Christmas Posts

Well, I wanted to do something to herald in the season, but my muse is hiding, quivering in her little room at the back of my mind. It seems that the current stress level is scaring her off. Therefore, I shall be resurrecting (no pun intended) some posts from years gone by. These “Mary and the Nativity Series” of posts were first displayed by Hamous on his old blog site, but have been lost in the shuffle to our new home.

These stories are drawn from Scripture, but the images are taken from my imaginings of what may have taken place. Works of fiction, inspired by Scripture. I hope that you enjoy them. They are my gift to you this holy season.




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December 21, 2010 10:02 am

TT I had planned on giving you credit. That’s why I asked your permission. I am copying and pasting to word and formatting in book form with each post carrying a chapter title. I have call the “book” The Christmas Story Through The Eyes Of Mary. I am attaching a cover sheet for Hambone. I will email the “book” to… Read more »

December 21, 2010 7:04 am

Your writing is awesome. Is it O.K. to forward these posts so that others can enjoy them. I keep starting sentences to describe how well they are written, but I keep hitting the delete key because I find it hard to comment on perfection.


December 21, 2010 10:02 am

TT I had planned on giving you credit. That’s why I asked your permission. I am copying and pasting to word and formatting in book form with each post carrying a chapter title. I have call the “book” The Christmas Story Through The Eyes Of Mary. I am attaching a cover sheet for Hambone. I will email the “book” to… Read more »

December 21, 2010 7:04 am

Your writing is awesome. Is it O.K. to forward these posts so that others can enjoy them. I keep starting sentences to describe how well they are written, but I keep hitting the delete key because I find it hard to comment on perfection.