Thursday Border Security Comments

A very scary story popped up in the past couple of days out of San Diego. A local TV guy was interviewing an assistant port director at the Port of San Diego about general security topics. It looked like a puff piece they gave to one of the rookies to fill time on slow news days.
In the course of the interview, they showed the radiation detectors that are fairly common fixtures around ports and rail terminals. One thing leads to another and this exchange happened:

“So, specifically, you’re looking for the dirty bomb? You’re looking for the nuclear device?” asked [reporter] Blacher.
“Correct. Weapons of mass effect,” [Assistant Port Director] Hallor said.
“You ever found one?” asked Blacher.
“Not at this location,” Hallor said.
“But they have found them?” asked Blacher.
Yes,” said Hallor.
“You never found one in San Diego though?” Blacher asked.
“I would say at the port of San Diego we have not,” Hallor said.
“Have you found one in San Diego?” Blacher asked.

At this point the PIO interrupted the conversation and things got a little tense. Here’s the video:
Two things strike me.

  • Hallor appears to be truthful, so he is either telling things as they are or is honestly mistaken.
  • If he is correct, I would really like to know what they found and where, so I can either avoid the area or be extra vigilant. In this instance, given his position, I tend to think he’s not likely to be very wrong.
  • Now, why is this not getting more airplay than it has gotten (i.e., not very much)? This is the kind of story that needs to be told. It’s also the kind that could make a name for an enterprising reporter willing to dig a little bit.
    Finally, can we all agree that securing the border is an existential imperative and not some racist plot against a bunch of brown people?





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    February 18, 2011 9:22 am

    #130 Katfish,
    Actually they usually have only around 8 wks of consolodated time and that is Mid June to mid August. Not much time to do much of anything. let alone make significant $$$ in anything legal.

    February 17, 2011 11:24 pm

    Texpat #131, Gatewaypundit has continuing tales of the Wisconsin Democrat Senators’ runaway scrape. You just can’t make this up.

    February 17, 2011 11:20 pm

    Gatewaypundit has continuing stories on the Wisconsin Democrat Senators runaway scrape.
    <a href=";

    February 17, 2011 10:46 pm

    I’m not wearing any pants. I took them off so that I could report that my panties (not my ex-wife’s) are blue with white stripes. They’re jockeys, if your curious about that sort of thing. Seriously folks, the point of the exercise was that the specific perceptions and life experiences of a New York subway commuter would enable them to… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 10:29 pm

    …and those are the names I gave to the 5 warts on my left foot.

    That’s some funny stuff 😉 And that’s exactly what I thought. I guess you’re not an intellectual unless, among other esoteric things, you’ve been to NYC.
    But back to those warts…freeze them puppies off!

    February 17, 2011 10:28 pm

    I found the whole “exercise” a waste of time myself, hence my “logical” answer of some goofy number I pulled out of my as- — I mean, rear. Asking a bunch of conservative Texans a question regarding NY subways is akin to asking “What color is my underwear?” No one will know, no one will care, and no one really… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 10:10 pm

    #161 You’re half right yet again.

    February 17, 2011 10:04 pm

    Wow, I guess that Bob has outwitted me with his fiendishly clever psychological trap in the guise of a riddle. I am chastised and will mend my ways forthwith.

    El Gordo
    February 17, 2011 9:54 pm

    #158 – mh – Send all your money in to Washington and they will give you the answer (in fact, they will tell you whatever you want to hear if you will tell them what that is).

    February 17, 2011 9:46 pm

    #152 M42, several folks seemed to enjoy participating in the < 2hr quiz and offered up some very logical answers guesses to the trick question, just as I did when it was first presented to me. That's a very strong indication that they put their thinking caps on. That you managed to find in that trivial, jovial, exercise yet another… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 9:43 pm

    EG — I don’t understand what’s going on but I am still scared to death. Is there any hope for me?

    February 17, 2011 9:42 pm

    How are you other Hamsters liking Obammy’s new spokes-boy Jay Carney? He has an ok voice but I swear he looks like a 23-year-old mail room clerk.

    El Gordo
    February 17, 2011 9:41 pm

    If you aren’t scared to death, you just don’t understand what’s going on.

    Super Dave
    Super Dave
    February 17, 2011 9:30 pm

    #152 mharper, You just don’t understand,…the correct answers is “because Ice Cream doesn’t have bones” 😉

    February 17, 2011 9:19 pm

    Adee #102 yesterday;

    February 17, 2011 9:18 pm

    bob #103 yesterday; I never told my own religion, nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another’s creed. Nobody’s perfect. Not even Jefferson. Still, I don’t know what religion I scrutinized, then again, you’re really not up to speed on religiosity. Never have been. At least not according to anything you’ve… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 9:18 pm

    #141 Bob never hurts to exercise the brain. I get tired of flogging you all the time, but your quiz was on the same level as “H, P, A, X, what comes next?” and then the surprise answer is something like “L, and those are the names I gave to the 5 warts on my left foot.” IOW, what brain… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 9:09 pm

    Happy Birfday, Super Dave, and many more to come.

    El Gordo
    February 17, 2011 9:00 pm

    #147 – Well said Brother Dave, well said.

    February 17, 2011 8:57 pm

    There’s a nice looking full moon tonight.

