Friday Mushroom Open Comments

Ever heard that phrase “I feel like a mushroom – I’m kept in the dark and people keep throwing (Word I Shouldn’t Say) on me?”
Let’s see what the Main Stream News is doing to shed sunlight on certain topics:
Obama’s “Transparency”:  Let’s see…the visitor logs to the White House have been made public, but the real important visitors sneak in back doors and back alleys and meet with officials at local eateries.
Inequality of income means lopsided ignorance of basic facts. Apparently Newsweek writers think that if your color TV is smaller than the national average that one is excused from knowing the name of our vice president.  Way to point out that there is a public education – of sorts – to which every citizen and non-citizen has access.  Failure to apply oneself to the completion of a general course of study, at the C or D level even, is not a valid excuse for generationally or geographically based ignorance.  Of course, not knowing the name of the VP may be a purely voluntary reaction to the reality of the situation.  IMHO, of course.
I saw part of this interview, and I remember being supremely irritated at Safer’s attitude.  What is it about the Catholic Church that non-Catholics think they know more than 2000 years of Scripture scholars?  And that the Church should change to their way of thinking?  I mean, if you want women priests and abortion, there are other places you can go.  Don’t tear down the Catholic house to rebuild your idea of the perfect religious home.  Go build your own place of worship if you can’t find one ready made to fit your personal belief system, or lack thereof.
And did you know that Israel has disappeared?  At least, according to Egypt Air it has. Did you hear about this on ABC?  CBS?  NBC?  I hate to tell Egypt Air, but Israel ain’t that easy to get rid of.  Especially if they are still flying there several times a week.
Well, it’s time for me to brush off the — hmmm — “compost material” and get one with my day.  When I find the light switch I’ll turn it on for you.

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March 25, 2011 11:27 pm
March 25, 2011 11:13 pm

OK, I couldn’t hold out any longer. The movie was The Outsiders. Our 6th Grade teacher read us the bok. It was much better than the movie; but the movie was still enjoyable. And, um, let me modify in this post that it was many f the 80s stars that came from that movie; not necessarily “modern-day” stars. This includes… Read more »

March 25, 2011 11:07 pm

Sri Lankan Muslims beat and stamp on effigy
Haven’t these savages ever heard of NASA? Perhaps they used some of that allgebra they invented on the effegy?

March 25, 2011 11:02 pm


para la musica

Give Hamous some spanish lessons, will ya? 🙂

March 25, 2011 11:01 pm

Pony Boy is from that 50s gang movie with the Greasers against the Socs (“soshs”). A lot of moder-day stars came from that movie. It was a good flick, whatever it was called. ❓

March 25, 2011 10:33 pm

One of ST’s long-buried exes?

March 25, 2011 10:30 pm

#95 Hamous
Who is Pony Boy ? I’m so clueless about popular culture….

March 25, 2011 10:14 pm

So Texpat was in a movie with Pony Boy? Cool.

March 25, 2011 9:54 pm

#88 gto
too late
I’ll post a weekend thread para la musica.

March 25, 2011 9:41 pm

Robert M; Wouldn’t that cut class sizes, eliminate bilingual teachers and improve the graduation rates? The vast majority of bilingual students are legal residents with their parents. You will find thoswe who are not in large part because they’ll openly mention it to the teacher. I think the problem with bilingual education is bilingual education. It hinders, not enhances, English… Read more »

March 25, 2011 9:35 pm

Sarge #41;
I figured it would be a short time someone would point out HuffPost’s hypocracy after their banning of Breitbart.
Good link, man.

March 25, 2011 9:31 pm

You’re a genius in your own right.

March 25, 2011 9:20 pm


You can see my left elbow hanging out of the window.

That was YOU’RE elbow, Texpat? Who knew? 🙂

March 25, 2011 9:19 pm

Yes they were infatuated with Slick Willie, but tonight the Many Sycophantic NutJobs Broadcasting Company journ-O-lists would like to dedicate this song to the love of their life–Obumma.

March 25, 2011 9:18 pm

I love the modify button. 🙂

March 25, 2011 9:18 pm

howza bout that as a weekend thread?
The Friday music threads are fun, but if not for Katfish I never would have heard of Katie Melua.
Just a thought.

March 25, 2011 9:16 pm

Tedtam; I played the video in that article and while young Jacob Barnett’s math “seemd” correct, there was no way I could begin to follow it. It is interesting that young Jacob was diognosed with slight Aspergers Syndrome which is related to Autism. My understanding is that it is common for autistic people see numbers in their lives. While they… Read more »

March 25, 2011 9:12 pm


I have no loyalty or emotional attachment to any scientific theory.

Yet you’ve passionately defended a number of scientific theories here and on Lone Star Times. You’ve done so especially against those religious numbskulls who don’t accept mainstream science.

