Monday “Working Late” Open Comments

Well, I pulled another late nighter again. It was 1:00 am before I made it to bed, but I think I finally have almost everything the CPA wanted for today. I made the deadline, although I was well and truly dead by this morning.
I work harder than our esteemed president, it seems. He went golfing again, and is scheduled for yet another vacation starting this week. I can’t remember the last time I took a vacation. But he’s clean, articulate, and his skin is the right color, and I won’t say anything.
Anyway, come on in. I put the newspaper away yesterday, after I pulled the coupons and read the comics. There’s tea in the fridge, and TWO remotes for the TV, if Hubby hasn’t dropped his in the chair cushions again. Come on in, kick off your shoes, and let’s talk.
I have to get rent Barf Kitty some more cat food. Just don’t graffiti the place while I’m gone, okay?





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August 15, 2011 10:11 pm

#45 Bones Because they have never developed their creative/intellectual side all they have left to discuss are sex, bodily functions and physical attributes. Some one said on the radio today that conservatives messed up 50 years ago when they let the unions take over public education. They/We just gave up and by default let most of the kids in the… Read more »

August 15, 2011 8:36 pm

Signing off for the evening, y’all keep it clean whilst I’m gone.

August 15, 2011 8:35 pm

More evidence that PF is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of his zone of competence. The country’s automakers should ditch their focus on SUVs and trucks in favor of smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles, President Obama said Monday. “You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks,” Obama said during a town hall forum in Cannon Falls, Minn. “There is a place for SUVs… Read more »

August 15, 2011 6:22 pm

OMG – this makes my blood BOIL From one of the bike boards I’m on……….. Last Weds, 2 on duty police officers from Aurora, CO PD drove to South Dakota to attend service for fallen officer. They were both drinking in the marked Aurora PD patrol car and driving erractically. Throwing their empties out the window. Almost took out a… Read more »

August 15, 2011 5:59 pm

63 Shannon
I’ll be over after I git off at midnight long wid my trusty .410 also to back up your nite blindness. Invite out to ST, stew be cookin’ when ya git there darlin.

August 15, 2011 5:49 pm

Bones 53,54,55
Thanks for sharing your emails!

August 15, 2011 5:15 pm

Depends on how young it is. Those big ones are only good for stewin’.

August 15, 2011 5:13 pm

#67 wb:
Isn’t that ‘possum on the half shell?

August 15, 2011 5:09 pm

#63 shannon
Heck, just tell ST there’s a pot of stew on the hoof in your yard. She’ll be right over.

August 15, 2011 5:08 pm

#64 Pyro:

Better yet, stop printing dollar bills.

I’m all for that, the coins may be more expensive to produce but they last a whole lot longer. Stop one or t’other right now and stop the foolish waste of tax dollars.

August 15, 2011 5:06 pm

One of O’s favorites is filing Ch 11. Evergreen Solar Inc., the Massachusetts clean-energy company that received millions in state subsidies from the Patrick administration for an ill-fated Bay State factory, has filed for bankruptcy, listing $485.6 million in debt. Evergreen, which closed its taxpayer-supported Devens factory in March and cut 800 jobs, has been trying to rework its debt… Read more »

August 15, 2011 5:05 pm

#61 bone
Better yet, stop printing dollar bills.

August 15, 2011 5:04 pm

Please bring your armadillo box and duct tape to my house. A new dillo has showed up.
I figured I’d invite Cbr and ST over to to drink beer and watch.
I’ll have the .410 ready as a backup.

August 15, 2011 5:03 pm

#60 hamous
Polar bear

August 15, 2011 4:57 pm

#59 Pyro: Congress can pass the following legislation to fix the problem: Re: The presidential coin act: Effective immediately upon signature of the POTUS production of the presidential coins shall cease. That could have been done 6 months ago and saved $60 billion or so plus storage/transportation costs. They could do it tomorrow and stop the bleeding of that paper… Read more »

August 15, 2011 4:35 pm

Does the Toonie have two loons?

August 15, 2011 4:20 pm

#57 bone
The only way the American public will use dollar coins is if dollar bills go away, which is what Canada has with the Loonie (C$1 – has a loon on it) and the Toonie (C$2). The Mint makes them because Congress passed a law requiring them to.

August 15, 2011 3:58 pm

#48 Done.

August 15, 2011 3:53 pm

Govt waste. If they VSRs in DC can’t stop this they really all should be fired.