    February 17, 2011 8:39 pm

    #144 ST
    All these years I’ve been pining away for you, babydoll.

    Super Dave
    Super Dave
    February 17, 2011 8:15 pm

    Did I tell Ya’ that I’m blessed? Today would be my Birfday and I went to the mail box and got out 4 cards, one from Daughter, one from Part Time Daughter, one from Son-in-Law and one from Lil’ Sister. The Boy gave me his yesterday. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, most people will not have… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 8:00 pm

    #131 Texpat, This is hysterical. Good for the Rockford Tea Party. Later updates indicated they tracked the Dem’s bus, some speculation it crossed back into Wisconsin. Later info indicated it was every Dem for himself, so maybe they abandoned the bus? A Madison TV station had a phone interview with one of the Dem Senators. Many times spouse and I… Read more »

    Wonder Woman
    Wonder Woman
    February 17, 2011 7:40 pm

    Dang it. Foiled again. Rats. /ducks head in shame

    Southern Tragedy
    Southern Tragedy
    February 17, 2011 7:39 pm

    Texpat has the hots for me? Who knew? /ducks and hauls butt

    February 17, 2011 6:29 pm

    No brain strain involved with this one.
    We used to get bonus tapes of WAPE’s “Greaseman” bits along with legitimate spots in the same shipping box. (This was the ’70s, no internet…)
    This is one of his old bits brought to life with new video.

    February 17, 2011 6:03 pm

    #140 Fish42
    All I can say is, I thought “streets” — but gave it no further thought until Bob had to reveal the answer.

    February 17, 2011 5:57 pm

    #138 I think you missed the point of the “quiz.” But I do hope you and others enjoyed/benefited from the mental calisthenics as much as I did when I first ran across it. It never hurts to exercise the brain.

    February 17, 2011 5:52 pm

    #138 – IMHO those “th”s could have also possibly been suffixes of fractions…………still misleading either way n’est ce pas?

    February 17, 2011 5:51 pm

    #135 – IMHO this begs the question:
    “Did the young man perhumps see ‘her’ wrestle prior and maybe just MAYBE become concerned about gettin whupped by a girl?”

    February 17, 2011 5:49 pm

    #107 Bob
    When you hinted with “th”s, it sounded like streets. Heck, some of them, maybe even all of them, exist right here in Houston. Whoopdedoo.

    February 17, 2011 5:34 pm

    WB, I don’t think you’ve made a valid argument in support of current gambling restrictions. You’ve presented a couple of maybes, and a patriotic platitude. We, as citizens of this great nation, elect people to represent us in government. …And then stood silent (or in vocal support) as the politicians were bought off by the special interests that benefit from… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 5:33 pm

    I believe in co-ed wrestling with Wonder Woman.

    February 17, 2011 5:17 pm

    #117 – hummina Hummina HUMMINA!!!!!!!!!

    February 17, 2011 5:15 pm

    Adee Rules ! This is hilarious. Rockford, Illinois Tea Partiers found the fugitive Dems from Wisconsin hiding in a local Best Western and chased them out after they tipped the local news media. Breaking at Gateway Pundit: The Wisconsin senate democrats fled the state today rather than vote on a budget repair bill. If you are in the Rockford area… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 5:14 pm

    #55 – One omitted item jumped out at me…………………..(unless I perused too rapidly and missed it)
    approx 90 days per year when a teacher might kick back OR have the opportunity to make other additional wages….

    February 17, 2011 5:10 pm

    #128 WB, can you explain to me how you derive the authority to tell somebody else they can’t gamble in their own home, at a private club, or online? (I don’t think you can.)
    btw, As you might imagine, one of the most influential lobbying groups that promote prohibition of private games and online gambling are Casino interests.

    February 17, 2011 4:57 pm

    #121 Hamathoritairan, cose, but still no cigar. We need to legalize drugs and gambling. That will solve all our budget woes… The authoritarians (D&R) that support costly and counter productive government prohibition of those activities at gun point need to pony up rational reasons to continue to do so, or admit that they can’t and they just get their kinky… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 4:53 pm

    Hence my “with more bells and whistles”.

    February 17, 2011 4:43 pm

    We could legalize bank robbery and out a tax on the stolen money AND on the insurance payments to the banks.
    I’m starting to think like a Libertarian Democrat.

    February 17, 2011 4:43 pm

    Silly meteorologists. Cheney invented one of these, with more bells and whistles, 12 years ago.

    February 17, 2011 4:34 pm

    We need to legalize drugs and gambling. That will solve all our budget woes … just like lottery solved all our education funding woes.

    February 17, 2011 4:26 pm

    To be fair to Lowrents, if there is a devastating man made or natual disaster between now and the end of August that requires unexpected spending by the State, its possible that we could run a deficit in excess of the current guess. But that’s how it works with a State that has a mandated balanced budget. You balance it… Read more »

    February 17, 2011 4:14 pm

    At best it was sloppy journalism. Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer asked Ron Paul to respond to the chorus of boos that greeted news the insurgent small-government Texas congressman had won the Conservative Political Action Conference’s presidential straw poll for the second year in a row. There was just one problem with Hemmer’s question: The vocal chorus of boos didn’t… Read more »