Monday Peeps Open Comments


The quintessential Easter confection. They have very little taste or substance, but enterprising artists have found an alternate use for them.






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April 25, 2011 10:34 pm

See, this is what happens when you ban fox hunting and dwarf tossing. People look for alternative, and more dangerous past times.

April 25, 2011 10:29 pm

Hold muh beer and watch this!
Hope that was one of the last on the bucket list.

April 25, 2011 10:24 pm

Easy math there
0 net = speelllaaaatttt

April 25, 2011 10:22 pm

For some sadistic reason I got a chuckle out of the canceled sign.

April 25, 2011 10:22 pm

If you are going to work in the Human Cannonball field, you want a safety net that works right. Otherwise, no show, Joe.

April 25, 2011 10:13 pm

Human Cannonball Dies During Stunt After Safety Net Fails
I hate it when my safety net fails to engage.
Do you hate it when your safety net fails to engage?
I really hate it when my safety net fails to engage.

April 25, 2011 9:47 pm

Puppy tree’d his first squirrel this weekend, thought he was mister big sh!t. Then he found a turtle in the brush, wasn’t sure what to do with it.

April 25, 2011 9:44 pm

Why are they teasing us with these scrolls across the bottom of the screen about tornadoes and severe thunderstorms???

That is just a wrong thing to do to my thirsty weeds and dirt, hell they get all hyper and stuff when the puppy goes outside.

April 25, 2011 9:35 pm

They are sadists Hammie.

April 25, 2011 8:46 pm

Why are they teasing us with these scrolls across the bottom of the screen about tornadoes and severe thunderstorms???

April 25, 2011 8:27 pm

In their recent book, American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, David Campbell and Robert Putnam encounter an instinctively tolerant American people. To pluck just one statistic from the Faith Matters Survey, which the authors use as the basis of their book, the overwhelming majority—82%—of self-described “highly religious” Americans believe that even those who do not have religious faith… Read more »

April 25, 2011 8:22 pm

Yup, the beater upper of Chrissy Lee is definitely a trouble maker. My take is that she didn’t grow up respecting her parents or authority. Teonna Monae Brown, 18, was charged with two assault counts for allegedly attacking Danielle Dower, 38, last July. In October, a Baltimore County judge ruled that charges would not be further pursued against Brown, according… Read more »

April 25, 2011 8:20 pm

Ron Paul Launches Presidential Campaign.
Whoohoo, we’re saved!!!

April 25, 2011 8:19 pm

All your church are belong to us

That must be in the Book of Hamous somewhere.

April 25, 2011 8:18 pm

OK, OK…. (can I please have my arm back? I don’t like it twisted behind my back)
[Clearing throat]…
Hi, TRUTH, welcome!!!

April 25, 2011 8:14 pm

Please be nice – at least for a couple of days, you philistines.

Does that include us infidel Philistine coonasses? Or are you talking specifically to us infidel Philistine coonasses?

April 25, 2011 8:13 pm

Shalom and Lila Tov (peace and good night) y’all. I’m signing off for the night.

April 25, 2011 8:05 pm

GtoTracker: Check your e-mail thingie.

April 25, 2011 7:52 pm


Was there a Biblical prophecy about all this? 🙂

All your church are belong to us 😉

April 25, 2011 7:51 pm

#105 and #108 Truth: Welcome to the crucible where a lot of BS is burned away and the jewel of reality sometimes emerges. Usually lots of sparks and flames with a few ha-ha’s thrown in just for fun.
I guess we sometimes refer to ourselves as Hamoustonianites or Hamsters something like that. Nice to see a newbie :>)

April 25, 2011 7:49 pm

Pssst. Wagonburner and Tedtam. The Plan is working perfectly! Our double agents have succeeded in turning even Baptists into Catholics. From the link: Certain Holy Week observances long affiliated with more liturgical traditions are being re-purposed and incorporated into evangelical congregations, home to increasing numbers of former Catholics and mainline Protestants. So now Mormons need to worry about defective holy… Read more »

April 25, 2011 7:47 pm

#105 – Hey Welcome and keep your Kevlar handy!
#108 – Well SAID!

April 25, 2011 7:39 pm

#109 Pyro: Your post and mine most have crossed in the spit bucket. You quoted the Mark 7:19 passage. It is really important to look at the whole thing IN CONTEXT starting in verse 1 Mark 7:1-4 7 The Pharisees and some of the scribes gathered around Him when they had come from Jerusalem, 2 and had seen that some… Read more »

April 25, 2011 7:35 pm

#106 *cheap shot ALERT*
(TFF but still a cheapie)

April 25, 2011 7:34 pm

Wagon #38;
Dude, you sound worse than I did this weekend and I felt lousey as well.

with an a$$load (literally) of drugs.

