gubmint gravy train can *only* be done in slow stages? And it will take strong & steady conservative voices to explain what is happening,… Read more »

August 21, 2011 1:45 pm

Simpleton: As usual you miss the salient points: I am sure they like to pack the numbers, but I will also tell you that some of the kids arrive barely dressed and prepared because the parents are still drug addled from the night before. The school Breakfast /Lunch program ensures that these kids get at least two meals a day.… Read more »

August 21, 2011 12:56 pm

mharper42, He he he, we can probably ascribe it to the heat. Was thinking of Ethelred the Unready, King of England, who was not amongst the leading monarchs of that realm. Also thinking of the Pilgrims carrying a blunderbus as a weapon as pictured in paintings. As I understand it, this weapon was a forerunner of the shotgun and was… Read more »

August 21, 2011 12:18 pm

#73 Adee
You are outdoing yourself with some of these new dead-on labels! My favoites of late: the Blunderbus. Obama the Unready is priceless! 🙂

August 21, 2011 11:05 am

Good morning Hamsters. A balmy 74 and reasonably dry morning until about 8:30 greeted us before the mugglies set in. Yesterday afternoon’s miniscule rain must have been responsible for the break, and amazingly things look a tad greener today. What was already green that is, not anything in the Moonscape pastures. A light breeze ruffles the front porch banners, and… Read more »

El Gordo
August 21, 2011 9:03 am

Judge in Illinois rules to eliminate Catholic Charities contract to place children in foster care and provide adoption services – they discriminate against gays you know. IMHO, just another effort to take God (who is the grantor of our constitutional rights) out of the American equation in order to further more government control over our lives.

August 21, 2011 8:58 am

Mark Steyn; The Imperial Presidency. Why exactly does the president need a 40-car escort to drive past his subjects in Dead Moose Junction? It doesn’t communicate strength, but only waste, and decadence. Are these vehicles filled with “aides” working round the clock on his super-secret magic plan to “create” “jobs” that King Barack the Growth-Slayer is planning to lay before… Read more »

August 21, 2011 8:14 am

TT, some very funny stuff there!

August 21, 2011 7:25 am

As are many charity events. The services hold all kinds of these sorts of events for charity and morale (including that of the families). They can be goofy, but they really serve a multitude of purposes. How do you get a lot of people to show up and donate food? You think up something crazy and fun. That’s what our… Read more »

August 21, 2011 1:36 am

Buy that Gent a BEER!

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
August 21, 2011 1:10 am

Bonehead, You said: 1) Make a survey of every participant in the food stamp and school lunch programs a) catalogue every tattoo, and gold tooth b) check as to how many TVs, video games, pairs of sneakers over $75 retail value are in possession of these “poor” people. 2) Drug test every recipient of food stamps monthly and on a… Read more »

August 20, 2011 10:52 pm

Sometimes you gotta wonder if there really is…

August 20, 2011 9:38 pm

all I could think was, what a goofy event.

As are many charity events. The services hold all kinds of these sorts of events for charity and morale (including that of the families). They can be goofy, but they really serve a multitude of purposes.
Besides, those were some outstanding babies!

August 20, 2011 9:31 pm

#61 Pyro
The #44 quiz brought nothing to mind on reading the question. After I looked at the link, all I could think was, what a goofy event.

August 20, 2011 9:26 pm

#56 Pyro
Me, I have no sympathy for these dudes. Play with fire, don’t ask me to kiss your burns and boo-boos. They took a chance, they lost, tough. Maybe your mommies will keep a light on for you just in case you ever get back home.

August 20, 2011 9:18 pm

Got Wagonburner’s #45 right without looking. You go Bibi.

Me too, sort of — thought it was some Israeli official, Netanyahu being the most likely.

How’d you do on the other mini-quiz?

August 20, 2011 9:17 pm

#57 bone
Never underestimate the capacity of people (especially young, idealistic graduates of UC Berkeley) to do stupid, ill-advised things. Rachel Corrie was ostensibly an intelligent young wimmin. What she had in philosophical book-learning, she lacked in applied common sense. She got smooshed by an Israeli D-9 as a result.
They’re not spies; they are morons.

August 20, 2011 9:16 pm

#54 Adee Got Wagonburner’s #45 right without looking. You go Bibi. Me too, sort of — thought it was some Israeli official, Netanyahu being the most likely. Glad you got a little rain. I did 3 hours this morning of sprinkler moving and some hand-watering around the curbs. It was exhausting, but knowing that was all I could legally do… Read more »

August 20, 2011 9:12 pm

#53 Bones
Sorry, I get things jumbled up sometimes while scrolling up and down. I still don’t understand the stash reference. 🙂

August 20, 2011 7:37 pm

#56 Pyro: Those hikers musta been doing something else other than sight-seeing. There is no logical reason for them to be there if it was just sight seeing, they were/are spies or drooling morons, perhaps they were sent to “test the wires”, anyway you slice it, sight seeing doesn’t even get close to passing the smell test as to why… Read more »