Tuesday Open Comments

Although it’s easy to point to record snowstorms as proof the warmmongers are crazy, it’s not really scientifically sound. Still, as anecdotal evidence piles up like a New Jersey snowdrift, it’s fun to do:

Sounds crazy, but as the Potsdam Institute of Climate Research announced last Tuesday, man-made global warming could cause “polar winds to make their way to Europe and North Asia, whereby the probability of cold winters triples.”

MMGW makes for colder winters.

That very day a Professor Stephan Rahmstorf released a report saying climate change means “we have to anticipate milder winters rather than cold ones,” and that even our “cold” winters have gotten “warmer.”

MMGW makes for warmer winters. Two “scientists” from the same institute – two opposite predictions. Don’t they know that we learned the “heads I win, tail you lose” ruse in second grade?

For three years in a row, global warming models have predicted – erroneously – that Europe would have warm, snow-free winters. Meanwhile climatologist Piers Corbyn warned London of a white Christmas weeks ago. His models have been far more accurate than the UN-approved “science,” but he’s ignored.

Why? Because Corbyn’s research shows the sun has far more to do with climate patterns than your Prius does. Unfortunately, there’s no money to be made at places like the Potsdam Institute studying things like the sun. No legislature can regulate excessive solar output, and there are no jobs to hand out at the Department of Sunshine Control.






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December 29, 2010 9:08 am

Good morning all. Dreary 61 with light mist at 6, then just dreary. A real Murkwood scene now, yard lights on, light rain pattering, blanketing gray sky. But it is welcome rain however slow. The few woodsy creatures out earlier have taken to their hidey holes. A good day to be inside if you can.

Bring on January 5th.

December 29, 2010 8:52 am

#102 Larry666

That 666 tag is such a sweet touch!

You are welcome.

December 29, 2010 8:51 am

#98 Tim hints munchies abound Not how I read it, Timber. The Cheetos were just a snack for watching the movie. I think the other munchies were for after the movie… It drives Bob nuts when we comment on his private life. Never occurs to him if he wouldn’t mention it in the first place, we wouldn’t even know about… Read more »

December 29, 2010 8:50 am

I have forgotten to give props:

“toopardeedoowopoly” – another big word I learned from Hamous.

December 29, 2010 8:48 am

#92. That 666 tag is such a sweet touch! The “Tax Fraud” Bettencourt punched his conservative card with me when he pulled that election stunt knowing full well he was going into business immediately after the election, in the tax protest business no less! This from the same guy who very publicly heaped a lot of political scorn on a… Read more »

El Gordo
December 29, 2010 8:37 am

Maybe we should just all go smoke a little dope this morning and forget all this worrying about the future of our country or our family or whatever. I hear that everything looks better when you all toked up.

December 29, 2010 8:26 am


December 29, 2010 8:26 am


December 28, 2010 11:33 pm


You sleuth not enough buddy, the Cheetos reference I believe hints munchies abound. 😀

December 28, 2010 10:24 pm

#82 Darren he’d probably get a arse kicked in middle and high school with that name Whew, missed being named Orstie by. That. Much. Colleague several years ago worked on a project in Norway for about 6 weeks when his wife was pregnant with their 2nd child. It was a boy and they named him Kai which is a popular… Read more »

December 28, 2010 9:27 pm

RE: science projects Lovely Daughter was doing a science project on albedo and its effect on ice. To test it, we measured out specific amounts of water into ice cube trays to get exactly equal sizes. Then we painted different colors on (I think) paper. When we went back in, we found that Hubby had used her control cubes in… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
December 28, 2010 9:12 pm

OK,… Dave’s sleuthing now, first Bob says; As an anecdotal demonstration of that already well established fact, I’ll do so tonight as I visit a friend, watch a movie, and do seriously harm only to a bag of Cheetos. Don’t worry, I won’t be driving. I’m spending the night with her. Then later on there‘s this; btw, my pal thinks… Read more »

December 28, 2010 8:41 pm

#90 B42

Looks like Bob came up for air.

December 28, 2010 8:40 pm

#87 et al, Super Dave

Switch gears any time, I enjoyed your stories about your kids’ school science projects.

December 28, 2010 8:33 pm

#91 Larry666, Dunno about Texpat, but I turned on KSEV when I saw your post. I heard Paul Betancourt’s voice which I assume is your “Tax Fraud”. Dunno what you are implying by that. I am using Paul’s company for prop tax protest and they have done wonders for me. I have no idea who you would label “head of… Read more »

December 28, 2010 8:15 pm

#83. Were you listening to the program? If not, it had exactly nothing to do with Rick Perry or Dann Patrick.


