Okay, I’m a little sore and moving a little slowly today. I’ve actually swept the floor and made the tea. Sugar’s on the table. I think I’m going to sit down for a while now…come on in and make yourselves at home.
What “dirt” shall we discuss? Charlie Sheen shutting down “Two and Half Men” with his bad behavior, putting hundreds of people out of work? Libyan leader on the run? Obama partying down while the Middle East melts?
So many topics, so little time…but we’ll manage, I’m sure.
Friday “Diggin’ in the Dirt” Recovery Open Comments
That should make bob happy. It makes me happy.
Do you realize that your two numbered arguments above are exactly what defenders of arranged marriages still offer in support of that archaic and demonstrably unfair tradition? When Mrs. Darren and I met, it was like we were “pre-picked” to meet and fall in love. Actually, I couldn’t stand her when we first met. Very annoying. What are the divorce… Read more »
As for your #2, I do not think that you or anyone else, singularly or in mobs have a “right” to empower and direct our government to purposefully disadvantage some free associations while simultaneously favoring others. While mobs scream in wisconsin, do not compare me to them. If you can show me the civilization that has thrived as blessed as… Read more »
Darren, as I said above, I think religious organizations should be, and are free to define/recognize/sanctify marriage as they see fit. As for your #2, I do not think that you or anyone else, singularly or in mobs have a “right” to empower and direct our government to purposefully disadvantage some free associations while simultaneously favoring others. Do you realize… Read more »
1) No civilization survives allowing any person to be “married”.
2) People have every right to define marriage.
It’s as easy as that.
I’ll pass the pats along to my cat.
/pat, pat, pat
Thanks Tedtam, I appreciate the good intentions, maybe.
Do let me know when the facts support the impeachment of a president over this historically convenient partisan wedge non-issue.
Well, I am officially getting “man hands”. I did some more digging this evening, and I now sport four blisters. I guess I need to invest in some work gloves, even though I really don’t like wearing them. I have the satisfaction of knowing I made more progress in flattening the hill, and certain sets of muscles are feeling comfortably… Read more »
Why don’t we all just collectively pat Bob on the head and tell him it’s all gonna be okay? Because he hears only what he wants to hear, and he is always right, despite being beat soundly about the head with facts.
Okay, on three everyone: one….two….THREE /pat, pat, pat
#39 Darren, I recognize and respect the rights of free associations that are called religious organizations to recognize and define whatever they like. I think government at every level should treat associations between free people equally under the law. Government should not have the power to favor some associations over others, regardless of how many opportunistic politicians find benefit from… Read more »
bob; States have the right to define marriage. DOMA tried to bridge the gap between allowing states to define marriage and not force states to accept other state’s marriage not permitted within their own state. A constitutional amendment would be far better (unless people like you use a fderal judge to nullify it and there’s too many political wimps to… Read more »
Darren, please show me where the constitution gives the government the power to define marriage. Also, if you don’t mind, can you state any ills that the existence of DOMA has prevented. Really, is it a necessary law? Is it helpful in any way? The law was constitutionally weak from it’s inception. It’s name title gives credence to the term… Read more »
Rand Paul Gives David Letterman an Economics Lesson
Good clip.
Bonecrusher #21;
I didn’t know you met Mrs. Darren’s great grandmother before she passed away.
Super Dave;
Yo, that there #22 post is awesome!!! 😉
bob #31;
I do stand corrected.
The I-word has been lurking in the hearts of thousands for a long time. That it spills out now and again is not a shock but rather a relief to realize those who think it are not alone.
bob; Nobody declared anything unconstitutional, despite how many time you may have heard that talking point repeated. OK. Attorney General Eric Holder said President Barack Obama has concluded that the administration cannot defend the federal law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. He noted that the congressional debate during passage of the Defense of Marriage… Read more »
#30 Super Dave, been there and done that earlier today. Write your congress critter if you support impeachment.
#29 Darren, perish the thought!
And btw, that’s ex-wife’s panties. 😉
#29 Darren Pssst, scroll up to my #22. 😉
Gingrich: If Palin Took Obama Actions, There Would Be Calls for Impeachment Finally, something from Gingrich that I like. “Imagine that Governor Palin had become president. Imagine that she had announced that Roe versus Wade in her view was unconstitutional and therefore the United States government would no longer protect anyone’s right to have an abortion because she personally had… Read more »
If you want to continue arguing about DOMA, link HERE, and HERE.