August 15, 2011 3:46 pm

With an economy seemingly on the precipice of a renewed recession, an angry conservative movement that regards him with disdain, and a disillusioned liberal base disappointed in his first term, Barack Obama’s bid for reelection next year will, by all indications, be a tough, maybe even uphill fight. Ya think??? I can’t wait to read what liberal spaghetti bowl the… Read more »

August 15, 2011 3:45 pm

Vote NO on Foxnews then pass this along Go to FOX and in America VOTE !!! This is disgusting, to put it mildly. Your voice needs to be heard. This is just sickening. Only 76.15% have voted on the FOX poll to NOT ban the flag in school and something like 18.0% voted YES, to ban it. What is going… Read more »

August 15, 2011 3:42 pm

. . . . .and this: Snotty Receptionist Yesterday I had an appointment to see the urologist for a Prostate exam. Of course I was a bit on edge because all my friends have either gone under the knife or had those pellets implanted……. The waiting room was filled with patients. As I approached the receptionist’s desk, I noticed that… Read more »

August 15, 2011 3:35 pm

from my inbox: While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, who’s hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man… Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his role as our president. The old rancher said, ‘Well, ya know, Obama is a… Read more »

August 15, 2011 3:03 pm

Yikes! I was in this river pretty close to the same place back in June. Didn’t submerge myself though. There were signs all over the place warning people not to go swimming because of pathogens like this. The water is really low and it tends to stagnate. Plus there’s gators everywhere.

August 15, 2011 3:00 pm

#48 kf

August 15, 2011 2:47 pm

*prayer request*
Please – ANYONE who’s ever HAD Cancer or been touched by it – our BACA sister Shooter-Gal goes under the surgical (mastectomy) knife tomorrow. All kneemail surely is appreciated!!!!

August 15, 2011 2:18 pm

#46 – I see you have your sequentialism well organized!!!

August 15, 2011 2:15 pm

#37 Katfish: The last one will prolly be Chrissy Mathews, yanno first in last out.

August 15, 2011 2:12 pm

#44 M42: This generation has never been challenged to produce original intellectual achievement. The music (c)rap is devoid of melody, rarely speaks of anything positive, is harsh in tone and generally is irritating or depressing. The modern TV shows are all totally unreal “reality” shows that all seem to circle around backstabbing and sex. Once again, do you ever see… Read more »

August 15, 2011 2:02 pm

Dylan sounds like a total loser to me. But then, so does his friend Emily. I’m go glad I grew up back when some things were private and not posted on the internet.

August 15, 2011 1:49 pm

#40 TT: Poor Dylan.

August 15, 2011 1:43 pm

Limbaugh just referred to the LSM as “presstitutes” :>)

August 15, 2011 1:05 pm

This is a great reason to limit pregnancy in girls under the age of 17 or so. Apparently the mooooooooooooooslims don’t really care about their wimmins, because they get them pregnant when they are still little girls. MOTHERS AS YOUNG AS 12 A survey of nine African countries by the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) in 2003 found that most fistula… Read more »

August 15, 2011 1:03 pm

Albert is a standup guy, even if he is a Cardinal.

August 15, 2011 12:55 pm

OMG Rush should give SPEW alerts now and then!
He just pondered which MSNBC personality would first be discovered at POTUS’s next colonoscopy………………………………..
I’m still squeegeeing off my monitor……………… ROFL

August 15, 2011 12:50 pm

#35 – MsAdee you have Katfishy email…………………..

August 15, 2011 12:39 pm

Good afternoon Hamsters. Dampish 76 at 6 outside and dry 80 inside on accounta the power was off from about 1:30 am to a bit after 6 this monring. For the second time. Was out from 7 to 8:20 last evening. Next door neighbor called last evening to confirm our power was out too, since in the daylight you can’t… Read more »

August 15, 2011 12:38 pm

Here’s the face of the dole in England: The boy, who cannot be named because of his age, was one of the very few defendants to walk free from court, after receiving a nine month referral order for burglary and violent disorder. His mother, sitting beside the boy’s father, wiped tears from her eyes as the court was told she… Read more »

August 15, 2011 12:28 pm

#27 TT
The link in my 27 works for me… I don’t quite understand what your link is supposed to be? (My dominatrix days are far behind me now.)

August 15, 2011 12:23 pm

Albert is a standup guy, even if he is a Cardinal.

August 15, 2011 11:36 am

#25 TT Speaking of retarded people, 60 Minutes reran their piece on baseball slugger Albert Pujols. An immigrant from the Dominican Republic (the better end of the island shared with Haiti), Pujols married an American who had a Downs Syndrome child, now his adopted oldest. The 60 Mins piece had strong coverage of a Downs Prom event his foundation sponsors… Read more »

August 15, 2011 11:20 am

Big 12 focuses on academics

Who knew?

August 15, 2011 11:17 am

Warren Buffett has been grousing for years about the rich not paying enough taxes. When he said his secretary paid more tax than he did, he was dishonestly comparing tax rate on earned income to tax rate on investment income. Plus there there was something just wrong about his figures for the secretary. He claimed she was paying 30% on… Read more »