December 28, 2010 8:08 pm

high y’all 8)

So much for the effectiveness of your war on drugs.

btw, my pal thinks y’all are cute too.

Now where did I put those darn Cheetos?

Super Dave
Super Dave
December 28, 2010 7:59 pm

About the science fairs, Daughter always came up with her own ideas while the Boy picked something off the suggestions list. Her first real good one was to decide which Zip-Lock bags were the best/strongest. So we went to Kroger’s and Randalls’ and bought their store brands and got Glad, Zip, lock etc. Now we had to figure out how… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
December 28, 2010 7:30 pm

Texpat, I saw your post that said you got yourself DUG OUT man what a mess. I agree with you about Perry, I think he is the Consummate POLITICIAN, that is he take credit when thing go right and when it comes time to be re-elected he goes down to the boarder and make a few ads and now he’s… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
December 28, 2010 7:21 pm

Well, I think it might be time to switch gears, I was out in the garage and saw a poster board, it seems that when my Bride was in the attic, putting up the Christmas decorations, she brought it down, destined for the trash, I suppose? Hope not, it was a science project done by the Boy and to be… Read more »

December 28, 2010 7:17 pm

#85 mh42 Rick Perry has been riding the wave of Texas prosperity for years and doing so from the Governor’s seat has not allowed him much authority to screw up a really good thing. The facts are the people and companies of Texas have made it a success in spite of their politicians. They are the ones who deserve the… Read more »

December 28, 2010 6:43 pm

#83 Texpat Rick and Dan are just cogs in the machine I can’t see Rick Perry getting very far in national politics. He is total politician and that is unwholesome, it’s not what conservatives want. A history of frenetic promises while campaigning, broken without so much as a backward glance after the election. That is contempt of consituency. Also in… Read more »

December 28, 2010 6:01 pm

#75 mharper42 Red crest and all! Is it a cardinal? Or is this a reference to something else that shoots over my head? It was just my attempt to let the guys know that the old arguments were getting old, and I was tuning it all out. I see your fingers move over the keyboard, but all I see is… Read more »

December 28, 2010 5:54 pm

#80 Lawrence Relax a little. First of all, if Rick Perry and Dan Patrick were half as smart and influential as they think they are the world would be a stampede of a billion purple unicorns. It’s a very big country with many players and factions and interests. Rick and Dan are just cogs in the machine. Owning a radio… Read more »

December 28, 2010 5:40 pm

mharper #78; Glad you skipped “Orstie” or that son would have been stuck with an awful name. (Hope no one else here named their kid Orstie or I’ll be extending my daily apology to someone…) I figured that would be a cute name while he’s a little boy but he’d probably get a arse kicked in middle and high school… Read more »

December 28, 2010 5:04 pm


not orgasmic

Actually, Bob thought we would flip out with utter joy on realizing that his “evidence” about the 99% who would never smoke dope was meaningless — since that study was about something quite different.

I was not glad, or sad, but as I said — disgusted! — that he posted the irrelevant data.

December 28, 2010 5:04 pm

Folks, the fix is in for the Repuke nominee in 2012.

The good old boy Repuke establishment has already rigged the game. The media will go along for the ride and the socialist train will thunder on.

Just tune into to KSEV and listen closely.

December 28, 2010 5:01 pm

“The Tax Fraud” and the head of the Repuke Party of Texas are currently on KSEV applying the political Astroglide to the folks for a moderate centrist(read RINO) Republican Party Presidential candidate in 2012. The same old excuses are flowing like fine wine. Repuke good, Demoncat bad. It’s very clear to me the toopardeedoowopoly, just like the government unions, has… Read more »

December 28, 2010 4:58 pm

Darren (#63 yesterday) We also enjoy the uniqueness of their names. The explanations of where the names came from are as interesting as the names themselves. I think most “neonyms” are just randon syllables making a pleasant sound, but it’s a lot more than that in your family’s case. Glad you skipped “Orstie” or that son would have been stuck… Read more »

December 28, 2010 4:27 pm

Wow, I sure butchered the format there. Let me try it again…

song about how happy the fish were when Jesus was born

I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what B42 had in mind.

December 28, 2010 4:26 pm

#72 Darrensong about how happy the fish were when Jesus was born

I’m pretty sure that wasn’t what Bobolink had in mind. 🙂

December 28, 2010 4:22 pm

#66 TT

Red crest and all!

Is it a cardinal? Or is this a reference to something else that shoots over my head?

December 28, 2010 3:58 pm


This is disgusting, not orgasmic.

I agree but you must understand that bob gets orgasms from all sorts of sources. That’s the way he views the world. Sad really.