#25 The president does not defend laws in courts.
#26 Nobody declared anything unconstitutional, despite how many time you may have heard that talking point repeated.
Oh, crap, Bob, it’s not the refusal to enforce a law (which is a problem, btw). It’s the fact that he came out in public in his office as President of these United States and declared a law unconstitutional, which is NOT part of his job description. He is usurping the powers of the judicial branch, and using regulations to… Read more »
Its time for you to provide the most recent example of a President saying he will not defend a law in court.
#22 I would expect a former speaker of the house to know the difference between enforcement and the latitude that every justice department in every administration in our lifetimes has exercised in prioritizing what cases they support and the extent to which they do. This is nothing new, at all. …not to fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law has… Read more »
Well, I was wondering when the “I” word was coming up. I think he’s committed some impeachable offenses. Heck, I just find him offensive, period.
Gingrich: Obama Sparks ‘Constitutional Crisis,’ Raises Impeachment Specter. In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s decision not to fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law has sparked a constitutional crisis as he has directly violated his constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a law. Gingrich for the first time raised the specter… Read more »
How do you make an old lady drop the “F” bomb?
Have the old lady next to her yell “BINGO!!”
Charo: Lady Gaga Is Madonna With Diarrhea.
I didn’t know that
sheCharo was still around.General Hummer leads Pentagon‘s Repeal Implementation team as DA-DT sensitivity training starts on the battlefield. 🙂
Wow. Just what we need as the Middle East goes up in flames.
h/t: Drudge
These were the rules of the Art and Evolution contest: Imagine an island with a unique environment. Choose an existing animal to put on the island. Fast forward a million years or so and imagine how the animal would evolve as a result of that environment. Draw a picture of the evolved animal. The 7 year old future scientist that… Read more »
Hey Sarge, try looking in the mirror.
Self-fulfilling prophecy: Merton’s concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy stems from the Thomas theorem, which states that “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” According to Thomas, people react not only to the situations they are in, but also, and often primarily, to the way they perceive the situations and to the meaning they assign to… Read more »
Bonesy I’m done with you on this subject Milosovik was a blood thirsty animal who had no excuse whatseover to murder and rape. he was not responding to any musklim violence. He was the perpetrator and instigator. He was not railroaded. He was as guilty as sin and is roastinf in Hell, which is where everybody with his kind of… Read more »
From Drudge: Mayo enters politics… or is it vice versa ?
Found this to be an interesting read. It’s a bit long.
Sarge: Let me make a few statements of position: 1. I do not believe that each and every moooslim is a violent, blood thirsty savage. That being said, enough of them are that to ignore that reality is playing russian roulette. 2. Slobo was responding to moooslim church burning, murder and rape. That is a fact. Did he go way… Read more »
I did. And my mind is plenty broad. But when you claimed that Slobon Milosovik was railroaded into being convicted of war crimes, you showed me that yours isn’t. Whe you made him the victim and gave him an excuse for committing the genocide and organized rape of muslims in Boznia Herzegovina you showed me that hyour attitude is that… Read more »
Sarge: Please read my #128 on yesterday’s o/c thread (posted this am). Please study the links with an open mind.
Well, THIS ‘splains things in a manner which most of you will understand and appreciate. I don’t imbibe, so maybe if someone could come up with a visual involving kitties or piles of dirt or something. And yes, I’ve seen the penny video. Very impressive. Not only is it a good visual, but you have to admire anyone who will… Read more »
Rush exposes the msm, like as if that was hard.
#7 Super Dave: I saw that on, I believe, the Twilight Zone when I was a wee pup. I think about it frequently and have told the story to others to make a point. Thanks for bringing it to us.
A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall… Read more »
Music thread up, in honor of the rodeo. Have fun!
I vote we make Sarge the official Hamster Music Czar.
There’s history and tradition involved.
It all started as Zappa Friday, until we ran out of Zappa tunes.
Recall petitions already being circulated for 7 of the Wisconsin Fleebaggers.
The Unions are mulling over whether or not they will mount a similar effort agains some Republicans.
It will be interesting to see who gets more signatures, and who is successful.
Which is why the Unions might not want to do it.
I’ve never been big on the whole music thread thing, but I’ll see what I can do. It seems that my cohorts in crime are also late coming to work.
If i had Admin privelges, there’d already be a Music Thread.
Just sayin–