Friday Worst Ex-President Ever (so far) Open Comments

James Earl Carter
He specifically asked the Presidential ballots in 1976 to read “Jimmy Carter”.
Those who voted for him (or planned to) should have known just from that alone how bad of a mistake they would be making. It is difficult to express the depth of the mistake American voters made that November day so long ago.
What is clear now is that virtually nobody is of the opinion that electing him was the best thing they could have done. He has so effectively marginalized and beclowned himself that virtually nobody takes him seriously. Not even the poofy-haired troll dictator in the DPRK.

What Peanuts is essentially saying is that we have the obligation to feed the North Koreans so that he can keep them in slavery. We should do whatever we can do to ensure that Mr. Trolldoll will just keep talking and not shut us out. Why this is important is left unsaid.
To be sure, this is not Peanuts’ only failing. While in office, he managed to relinquish control of the Panama Canal, enable lots on Marxist rebels in Central America, set in motion events that led to the crazies in Iran taking control and causing havoc 35 years later.
He also presided over an economic disaster on the domestic front. High unemployment and high interest rates that led to the creation of the “misery index”, plus the Department of Energy.
Department of Energy – created to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. When it was created, imported oil represented 30% of our usage. Its budget is currently about $24 billion per year. Let’s use a quarter of that for an average for its overall annual budget. $6 billion times 34 years is about $204 billion. What have we gotten for our $204 billion?
Imported oil represents 70% of our usage.
Way to go Peanuts.

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April 30, 2011 7:49 am

Tim, be careful so you don’t get both of us banned from the Couch!
Me, I’m suiting up for yard work. Today is trim the shaggy bushes and hedges day.

April 29, 2011 11:01 pm

The blog boss does this crap all the time. He’s evil, really.

April 29, 2011 10:30 pm

Superman and Batman shudder when faced with Blog Moderators.

I thought it was Hamous’ mullet.

April 29, 2011 9:32 pm

Texpat — I will never question Hammy’s authoritah again.

April 29, 2011 9:22 pm

If you haven’t learned by now, moderators are like gods – they can do whatever they want to do in the entire universe.
Superman and Batman shudder when faced with Blog Moderators.

April 29, 2011 9:15 pm

#100 Hamous Oy oy oy! I’m just curious, did you bounce my #100 and replace it with this moose call or whatever it is? 🙂 Cause I did see my post was numbered 100 until I edited it. But could you have bounced it to 101 even if I had not hit Modify? If this is secret moderator lore that… Read more »

April 29, 2011 8:33 pm

WB #115

“You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin’ to? You talkin’ to me? Well I’m the only one here. Who the f*** do you think you’re talking to?”

Well, uh, yeah.

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 29, 2011 8:20 pm

#114 mrharper42 Snail mail, how quaint. FWIW; I send out less than 2 checks a month, ’bout 10 years ago I started paying all my bills online and using a debit card every place I shop, I LOVE it, soo much better/faster than a check. I even use the debit card at the 10 items or less check-out, because I… Read more »

April 29, 2011 7:57 pm

Dave, when I say “speeds it up”, I mean speeds it up for me. It takes too long otherwise to provide all the info for an online transaction. Not that I want to put in credit card or bank info for a bunch of different sites anyway. Snail mail, how quaint. 🙂 I still have some of the original “Forever”… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 29, 2011 7:41 pm

#111 mharper42 I just made an online donation to the Salvation Army for Southern states tornado relief. They take Paypal which speeds it up. I googled Tuscaloosa, Birmingham and Huntsville Salvation Army today and sent 3 checks via snail mail, the only one that I saw that had Pay-Pal was Birmingham and I got half way through it and thought,… Read more »

April 29, 2011 7:04 pm

#110 M:

Bzombies — the old-fashioned brains-eating kind

Yeah like the B-Movie kind

Tzombies — terd-nozzles ™ of various kinds

this one works for me
How about Mzombies for this kind?

April 29, 2011 6:58 pm

I just made an online donation to the Salvation Army for Southern states tornado relief. They take Paypal which speeds it up. I checked first with the Red Cross site but they didn’t have a tornado project set up yet.

