Friday Open Comments

The War on Terror vs. The Dragnet on Terror?

With the fixation of the liberal Democrats on fighting terror “man-caused disasters” through the courts instead of on the field of battle, we are seeing a sharp turn in tactics employed by our armed forces. This sharp turn may not be an official directive, but it is still very apparent nonetheless.

It seems that the number of unlawful enemy combatants being “shot while attempting to escape” has increased markedly over the last several months.

By treating terrorists captured abroad (as opposed to arrested in the US) the same as criminals arrested in the US, the government and the courts turn military and intelligence personnel into cops, and in doing so put at risk both the personnel and the tactics used to find, capture, and interrogate terrorists. It sets all of the incentives towards killing terrorists rather than capturing them, which not only results in higher collateral casualties but also denies the US critical intelligence on other terrorists.

Anyone with a couple of functioning neurons who could still fog a mirror could have seen that coming. You’re out in the wilds of Afghanistan and you raid a house where a bunch of knuckleheads are building IED’s and making plans to use them. Your choices are:
a) Bust into the house at great risk to your life and the lives of your comrades and try to capture them.
b) Bust into the house and shoot everyone who doesn’t immediately surrender.
c) Call in an air strike.

It appears more and more of our soldiers & Marines are choosing options b & c because they really don’t want to get shot while they attempt to take prisoners who they then have to transport great distances at further risk to their lives, only to risk being sued later by those prisoners or the US DoJ for somehow violating their civil rights (of which they have none, under the Geneva Conventions).

We have made it more costly and more difficult to capture terrorists, a task with plenty of difficulty already. Once we capture them, the courts and this administration have made it clear that they have to be treated like a suspect in a criminal investigation rather than a foreign enemy of war. Thanks to exposures in the media over the past few years, we can no longer hold them in secure and secret facilities while we get intel from them. Barack Obama has all but made adding to Gitmo’s population impossible, so where do we hold terrorists if we do manage to capture them? The only other option is rendition, which the current administration has left as a possible option but which is almost as politically impossible as adding to Gitmo.

These are the sorts of things that can happen when you try to micromanage a war from Washington. Just ask those who served in Vietnam.

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December 10, 2010 10:05 pm


Unable to handle the heat, so he calls in a surrogate president.

This can’t bode well for him. I mean, the media would be blasting a Republican for abandoning his post, right. I anticipate that TBO will face a similar grilling and review from the media…

Oh, I forgot. Temporary insanity.

December 10, 2010 9:40 pm

Chrissy Matthews of the Many Sycophantic Nut-jobs Broadcasting Company reports on Obumma today.

December 10, 2010 9:31 pm

#11 Bones

Shoulda known someone would have the exact same thought…

December 10, 2010 9:29 pm

#9 Pyro

You mean liberals don’t have thumbs?

They do, but they generally have them stuck up their bums, except of course when their heads are in the way.

December 10, 2010 5:45 pm

What does it say about me if I choose “Laverne & Shirley” over the national news?

December 10, 2010 4:57 pm

Did we repeal the 22nd amendment when no one was looking?

December 10, 2010 4:47 pm

#50 Squawkie, well I reckon that any “blah blah blah” movie clip montage that includes Meg Ryan can’t be all bad.

I am indeed honored that I was able to provide the stimulus that provoked such a response.

December 10, 2010 4:34 pm

Honoring the ongoing blah blah blah from Bob42 I would like to present y’all with
Warning there is one F-bomb.

December 10, 2010 2:55 pm

#47 Blah, blah….oh wait! Here’s one of those cases where I agree that the WoD is blatantly violating the constitution.

December 10, 2010 2:41 pm

Scarier still is we are breathing the same air as them people.

December 10, 2010 2:10 pm

#46 Bones, welcome to the wonderful world of asset forfeiture abuse. Our “tough on crime” politicians (both parties) sold us the line that empowering government to seize property in the absence of a conviction or even a formal criminal charge would be used to impact major drug importers. In reality, it is more often used to enable law enforcement to… Read more »

December 10, 2010 1:53 pm

So, you have won big in Las Vegas (for example) and have a fat wad of cash on you. In Aurora, ILL a ‘burb of Chicago, you could lose that money because “they say” it could have been involved in drug trafficking.

