Are PP Ghouls Even Losing the Left?

Despite her job as a Fox News political analyst, Kirsten Powers is a staunch Democrat who, among others, worked in the Clinton administration.  Here, she hits Planned Parenthood hard:

During the recent debate over whether to cut off government funding to Planned Parenthood, the organization claimed that its contraceptive services prevent a half-million abortions a year. Without their services, the group’s officials insist, more women will get abortions.
I’ll admit I bought the argument—it makes intuitive sense—and initially opposed cutting off funding for precisely that reason.
Then I did a little research.

Here’s what she concluded:

Planned Parenthood officials are allowed to believe whatever they want and to pursue whatever goals they choose. But their dishonesty in how they present their organization to the public, along with ignoring basic statistics about their area of expertise, makes you wonder what else they are hiding. It’s also hard to deny that they are at core a blindly ideological organization, not a run-of-the-mill charitable nonprofit.
Whatever you think of abortion rights, this is not the kind of organization that taxpayers should be funding.

It’s hard to fathom how anyone could believe that PP is a “run-of-the-mill charitable nonprofit”.  They’re probably the same folks who think Barry is doing a bang-up job as president.





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March 8, 2011 3:44 pm

Fortunately a Democrat columnist stumbled upon an inconsistency and had the good sense to dig deeper–and report it. Regardless of the mantra. Good for her. Imagine she will not be receiving invites to some parties because of it.

March 8, 2011 2:43 pm

Ah, if only the perpetrators could undergo what they put those poor babies through.
Fortunately, their brain function is already in question. Of course, we’d have to eliminate any sensation of pain. Because that makes it okay.

March 8, 2011 9:37 am

Eventually, most ideological NGO’s drift far enough toward the fringes that all but their most rabid supporters realize what drives them.

March 8, 2011 8:54 am

Good article, Hamous. Illustrative of how we’ve gone off the rails culturally as well as fiscally.

March 8, 2011 3:44 pm

Fortunately a Democrat columnist stumbled upon an inconsistency and had the good sense to dig deeper–and report it. Regardless of the mantra. Good for her. Imagine she will not be receiving invites to some parties because of it.

March 8, 2011 2:43 pm

Ah, if only the perpetrators could undergo what they put those poor babies through.

Fortunately, their brain function is already in question. Of course, we’d have to eliminate any sensation of pain. Because that makes it okay.

March 8, 2011 9:37 am

Eventually, most ideological NGO’s drift far enough toward the fringes that all but their most rabid supporters realize what drives them.

El Gordo
March 8, 2011 8:54 am

Good article, Hamous. Illustrative of how we’ve gone off the rails culturally as well as fiscally.