Friday Open Comments

Again, I find material at Christian Hartsock has nailed it with his piece on “Community Organized Crime“. (You have GOT to see the video linked in this story.)

This is because the institutional left…is defined by intolerance, division and xenophobia, and not as unfortunate side effects, but as structural pillars. Without these pillars, there would be no structure.

We see this today in the “interactions” between the liberal left and everyone else. I put “interactions” in quotes because most “interaction” involved the left trying to shut any dissenting voice down. It seems the big tent they claim to have is a fragile one, one held in place by gossamer strings of poor arguments for their cause, and suspended upon flimsy poles of excuses and selfishness.
Liberals, by their nature, are based upon groups. Black African-American? Then you are a victim of past discrimination, and always will be. Poor? Then you will need the help of others, help that will be forced upon you whether you like it or not, and that will be mostly because the liberals want to help you just enough to keep you dependent. Illegal immigrant? Then by all means, you WILL be a victim of stereotyping and abuse! By removing the individualism from the people they claim to represent, they claim collective superiority over them.

Be it “socialism,” “liberalism” or “progressivism,” as the left repeatedly changes names like an escaped convict fleeing from state to state, perhaps the most accurate denotation, aside from Mark Levin’s “statism,” is “collectivism.” This is due to the apparent inability to register persons as individuals, with the dignities afforded the description, but as nameless molecules of more relevant “collectives.”

I’ve always felt sorry for the bloc voters. The believe that they are right in voting the way they do, while all the time they are taken for granted. What need does a Democrat have to actively try to encourage any “protected” group that’s going to vote for him anyway? From birth, the bloc voter is told that the Democrats will represent him, will take care of him, will fight for him – and all the while the one chosen to represent him chooses to create an atmosphere of dependency, until that dependency becomes a generational “gift,” a cultural standard that perpetuates itself indefinitely. These generational descendents become armies of voters for their newly-minted masters. The ones who escape this atmosphere are the exception, rather than the rule. The ones who escape this atmosphere are to be maligned and ostracized, to be made subjects of disdain and jest, and their comments discarded without thought, lest their secret to escape the new plantation become well-known.
I have occasionally referenced the Jack Williams sci-fi novella “With Folded Hands”. In this story, there is a breed of robots, whose purpose is
“…to serve and obey, and guard men from harm. It is no longer necessary for men to care for themselves, because we exist to ensure their safety and happiness.” Sound familiar? The twist is that they cannot do so unless you ask them for help – and then you are stuck. They will not leave you alone after that, and their “help” gradually restricts all your freedom.

Trial robots rebuild their their home to something far more comfortable & with better materials. Replace doors that humans cannot open – but a robot is always at service! “windows that only a mechanical could open—a man might accidentally fall, or suicidally jump”. Bar their entry to kitchen – you could hurt yourself! Remove most toys of kids, & replace them with plastic ones that cannot hurt! Remove the little workshop Underhill keeps at home! Bar automobile driving because humans can be careless! Even reading of novel, “because they dealt with unhappy people in dangerous situations”. Elsewhere, “Most active sports were declared too dangerous for men… Science was forbidden, because laboratories can manufacture danger.” Even suicide is not an option; robots know some people try it, & have taken precautions!

The last line of the novella has always struck a chill in my heart. The hero of the story – the last human to resist the kind, loving robot assistance, has succumbed.

“The car turned off the shining avenue, taking him back to the quiet splendor of his prison. His futile hands clenched and relaxed again, folded on his knees. There was nothing left to do.”

May we never rest, with folded hands.

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June 4, 2011 12:26 am

For some derranged reason I thoroughly enjoy blog posts that pound Charles Johnson into the sand. That’s probably due to his self-righteous declaration that the right is nothing but “wingnots”. So kuddos to Iowahawk as posted above by El Gordo and Dude. That was brilliant writing. Patterico’s site has done some healthy Johnson bashing itself based on nothing less than… Read more »

June 3, 2011 11:23 pm

Rides away to the car wash on Gracie

I bet those brushes hurt.

