Friday Stuffed Open Comments

Before you go and decide to have little Fluffy, Tiger, Spot, Fang, or whatever goofy name you’ve given your pet stuffed so you can enjoy its companionship after its demise, after it shuffled off this mortal coil, assumed room temperature, became an ex-parrot, etc., please take care to choose a good taxidermist. I doubt you’d want to keep old Rex around if a taxidermist made him look like one of these fine beasts:

Museum-grade taxidermy can likely get expensive, but if you’ve got a valuable hunting trophy, you probably don’t want him to wind up looking like he’s a aficionado of the holy herb.

Or like some kind of possessed death monkey.

One of Pumbaa’s relatives would likely be a little off-putting to any wimmins who might be visiting or inhabiting the general vicinity.

There is one specimen we can all agree is in great taste:

You can admire that one with warm feet, thanks to these slippers:

Holy moley!
😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆





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El Gordo
July 15, 2011 11:38 pm

#99 – Re: Gene Green – It’s nice to at least know that he has some principles that he is willing to compromise. So many of them on that side of the aisle don’t have any to begin with.

July 15, 2011 11:12 pm

#114 Tedtam. Love the cartoon and the logic. Lest we forget, skunks are B&W too…. 🙂

July 15, 2011 11:05 pm

While reading a scholarly piece regarding Egyptian imagery and stories later used to tell the Semitic peoples stories involving their own characters (such as Abraham) and came across the name Hugo Gressmann. We was credited with arguing that the story of Lazurus found in Luke 16 derived from a former Egyptian story. When I first saw “Lazarus” I thought, “no… Read more »

July 15, 2011 10:52 pm
July 15, 2011 10:32 pm

109 Bones
Whats ya dont understand man?? Us whiteies IS now the minority. It’s our turn to be pulling the “US’ns” race card. Geeze louise … git wid da program man !!

July 15, 2011 10:12 pm

How much longer?
I answered that question earlier.

July 15, 2011 10:07 pm

3103 Shannon: I think it is pretty safe to say that all the responsible parties that were present pre1965 are gone. How much longer are we gonna hafta put up with some people groups constantly being legally “more equal” than others due to crapola that was outlawed over 150 years ago? Hasn’t the ultimate glass ceiling been broken, hasn’t whitey… Read more »

July 15, 2011 10:03 pm

Found out last night the Texas Lege has passed a slew of HOA bills that override very common (and to my mind) practical procedures that we Nazis use to suppress the masses. One that sure bugs me is they have made it illegal in Texas to deny a vote in HOA elections to deadbeats who owe the association any money.… Read more »

July 15, 2011 10:01 pm

Pyro, they all look like mustard to me, except for the tomato getting its flu shot. 🙂

July 15, 2011 9:54 pm

Selecting a woman’s voice for a GPS that thinks it knows the way around better than you was a no brainer.

July 15, 2011 9:48 pm

#93 GJT

I control one woman in my life, the GPS beotch. And she’s on permanent mute.

Now that is funny as hell.

July 15, 2011 9:41 pm


Seeing as how the Rs run the show now in Texas, and they were never the target of the suit in the first place…

Neither of which has any relationship to…….
Wait. You’re just jacking with me, right?

July 15, 2011 9:39 pm

BTW, I still think those were mustard flowers. I had pulled up a pic of mustard blooms and there was a strong resemblance to Pyro’s mystery shot.

July 15, 2011 9:37 pm

Bones, you don’t seem very happy to have bagged the coveted hunert. Like it annoyed you and got in your way or sumpin like that.

July 15, 2011 9:27 pm

What the wiss and scatalogical euphemisms: hunert

July 15, 2011 9:26 pm

#80 El senor fat man con beard. Occasionally Gene Green comes across as a reasonable person, but then looking at the voting record and the fact that he willingly served as one of Nancy Pelosi’s chief lieutenants and you can readily deduce otherwise. 3rd definition of the “angry blog monkey” censored “W” word: 3. A person considered as having compromised… Read more »

July 15, 2011 9:18 pm

#96 Pyro: Ifn your woman is wissed off enough she could hit the rock with your head instead of hitting your head with the rock.

July 15, 2011 9:17 pm

That voting rights act thing? Wasn’t that the thing that the WISSIN Ds got sued cause they would not let blacks vote in the primary, yet the Rs primary was always open, you mean that one?? Seeing as how the Rs run the show now in Texas, and they were never the target of the suit in the first place… Read more »

July 15, 2011 9:06 pm

If you get hit on the head with a washboard, you could survive.

