Are American Scientists Overwhelmingly Democrats?

According to a recent Pew poll only 6% of American scientists identify themselves as Republican. Such statistics only add to the liberal lie that Republicans, and by extension conservatives, are knuckle-dragging neanderthals that still believe the Earth is flat and the universe revolves around it. But let’s dig into the poll:

So the survey was taken exclusively from the members of the AAAS, and not American scientists in general.

Who is the AAAS?ย  For starters they’re not necessarily even scientists:

Open to all, AAAS membership includes a subscription to Science.

Furthermore, it’s an international organization, so it’s not even exclusively American.ย 

What is their mission?

As a member of AAAS your involvement actively supports programs that:

  • Help governments formulate science policy
  • Promote advancements in science education
  • Increase diversity in the scientific community
  • Use science to advance human rights
  • Assist individual scientists in developing their careers
  • Communicate the value of science to the general public

So it appears we have a poll based on a survey taken from an international organization of scientists and non-scientists alike whose stated mission includes such non-scientific goals as “diversity” and “human rights” and “helping governments formulate science policy”.ย  Who is surprised that 55% of them identify as Democrat?

I am a scientist and I have the diploma on the wall behind me to prove it.ย  I work with hundreds of scientists in the private sector on a daily basis.ย  My own observations show that they are overwhelmingly conservative.ย  This poll is just another example of how to massage numbers to support your hypothesis agenda.





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El Gordo
December 11, 2010 12:01 am

In continuation of my comment #1, I suppose that there are real scientists and then there are “wanna be” scientists. I’m not sure that we have defined the term scientist. I would assume that medical doctors would fall into that category, but Obama putting white coats on a bunch of staffers for a presser might not qualify as a medical… Read more »

December 10, 2010 9:23 pm

Yes, good work, Hammy.

And TT: he’s already the not-so-benevolent dictator here.

I’ve missed having the time to read here this week, end of the year deadlines looming.

Au revoir — working this weekend too.

December 10, 2010 6:30 pm

And again, our fearless leader has uncovered fraud and deception.

Hamous for President not-so-benevolent dictator!

December 10, 2010 4:26 pm

Increase diversity in the scientific community Good, as a white guy, I can now go back to my Alma Mater and obtain a degree in Chemistry on a full scholarship with a decent stipend. We need more Anglos to balance out the Indians and Chinese at our institutions of higher learning. /sarc off Simple & Bone: I believe Galileo was… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
December 10, 2010 2:12 pm

Boney, Ironically, Galileo had deep reservations about making public his discoveries. He remained a devout Catholic all of his life. Equally ironic was the fact that the Vatican did not doubt his discoveries. It was well known that the Earth was spherical within the educated community, which included many clerics. I had the privilege of seeing Galileo’s house in Florence… Read more »

December 10, 2010 1:17 pm

#3 SS: Let’s not forget a truly great scientist, Gallileao (sp?) who was confined to house arrest for the heresy of stating that the earth was spherical and not flat.

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
December 10, 2010 1:03 pm

El, Science has NEVER been free of politics. Issac Newton himself was at times a pawn of the government. Science is not a two way street with regards to being able to buy expert opinions. It is a traffic circle. Every vested interest has it’s own crew of white coats ready to cough up data and justifications to back up… Read more »

December 10, 2010 12:43 pm

Hamous: The results of that “pole” in one simple word: FRAUD! The libturds are always reduced to fraud when they try to trash the right (correct).

El Gordo
December 10, 2010 12:38 pm

If my funding sources were dependent upon my political affiliation, I would probably be whatever they told me to be. If I were dependent upon a host to supply all my life needs, I would probably be a Democrat. If I were a scientist and I needed government money to chase my dream experiment, I would probably fit both of… Read more »

Super Dave
December 11, 2010 12:01 am

In continuation of my comment #1, I suppose that there are real scientists and then there are “wanna be” scientists. I’m not sure that we have defined the term scientist. I would assume that medical doctors would fall into that category, but Obama putting white coats on a bunch of staffers for a presser might not qualify as a medical… Read more »

December 10, 2010 9:23 pm

Yes, good work, Hammy.

And TT: he’s already the not-so-benevolent dictator here.

I’ve missed having the time to read here this week, end of the year deadlines looming.

Au revoir — working this weekend too.

December 10, 2010 6:30 pm

And again, our fearless leader has uncovered fraud and deception.

Hamous for President not-so-benevolent dictator!

December 10, 2010 4:26 pm

Increase diversity in the scientific community Good, as a white guy, I can now go back to my Alma Mater and obtain a degree in Chemistry on a full scholarship with a decent stipend. We need more Anglos to balance out the Indians and Chinese at our institutions of higher learning. /sarc off Simple & Bone: I believe Galileo was… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
December 10, 2010 2:12 pm

Boney, Ironically, Galileo had deep reservations about making public his discoveries. He remained a devout Catholic all of his life. Equally ironic was the fact that the Vatican did not doubt his discoveries. It was well known that the Earth was spherical within the educated community, which included many clerics. I had the privilege of seeing Galileo’s house in Florence… Read more »

Simple Simon
Simple Simon
December 10, 2010 1:03 pm

El, Science has NEVER been free of politics. Issac Newton himself was at times a pawn of the government. Science is not a two way street with regards to being able to buy expert opinions. It is a traffic circle. Every vested interest has it’s own crew of white coats ready to cough up data and justifications to back up… Read more »

Super Dave
December 10, 2010 12:38 pm

If my funding sources were dependent upon my political affiliation, I would probably be whatever they told me to be. If I were dependent upon a host to supply all my life needs, I would probably be a Democrat. If I were a scientist and I needed government money to chase my dream experiment, I would probably fit both of… Read more »