April 29, 2011 6:45 pm

#109 Bones
Well, I’m not quite sure what your 2nd example is, but how’s about:
Bzombies — the old-fashioned brains-eating kind
Tzombies — terd-nozzles ™ of various kinds

April 29, 2011 6:07 pm

about the zombies thing: I need to be able to distinguish between this kind and the other kind when we are talking about them. Any suggestions?

April 29, 2011 5:58 pm

#88 TT: From your linkie thingie: Unions are crazy Walmart uses union truckers for shipping, union labor does the construction, David Koch pays union workers union wages to make union TP and paper towels under the Georgia pacific brands. Factories use unions to make food. Every product Walmart sells has union labor. Unions get paid to refine crude to run… Read more »

April 29, 2011 5:05 pm

I can remember Ma and Dad getting the fambly into the Nash Beachwagon on Sundays and heading out to Hampton Beach. We’d stop at the gas station at the traffic circle at Rte 101 and Massabesic Lake road, he’d toss a dollar at the attendant. We’d drive to Hampton and back and he’d still have gas enough to drive back… Read more »

April 29, 2011 4:55 pm


Mike Lee, Utah (announced filibuster with DeMint)
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Marco Rubio, Florida
Bob Corker, Tennessee

I don’t know bob Cork but the rest is a very solid bunch. Thus far I’ve been very happy with them.

April 29, 2011 4:49 pm

Hamous Wycliffe runs north and south right after Britt Moore Road where we lived. In 1960, it was the last outpost of civilization heading west on Memorial. There was no Wilcrest, Kirkwood, Dairy Ashford, etc. If you kept riding out Memorial, it was nothing but forest and pasture all the way to what is now called Highway 6. All 2… Read more »

April 29, 2011 4:35 pm

Ah yes, gas wars. A whole different meaning back then. I think the lowest I remember was 19 cents in the mid ’60s.

April 29, 2011 4:30 pm

Wycliffe and Memorial Drive, a Gulf, Sinclair and Texaco station on 3 of the corners. Around 1960, they had a gas war that took the price down to 15 cents a gallon. People drove from all over to fill up there. I was 8 yrs old and remember riding my bike through there and wondering why the cars were all… Read more »

April 29, 2011 4:28 pm

Before you go Tedtam;
Will your status as human carer for barf companion animal change any after graduation?

94 Dooood says:
April 29, 2011 at 3:33 pm
Only $1.49 – get ‘em while they’re hot!

Got mine when they were only $0.50

It doesn’t get much better than this.

Yah it does.

April 29, 2011 4:13 pm

Oy oy oy!

April 29, 2011 4:14 pm

Dave, I also remember when gas was $0.25 a gallon! Midland had several intersections where there were gas stations on every corner, so several times a year there would be price wars at the location. Don’t remember what kind of mileage I got back then.
Oh, and 100…
Or it was till I Modify and lost it…

April 29, 2011 4:12 pm

It doesn’t get much better than this.

April 29, 2011 4:11 pm

Off to shower and change to look at poofy dresses and have dinner with in-laws-to-be.
And ST – flush your own um, hmm, er, um, “drut”. You crazy lady! 😉

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 29, 2011 3:52 pm

“So how’s that hope & change working out for ya?”
Oh I’d say about $3.79 a gallon, $81.53 to fill up the Ole Pick-Um-Up. 🙁
In the early seventies I had a car that held 10 gallons and I could fill it up for $2.50 and go 330 miles.

April 29, 2011 3:45 pm

I’m standing in line at HEB. Someone left a stickynote by the card swiper:
“So how’s that hope & change working out for ya?”

April 29, 2011 3:43 pm

50 BC

I’m figgerin’ that would be Nitro-Methane to we simpletons, correct?

Yes that would be correct.
dinitrogen dioxide??
52 SD

That was the year that Eddie Hill broke into he 4′s, 4.99

I was there. I saw saw 4 of the first 5 sub 5 second runs

April 29, 2011 3:33 pm

Only $1.49 – get ’em while they’re hot!