So, to understand this correctly, your a$$ is literally loaded with drugs over a sinus problem? Dude, you may want to see a new doctor.
Hope you feel better soon.

April 25, 2011 7:21 pm

#106 Hamous and by extension, TT and Pyro: WHEN MESSIAH RETURNS HE will straighten out these differences. I do not wish to speak ill of or create ill will with a believer in Messiah; we must remain steadfast that we are bretheren and sisteren and to always treat each other with dignity and respect.

April 25, 2011 7:21 pm

Hamous 13&17;

When developing the CD he insisted that it hold a minimum of 75 minutes so that he could listen to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony without interruption.

Very cool geek trivia.

Just ’cause your cat has kittens in the oven…

Doesn’t make them biscuits tallywhackers?

April 25, 2011 7:18 pm

dunno If I am the last one to hear that, but I will find out.

The best you could have been was next-to-the-last, but I concur. That’s hilarious.

April 25, 2011 7:17 pm

#89 TT: (1)participate in membership of the Catholic Church, (2) do not fully understand the doctrines of the Church, or (3)have some kind of personal animosity or axe to grind with the Church keep calling for changes within the Church. 1) Been there done that went to catechism 2) Just because I do not agree with the conclusions the C’s… Read more »

April 25, 2011 7:15 pm

#99 Boney, God bless ya, but we’ve been down this road many times. We can (and have) throw verses at each other all night long. I will say the Word proves my point. You will say the Word proves your point. It really goes nowhere. For instance we’ve debated, with Scripture, whether Jesus is the new and everlasting covenant that… Read more »

April 25, 2011 7:05 pm

Bone 88 It was done frequently in OT times as it symbolized a change in status from unclean to clean (leprosy and other conditions), among other things. Baptism is an OT concept, otherwise, how would the masses have known to come and get dunked in the river if it wasn’t already viewed as an acceptable thing in the pursuit of… Read more »

April 25, 2011 7:01 pm

BoneDude, dunno If I am the last one to hear that, but I will find out.
/freaking hilarious…

April 25, 2011 6:57 pm

Why is it that it is always so easy to beat an Episcopalian in chess?. . . . . . . . .Because they cant tell the difference between a bishop and a queen.

April 25, 2011 6:43 pm

Hello everyone, I’m new to this site and I look forward to adding some interesting truths with concrete facts that are deeply rooted to history (His Story) meaning God’s story not man’s views or speculations, or interpretations. If we really believe in the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, we better get started in rolling up our sleeves and not… Read more »

April 25, 2011 6:39 pm

As a former Episcopalian (well, sort of), I respect the Catholics for drawing a line. This is the Church and not some fad. Catholics have their problems but they do not make _openly_ practicing perverts Bishops.

April 25, 2011 6:35 pm

In fact, I believe the Vatican finally decided we got the justfication thingy right.

April 25, 2011 6:30 pm

What next? Lutherans deciding that maybe they just might not have gotten it right a few hundred years ago

Well, let’s not get The Big Head or all overconfident now. 🙂

April 25, 2011 6:21 pm


April 25, 2011 6:05 pm

#92 TT I always thought that Jesus changed a few rules when he began his ministry. Mayhaps I am incorrect? Messiah had zero respect for the ORAL LAW. The Oral law was added to and treated the same as the Written Law which is in contravention to what the Torah dictates. Deut 4:1-2 “Now, O Israel, listen to the statutes… Read more »

April 25, 2011 5:46 pm

#55 –

Who can be offended by tallywacker? It would be like being offended by puppies.

Verily Verily I sayeth unto thee – the SAME Mo-Ronz / NASA rejects / Whiners-for-dollars that found the Taco Bell Chihuahua offensive!!!!
That’s WHO!

April 25, 2011 5:44 pm

Hey wait I have a picture of Baby Hamous somewhere that needs to be republished.

Oh, reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllyyy?

Oh yeeeeeaaaahhhhhhh
Gotta find it in all this clutter.

April 25, 2011 5:30 pm

I think it all boils down the concept of authority. Who has the authority to establish norms for belief and interpretation? One of the books I recommend to my students is Paul Shea’s By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition. It explains it so clearly.