June 3, 2011 10:43 pm

#28 Shannon

I did catch The Hitchhikers Guide To… flick on TV

So are you ready to become Shannon42 ???

………………………………………………….Rides away to the car wash on Gracie with tears of laughter streaming……………

June 3, 2011 10:37 pm

To the judge who ruled to prohibit prayer at a graduation ceremony in Texas.

Super Dave
Super Dave
June 3, 2011 9:50 pm

Jeff Bridges.
Pee Wee Herman
Bozo = Obama

Welp, I could have figgered that our LST Hambone “Not Ready For Prime Time Players” to come to the rescue with a couple ridiculous examples! 😀

June 3, 2011 9:38 pm

To put to rest the notion they’re prO-Obumma shills, the Obamedia will now run this disclaimer before doing any stories on Obumma.

June 3, 2011 9:35 pm

Can anyone here name ONE star, male or female, that comes close to the ones we knew growing up?

Bozo = Obama

June 3, 2011 9:18 pm

Pee Wee Herman

June 3, 2011 9:13 pm

Jeff Bridges.

Super Dave
Super Dave
June 3, 2011 8:20 pm

Marshall Dillon has gone to the Longbranch in the sky. Another one of the real stars is gone and sadly they’re not making them anymore. Can anyone here name ONE star, male or female, that comes close to the ones we knew growing up? He!! I can’t name more than a dozen that are in the business! The movies SUX… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
June 3, 2011 8:13 pm

Well, Dave your roving reporter is checking in from New Iberia La, I decided to head out from PC Beach a day early, take 98 to Destin and cross the new Bay Bridge and head over to Niceville, then up to I 10 and head west. I wanted to vist Avery Island and see the Tabasco factory and the Bird… Read more »

June 3, 2011 8:12 pm

….you’ll find a fight scene where part of a head disappears.
Don’t worry. It’s done tactfully and without a lot of gore.

Sounds a lot like some stories I’m reading on the ‘net: Sarah Crashes Mitt’s Party
She’s drivin’ ’em crazy out there. 😀

June 3, 2011 7:17 pm

GJT #39 Heh To my male shoveled nose pig eye this young man has done like several others of his ilk, believed a lie. It made me sick to my stomach to hear his parents “Oh we support him in whatever he wants to do, become what he wants to become” garbage. No doubt that more in the student body… Read more »

June 3, 2011 6:45 pm

#28 Shannon

I did catch The Hitchhikers Guide To… flick on TV

So are you ready to become Shannon42 ???

June 3, 2011 6:40 pm

#23 Adee

seal the Stargate with extreme prejudice

I always admire the way you phrase things. 🙂

June 3, 2011 6:01 pm

Flourish on I will! #38 Squawk, note the dad still refers to it as him. Whatever the rational to these confused individuals and their enablers want to drivel, no doubt it will, or has, come to the point of experimentation, especially for the younger set. I’m sure there are many high school guys out there who’d like their very own… Read more »

June 3, 2011 5:05 pm

Tedtam. Deepest sympathy for your sister at this time. Not easy to discover one who has passed away at home and deal with the legalities involved therein. Been there, done that when my Dad passed away, only I was at the bedside and Mom was resting in another room. Most likely it will help her to talk about it when… Read more »

June 3, 2011 4:59 pm

#24 Tedtam. I’d say your solution meets the test of extreme prejudice 🙂

June 3, 2011 4:41 pm

Marshall Dillon has gone to the Longbranch in the sky.

I wonder if he finally gets to kiss Miss Kitty?
An has been noted Kevorkian has assumed room temp. You will note that the suicide doc did all he could to stay alive. I suspect the first thing he said when he met Osama is “oops”.

June 3, 2011 4:38 pm

It did not say if the king kissed the “queen”.
This country is sooooooo skrewed.

June 3, 2011 4:27 pm

I have great faith that you will survive. Even flourish.