March 25, 2011 8:59 pm

Darren, big bang, abiogenesis, and evolution are three completely different theories. I see no need to tie them all together. I have no loyalty or emotional attachment to any scientific theory. Science is about discovery and valid research, and is a continuing process. If someone puts forth a new theory that makes more sense and has evidence to support it,… Read more »

March 25, 2011 8:38 pm

“There are two different types of when stars end. When the little stars die, it’s just like a small poof. They just turn into a planetary nebula. But the big ones, above 1.4 solar masses, blow up in one giant explosion, a supernova,” Jake said. “What it does, is, in larger stars there is a larger mass, and it can… Read more »

March 25, 2011 8:36 pm

When’s Obama gonna bomb Syria? Syria represents more of a threat to us and everyone else in the sane world than Big Mo ever thought about.

March 25, 2011 8:36 pm

Whatever happened to this girl ?

March 25, 2011 8:35 pm

The two women tussle to the ground … where Jenelle continues to pummel Britany … even AFTER it’s clear she can no longer defend herself. With Britany bleeding from her face, one of Jenelle’s scumbag friends pulls the reality star off the other woman … while Janelle continues to drop verbal insults. It’s unclear why Jenelle wanted to fight Britany… Read more »

March 25, 2011 8:27 pm

#67,Our Liege,
Being the simple minded three chord rock and roll Beat Farmer fan that I am, this really got my attention. Even though being rather hard of hearing. This gal can sing. Apparently she had an album with Grammy awards prior to this one.

March 25, 2011 8:12 pm

Southern Tragedy You said you have a crush on C.Thomas Howell. One of my claims of being nearly famous and almost rich is back in the mid-80s I was in a movie with Howell, Kelly Preston and Ann-Margaret. It was called a Tiger’s Tale and was filmed quite a bit in Sealy where I had my one shot at movie… Read more »

March 25, 2011 8:02 pm

#68 SD

Gomer is leading the pack!?

A depressing list. The first 6 are has-beens or wont-be’s, as are many of the others farther down.

El Gordo
March 25, 2011 7:18 pm

As Gomer Pyle would say, “surprise, surprise, surprise,” The Muslim Brotherhood seems to have replaced all the young freedom protesters with a few more beards.

Super Dave
Super Dave
March 25, 2011 7:07 pm

Now this is down right scary; Gomer is leading the pack!?
A lot of folks think that ANY Republican can defeat Obama, but I’m not so sure, and in any case, we need a CONSERVATIVE….PERIOD, end of story!
One more thing, if the Witch runs she may very well win. Just my 2 centavos. 🙁

March 25, 2011 7:02 pm

#64 gto – pretty soulful for a British chick.

March 25, 2011 5:46 pm

#63 I hear that Keith Olbermann is looking for a new job. 😉

March 25, 2011 5:41 pm

Heard this in the bookstore the other day. New to me anyway, Adele.

March 25, 2011 5:30 pm

I have been seeing rumblings of sanity at CBS, perhaps looking at the success of FOX and the status of NBC are providing some object examples.
Here’s the latest sign.

The search is on for Katie Couric’s successor.
The new CBS News chairman, Jeff Fager, is looking at candidates both within and outside the network, insiders say.

Southern Tragedy
Southern Tragedy
March 25, 2011 5:16 pm

A toe-tappy song for the weekend…..
#60 Texpat: I hope you had disinfectant with you. Adee is right. Eeeeks!

March 25, 2011 5:01 pm

#60 Texpat, Eeek, and I’ll bet you haven’t been the same since. Too bad ole Boris Karloff isn’t still with us and reprising some of his better roles. He could use Frank on the set. 🙂

March 25, 2011 4:26 pm

#51 Adee I walked out of an office one day here about 5 years ago and saw a guy I was doing business with standing on the sidewalk talking to a man I can only describe as looking like a walking cadaver. I stepped over to say hello to the guy I knew and he turned and introduced me to… Read more »

March 25, 2011 4:21 pm

#56 Pyro

Innit that some kind of parrot?

Arrrggghhh, dunno, matey.
– Iron Mary Cash

March 25, 2011 4:18 pm

#43 TT

I see I’ve been nominated for a Hugo.

Suggestion: print the picture of the Hugo award, suitable for framing, or tape it over your mantle or on your trophy case. Wherever you keep your marching band trophies, Wang proficiency certificates, and other honorifics. 😀

March 25, 2011 4:17 pm

Pipe organ? Who needs a pipe organ? Toccata and fugue in D minor.
The last two minutes are especially good.

March 25, 2011 4:15 pm

#54 mh42
Innit that some kind of parrot?

March 25, 2011 4:11 pm

Charles Krauthammer administers a thorough beatdown of Barack’s excellent expeditionary intervention in Libya with great vigor. Russia’s Vladimir Putin is already calling the Libya operation a medieval crusade. China is calling for a cease-fire in place — which would completely undermine the allied effort by leaving Gaddafi in power, his people at his mercy and the country partitioned and condemned… Read more »

March 25, 2011 4:09 pm

Shhh. Don’t say “macaca”, even here.
/looking over shoulder

March 25, 2011 4:09 pm

Some light reading regarding the current expeditionary activity in Libya from our friends at The National Review Online. A short sample: President Obama’s war in Libya is unconstitutional without congressional authorization. But that is so only because the president has not yet given us a reason to fight that is constitutionally sound. As Andy McCarthy has explained so well, the… Read more »