April 29, 2011 3:25 pm

Lovely is downstairs as we speak write blog. She has cleaned out the refrigerator to make room for all the food for tomorrow’s graduation/engagement party. She’s making cake and her famous cookies. The actual graduation is next Saturday. The wedding just over a year from now. And in the meantime, I have to make Handsome Son has needs taken care… Read more »

April 29, 2011 2:57 pm

When a Wally World moves into an area, everone who decides to shop there gets a pay increase, in the form of cheaper prices.

Just don’t go there to avoid a Zombie Apocalypse.

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 29, 2011 2:54 pm

#88 Tedtam, Idiots on parade!! BTW; When a Wally World moves into an area, everone who decides to shop there gets a pay increase, in the form of cheaper prices.
So when’s Daughter’s graduation? Hard to believe that its been 4 years.

April 29, 2011 2:29 pm

Given the revisions they’ve had to make in past quarters, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this last quarter’s anemic 1 point sumpin GDP growth be revised downwards to durn near zero.

Good point. How come the revisions never go in the direction you want them to? Funny how that works, eh?

April 29, 2011 2:20 pm

87 Dooood says: April 29, 2011 at 2:15 pm Yes, in technical terms we are not now in a recession. Recessions can only be determined by looking backwards at previous quarter’s numbers. That doesn’t mean we’re in a good place economically by any stretch of a sane person’s imagination. Given the revisions they’ve had to make in past quarters, I… Read more »

April 29, 2011 2:19 pm

Un-bee-leev-a-bull !!!

Walmart will make criminals of our children, argues Washington D.C. commissioner Brenda Speaks, because “kids are kids” so they’ll shoplift and then “security will grab them.”

Ummm….there’s a solution for that problem, lady. TEACH YOUR KIDS NOT TO STEAL!

April 29, 2011 2:15 pm

Yes, in technical terms we are not now in a recession. Recessions can only be determined by looking backwards at previous quarter’s numbers. That doesn’t mean we’re in a good place economically by any stretch of a sane person’s imagination.

April 29, 2011 2:12 pm

Yup, Bendover Bernanke seems to have gone the way of the skilled politician: LOOP 1. Create problem. 2. Obtain job “fixing” the problem you originally created. 3. Take action that makes it look like you’re doing something to fix the problem, but in all actuality does nothing of the sort. 4. When step #3 fails to fix the problem (as… Read more »

April 29, 2011 2:06 pm

On what wissin planet did the recession end?? Just because he says it don’t make it so, a cat can have kittens in the oven. . . . . . . .?

The same ones that said we had Recovery Summer! last year.

April 29, 2011 1:59 pm

#77 DOOOOOOOOODE: From your linkie thingie: The recession officially ended two years ago. Bernanke said the national economy is growing at a moderate pace and that job creation is gradually improving, repeating comments he made earlier this week at a news conference after the Fed’s policy meeting. On what wissin planet did the recession end?? Just because he says it… Read more »

April 29, 2011 1:47 pm

But Zombie Pod People are the worst.

April 29, 2011 1:43 pm

76 Hamous says:
April 29, 2011 at 1:35 pm
I don’t worry about zombies. I think they’re easily fooled. I’ve been walking amongst them for years. Now Pod People, that’s another matter.

Preparing for pod people is no fun. All you need is a reasonably large supply of No-Doz. No gear, nothing that goes bang. No fun at all.

April 29, 2011 1:43 pm

Pod People would help ‘splain an awful lotta things.

April 29, 2011 1:37 pm

Maybe it’s his birth certificate we ought to have a look at.

Pod People

April 29, 2011 1:36 pm

I’ve come to the conclusion that Bernanke is either a complete idiot or completely intent on destroying America. Maybe it’s his birth certificate we ought to have a look at.

April 29, 2011 1:35 pm

I don’t worry about zombies. I think they’re easily fooled. I’ve been walking amongst them for years. Now Pod People, that’s another matter.

April 29, 2011 1:34 pm

Nuke the site from orbit.
It’s the only way to be sure.

Aliens #1 and 2