Hillary Plotter and the Half-Nubian Prince

I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but just when you think his foreign policy can’t get any more dangerous Barry tops himself:

President Obama was effusive in his praise for the Special Relationship when he visited London recently, but his administration continues to slap Britain in the face over the highly sensitive Falklands issue. Washington signed on to a “draft declaration on the question of the Malvinas Islands” passed by unanimous consent by the General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS) at its meeting in San Salvador yesterday, an issue which had been heavily pushed by Argentina. In doing so, the United States sided not only with Buenos Aires, but also with a number of anti-American regimes including Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela and Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua.
The declaration calls for Argentina and Great Britain to enter into negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falklands, a position which London has long viewed as completely unacceptable. It also comes in the wake of increasing aggression by the Kirchner regime in the past 18 months, including threats to blockade British shipping in the South Atlantic.

Such deliberate actions to destroy the historical relationships with our allies can no longer be considered to be the bumblings of an inept newbie. He is hellbent on the destruction of Western civilization. And Hillary’s apparently on board:

Washington backed a similar resolution in June last year, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made it clear in a joint press conference with Cristina Kirchner in Buenos Aires in March 2010 that the Obama administration fully backs Argentina’s calls for negotiations over the Falkands, handing her Argentine counterpart a significant propaganda coup. The State Department has also insultingly referred to the Islands in the past as the Malvinas, the Argentine name for them.
It is hugely disappointing that the Obama administration has chosen once again to side not only with the increasingly authoritarian regime in Argentina, but also with an array of despots in Latin America against British interests. Mrs Clinton should be reminded that 255 brave British servicemen laid down their lives in 1982 for the freedom of the Falkland Islanders, who are overwhelmingly British, following the brutal Argentine invasion.

After Barry’s pronouncement that Israel should return to its pre-1967 borders a few weeks ago I half-jokingly quipped maybe America should return to its pre-1845 borders. The possibility doesn’t seem that far-fetched anymore.
(h/t Hot Air)





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June 10, 2011 3:33 pm

Boney – I don’t think he’s a sock puppet. His halting speech sans TOTUS is probably a result of his metering out words so as not to unmask the true Marxist underneath the facade.

June 10, 2011 3:05 pm

I suppose that is a little more palatable than “that jug eared sack of s_-t, terd-nozzle, mother-wisser, etc, etc, etc”

I sure am glad Hamous wrote the title. 😉

June 10, 2011 2:51 pm

But, but, but isn’t Hillary rumored to be leaving her post as Secretary of State and taking a job with the World Bank? (Makes one think of the relationship between rats and ships….) No mention of what if any qualifications are required for that gauzy organization. Or for that matter, any question of just what that organization actually is. 🙂 And the word is gauZy, not gauDy. 🙂

June 10, 2011 2:18 pm

#5 Fats: The foul “O” is nothing more than a sock puppet for George Soros. It is Soros who is the real brains behind the operation. The proof is that when the jug-eared jack-a$$ is asked a question he is not expecting (received in advance) and has no teleprompter he is a mumbling bumbling fool. PF/OBH is nothing more than a destructive bludgeon in the hands of an evil tyrant.

El Gordo
June 10, 2011 12:50 pm

Yet there are some out there who still believe that our President is merely incompetent or does not understand what he is doing? My contention for some time now is that he knows exactly what he is doing, and further, that he is doing a good job at it (namely the destruction of this country and/or Western civilization).

June 10, 2011 12:07 pm

Cute title, too: “half-nubian prince” indeed.

I suppose that is a little more palatable than “that jug eared sack of s_-t, terd-nozzle, mother-wisser, etc, etc, etc”

June 10, 2011 11:53 am

Cute title, too: “half-nubian prince” indeed. 🙂

June 10, 2011 11:46 am

Such deliberate actions to destroy the historical relationships with our allies can no longer be considered to be the bumblings of an inept newbie. He is hellbent on the destruction of Western civilization.

You may be correct.

June 10, 2011 10:16 am

And what is the top news of the week? Anthony Weiners weenie.

June 10, 2011 3:33 pm

Boney – I don’t think he’s a sock puppet. His halting speech sans TOTUS is probably a result of his metering out words so as not to unmask the true Marxist underneath the facade.

June 10, 2011 3:05 pm

I suppose that is a little more palatable than “that jug eared sack of s_-t, terd-nozzle, mother-wisser, etc, etc, etc”

I sure am glad Hamous wrote the title. 😉

June 10, 2011 2:51 pm

But, but, but isn’t Hillary rumored to be leaving her post as Secretary of State and taking a job with the World Bank? (Makes one think of the relationship between rats and ships….) No mention of what if any qualifications are required for that gauzy organization. Or for that matter, any question of just what that organization actually is. 🙂 And the word is gauZy, not gauDy. 🙂

Super Dave
June 10, 2011 12:50 pm

Yet there are some out there who still believe that our President is merely incompetent or does not understand what he is doing? My contention for some time now is that he knows exactly what he is doing, and further, that he is doing a good job at it (namely the destruction of this country and/or Western civilization).

June 10, 2011 11:53 am

Cute title, too: “half-nubian prince” indeed. 🙂

June 10, 2011 11:46 am

Such deliberate actions to destroy the historical relationships with our allies can no longer be considered to be the bumblings of an inept newbie. He is hellbent on the destruction of Western civilization.

You may be correct.

June 10, 2011 10:16 am

And what is the top news of the week? Anthony Weiners weenie.

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