June 3, 2011 4:26 pm

A final note from James Arness: Hi friends, I decided to write a letter to you for Janet to post on our website in the event I was no longer here. I had a wonderful life and was blessed with some many loving people and great friends. The best part of my life was my family, especially my wife Janet.… Read more »

June 3, 2011 3:40 pm

Speaking of gambling, we just got back from Lousyanna and left them with a paltry 45 bucks. Well …..except for the 50 dropped at Pat’s of Henderson. Oh my what delicious food.

June 3, 2011 3:34 pm

Dangit Shannon, now you done made me the last person to not see the show. That’s aight, I can handle the pressure.

June 3, 2011 3:18 pm

Marshall Dillon has gone to the Longbranch in the sky.

June 3, 2011 2:35 pm

That reminds me…I did catch The Hitchhikers Guide To… flick on TV last weekend. I found it mildly entertaining. But the painkillers probably had me too lazy to change the channel.

June 3, 2011 2:31 pm

Oh, and here’s a website with the aforementioned scene.

Was hopin’ it was the shut the Stargate down thing

June 3, 2011 1:11 pm

Good afternoon Hamsters. We dodged 100 yesterday out here in the countyside but not by much. Today it started at 69 at 6 with lots of ground mist later and no breeze until about noon. Hot again, and somebody stole the tropical low that was supposed to bring rain. Regarding the multiple inane excuses The One and acolytes/maroon platoon give… Read more »

June 3, 2011 1:10 pm

I’m sorry guys, but I have been in double entendre heaven for the past week.

A 2001 Vanity Fair article about a young woman using her sexual proclivity to climb Capitol Hill featured a large section on her interactions with Weiner.

June 3, 2011 12:48 pm

Not entirely SFW. I hope proper apolgies were made to SNL.

June 3, 2011 12:46 pm

Right from the beginning of this Weiner caper, I smelled a rat. And that rat was stinking like a rotten fish. And the brand name of that rat-scented blogfish cologne? Eau de Breitbart #5. Before I could act on that suspicion, I knew I had to talk to the one man who knew the filthy underside of L.A.’s blog row… Read more »

June 3, 2011 11:47 am

10-year old kid in Round Rock gets a ticket for not wearing his seat belt properly. He had it on, but not properly.

El Gordo
June 3, 2011 11:46 am

Brought forward from yesterday For anyone who may be interested, Iowahawk has now enlisted the help of the ace detective Dan Rather to solve the case of the Weiner hack. You may recall that Dan was involved in earlier capers including the case of the Bush flight school absences, John Edwards involvement in an extramarital affair, and several others. In… Read more »

June 3, 2011 11:16 am

#14 Pyro: It does not take much imagination to realize that, if the Breck Girl/Silky Pony got elected, he would be subject to unimaginable blackmail pressure. Now let’s look at PF/OBH/Dumbo . . . . . . dya think he may be getting some pressure from the spooky doode, Soros?

June 3, 2011 11:15 am

I agree, we are not heading INTO a recession. We’re already there.

Especially if you remove external influences like QE1, QE2, and probably QE3 to come. All that’s done is to prolong the inevitable and make it worse when it does come.

June 3, 2011 10:48 am

The Breck girl is being charged with spending almost $1 million of campaign money to keep his love child and trusty steed hidden during the 2008 campaign.

June 3, 2011 9:38 am

How does one distinguish levels of gayness?

Normally, you see if he throws like a girl.
But this is softball.
And that’s why there’s a problem.

June 3, 2011 9:24 am

A gay softball organization can keep its rule limiting the number of heterosexual players on each team, but allegations by three players who say they were disqualified from a tournament because they weren’t gay enough can proceed to trial, a federal judge said. [emphasis mine]

How does one distinguish levels of gayness?

June 3, 2011 9:18 am

I thought the less money I earn the more benefits I could receive from my “friends” in government.

After years and years of Liberals telling me that it was absurd to think that people would voluntarily lower their standard of living in order to receive “free gummint money”, now they are recommending it.
Beam me the frik up.

June 3, 2011 9:07 am

#2 sarge

At one point, after exhausting all his ammunition, he had to use the tripod of his machine gun to beat away a militant who was climbing the walls of the compound.

The Earth is prolly wobbling a bit on its axis because of the weight of his humongous brass giblets.