December 28, 2010 3:57 pm

As well as funding all the new programs at Dept of Agriculture to study and improve cultivation, at ATCF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis, and Firearms) to enforce the new laws and regulations that will need to be passed to engage in commerce and collect taxes and fees in the same manner as booze, FDA to regulate production practices, etc., etc., etc.,—-and… Read more »

December 28, 2010 3:54 pm

mharper #61; That could be a compliment. One of my favorite Spanish Christmas songs is Los peces en el rio. It’s basically a song about how happy the fish were when Jesus was born while The Mother Mary goes about her daily duties. http://spanish.about.com/od/spanishchristmascarols/a/peces_rio.htm Not exactly the version I’ve come ot enjoy but it’s the best I could find on… Read more »

December 28, 2010 3:45 pm

#46 Hamous. A must read. The comments with it are excellent.

December 28, 2010 3:42 pm

Right, Tedtam. And over here I see a threatening sky lurking in the northwest, increasing winds out of the south pulling in more Gulf moisture to fuel the rains to come, and a bit of uneasiness amongst the woodsy creatures who sense stuff so much better than we can. A cute squirrel hopped up on the back of the bench… Read more »

December 28, 2010 3:28 pm

Super Dave #65;

It must have included some illegal residents.

December 28, 2010 3:24 pm

Hamous #46;

A very good article.

December 28, 2010 3:19 pm

See, that’s where bobo’s libertarian facade melts away like the Nazi’s face in Raiders of the Lost Ark. He haughtily proclaims that he’s against all that stuff, knowing full well that if his philosophy were the law of the land we the taxpayers would be funding each and every one of those…and taking care of the druggies’ destitute wives and… Read more »

December 28, 2010 3:05 pm

Wow. Just got through skimming through the posts today. All I have to say is – Hey, look at that COOL looking bird outside my window! Red crest and all! Wow!

Super Dave
Super Dave
December 28, 2010 2:54 pm

wagonburner, From your link;
Born Here 58%
Another Country 20%
Don’t Know 23%
58+20+23=100??….Humm,… OK ❓

December 28, 2010 2:47 pm

No social, medical, welfare, unemployment, public defense or government benefits of any kind for you if you fail a mandatory pre and/or post qualifying piss/blood test. If you hurt, injure, maim or kill anyone and fail a piss/blood test – loss of all legal defense, full financial liability for loss caused, mandatory jail time. See, that’s where bobo’s libertarian facade… Read more »

December 28, 2010 2:35 pm

Hammie, you might have to clean up my last post. Apparently Hal42 didn’t like my use of a four letter word for urine. Or, it could’ve been the equivocation of dope42 to EPJ, a name whose mere mention should be something that should trigger the “doomsday machine” on every self respecting blog.

December 28, 2010 2:35 pm

I think Bobolink started tokin’ early for his date tonight. He is hallucinating Sarge as a fish or something… And as an Authoritarian. My arguments here today, as always, have been entirely Libertarian. My assessment is that legalizing drugs would result in a wider, but different, expansion of government Liberty restricting activites at all levels, as well as expansion of… Read more »

December 28, 2010 2:28 pm

#52 Bob42

Or flop your way back into your feel good social conservative authoritarian aquarium.

I think Bobolink started tokin’ early for his date tonight. He is hallucinating Sarge as a fish or something…

December 28, 2010 2:27 pm

#53 Dude, let’s take a good look at heroin history. It is by far the most harmful and most addictive abused substance. It was used during the civil war as a surgical anesthetic and for post-op pain relief. From then until about 1905, it was a key ingredient in oral “patent” medications whose labels didn’t mention it. After the FDA… Read more »

December 28, 2010 2:26 pm

What’s the offset to legalizing drugs including alcohol? No social, medical, welfare, unemployment, public defense or government benefits of any kind for you if you fail a mandatory pre and/or post qualifying piss/blood test. If you hurt, injure, maim or kill anyone and fail a piss/blood test – loss of all legal defense, full financial liability for loss caused, mandatory… Read more »

December 28, 2010 2:24 pm


Good lord, Bob, that 3-year-old survey on hard drugs is your source for saying 99% of people would still abstain from smoking pot if it were legalized?

This is disgusting, not orgasmic.

December 28, 2010 2:21 pm

It would remain the same or drop, simply because your war on drugs is completely ineffective in limiting access to them, and (just like alcohol prohibition) drives the market underground. And we are unable to prevent bank robberies as well. And embezzlement. And Identity Theft. And rape. And Domestic Abuse (even though we spend a good deal of effort on… Read more »