July 15, 2011 8:55 pm

I control one women in my life, the GPS beotch. And she’s on permanent mute.

July 15, 2011 8:54 pm

And Texpat will be 81 on the 26th.

July 15, 2011 8:53 pm

Happy birthday, by the way. Mine was the 10th

July 15, 2011 8:53 pm

You’re a kind man El Gordo. No respect, no respect.

July 15, 2011 8:51 pm

Pick up an old washboard for her. She’ll love it.

July 15, 2011 8:50 pm

We’re number 6!!!!!!!! w00t!!!!

How shameful, we’re the 4th largest city in America for cryin out loud!

El Gordo
July 15, 2011 8:48 pm

Some people are just hard to please I guess. Yesterday was my birthday, and I always heard that it was better to give than to receive, so in order to celebrate the occasion I went out and bought Mama a brand new lawn mower. Without belaboring all the details, let’s just say that it’s going back tonight, and she can… Read more »

July 15, 2011 8:26 pm

Seeing as how I haven’t been on South Main after dark since the Oilers were playing there, I just assumed those young ladies had moved on to greener pastures in Lawrence and Headshaker’s neighborhood.

July 15, 2011 8:21 pm

#76 Darren
Whoa! That Rudy could sing Happy Birthday to himself in a breathy Marilyn Monroe voice.

July 15, 2011 8:16 pm

80 ElGord
At the risk of getting Hammered, let me suggest that you use your imagination and think of Gene as one of those enterprising young women that used to hang out by the curb on South Main.

July 15, 2011 8:11 pm

77 Numerous attempts have been made over the years to get Texas out from underneath the thumb of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. It wil not happen until the Right and Near Right control both houses and the presidency. I’m not too sure it will make that much difference. The incumbents like the system as it stands. Some consultants will… Read more »

El Gordo
July 15, 2011 8:03 pm

SJL continues to try to play the race card because that’s the only card she has (also known as playing without a full deck….). However hard she tries though, it always seems that she winds up playing the idiot card. At least Maxine Waters come across as someone who is truly spiteful and full of hate, but not as an… Read more »

July 15, 2011 7:46 pm

Yes , Barbara Jordan was a very intelligent woman. I remember hearing her speak on news clips, but during her tenure, I was below the age of political awareness. The rest to fill that seat have not been worth the powder it would take to blow them straight to RFU land. The decline i the quality of representative of that… Read more »

July 15, 2011 7:44 pm

In spite of Texas taking it in the shorts from William Wayne Justice on the prison system and the artificial cloud over redistricting, we still produce as much as the rest of the country combined. I guess they have to keep the shackles on us just to make it fair.

July 15, 2011 7:32 pm

Bones, I assume you are up on your history and know that Texas Congressional districting (and all voting districts) remain after lo these many years under federal court control following the 1965 Voting Rights Act. “‘For states covered by Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, including Texas, a change in law affecting elections must be evaluated… Read more »

July 15, 2011 6:45 pm

On the bright side it’s looking like Rudy Tutti Fresh & Fruity will not run.


Simple Simon
Simple Simon
July 15, 2011 6:41 pm

66 Boney, The district was gerrymandered, but Barbara Jordan was one of the most decent and honorable folks to serve in the Congress. She stood up for Governor Connelly when he was railroaded; long after John Connelly has jumped from the Democratic Party to the Republican. Mickey Leland was pretty close to being a Socialist, but he was heavily backed… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
July 15, 2011 6:36 pm

27 Boney, The Japanese did in the Phillipines and Singapore during the WW-II invasion and the NVA used a similar device during the entire war. It was called a bicycle. As I understand it a couple of the European countries still have Infantry regiments that use bicycles. I can well remember being a human mule for the machine gunners and… Read more »

July 15, 2011 6:23 pm

On the bright side it’s looking like Rudy Tutti Fresh & Fruity will not run.

July 15, 2011 6:19 pm

It is still earlyl, but looks like the establishment republicans are trying to make the Straus sandwich a national dish.

July 15, 2011 5:33 pm

Incredible. The White House cannot say whether a default on the national debt is worse than the president not getting his way on a preferred, arbitrary timetable — resulting a politically inconvenient vote during the home stretch of his re-election bed. Who’s playing politically-motivated, reckless games with the debt ceiling now? Again, I’ll leave you with this quote. From yesterday:… Read more »

July 15, 2011 5:26 pm

#70 Pyro: I thought you were talking about one of these. Seeing as it was the unaconomist.

July 15, 2011 4:57 pm


I think opossum slippers with tails attached would be pretty cool.

That should help the user sleep better at night. 🙂