December 10, 2010 1:41 pm
December 10, 2010 1:32 pm

#43 TT: Thanks for the update; I will try to schedule it so that gas expulsion from my natural exit portal is properly timed to give maximum meditative powers to the “enlightened ones” :>)

December 10, 2010 1:19 pm

You have got to be wissin’ kidding me.

Someone with waaaayyy too much time on hands. Probably a lib on food stamps and welfare sans real job.

December 10, 2010 12:37 pm

#38 Dude

Damn straight article. And I loved the “illustration”. 😉

December 10, 2010 12:33 pm

#36 WB

Here’s another post on the same topic. Hope this link works!

December 10, 2010 12:27 pm

I nominate this post for one of those “gitzit” awards.

(bonus in there for you rainbow farting unicorn enthusiasts)

December 10, 2010 12:26 pm

87 Texpat says: December 9, 2010 at 8:49 pm Sarge, I have nothing to say to you. I no longer consider you a person of consequence. Golly. Somebody on the Internet doesn’t like me any more. I guess I’ll have to pick up the shattered pieces of my life and try to move on. Maybe I can sit at the… Read more »

December 10, 2010 12:18 pm

Navy make big boom perspective… To convey a sense of just how much damage, Ellis told that the big guns on the deck of a warship are measured by their muzzle energy in megajoules. A single megajoule is roughly equivalent to a 1-ton car traveling at 100 mph. Multiple that by 33 and you get a picture of what… Read more »

December 10, 2010 11:56 am

#33 SD: She is on a really dangerous road, good looking, an absolute huge pile of money, no restraint and the “go for it” attitude of youth. I hope she survives.

December 10, 2010 11:52 am

LC, he let you talk for a long time yesterday. That was cool.

Super Dave
Super Dave
December 10, 2010 11:51 am
December 10, 2010 11:45 am

Another winner from Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post.

December 10, 2010 11:41 am

#30 TT: Hilarious they are, the screw-ups are many :>)

December 10, 2010 11:20 am

What happens when the Chinese get a hold of a cinematic classic.

Warning: a few misdirected F-bombs

Captions there be, mangled they are.

heh heh heh

December 10, 2010 11:19 am

I actually like these! Creativity for something so boring is intriguing!

December 10, 2010 11:13 am

#21. I just wish I had more time on those calls. It’s always a rush because I never know when they’re going to cut me off.

December 10, 2010 11:12 am

#24 Bob42

Yanno, sometimes there are things that are just best kept to yourself. 😉

December 10, 2010 11:12 am

I’d vote for this guy if he decides to run in 2012.

His fiscal conservative credentials are respectable, and his views on social conservatism are based on constitutionally limited small government.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t stand a chance. If he ran as an L, he wouldn’t get elected. If he ran as an R, he wouldn’t get the nomination.

December 10, 2010 10:43 am

#24 Bob: I had to self-censure my previous comment even before I posted it.

December 10, 2010 10:33 am

The story of my dating life.

December 10, 2010 10:09 am

Good to read: Dear Fellow Conservatives: Many of you have contacted me about the bipartisan tax deal reached between President Obama and Republican leaders. I’ve carefully reviewed the legislation and I wanted to explain to you why I cannot support it. First, I do not want to see anyone’s taxes go up and I have been fighting for years to… Read more »

December 10, 2010 10:08 am

#20 BC

Don’t worry, they have plenty to keep them warm.

December 10, 2010 9:51 am

LC, I enjoyed the schooling you gave D_n yesterday on finance. That was the quietest I’ve heard him in a while.

Of course, after you hung up, he had to explain that was his position all along and he’s said it many times.

December 10, 2010 9:50 am

The GORE-BULL warming lunatics just can’t seem to catch a break

December 10, 2010 9:48 am

BTW, it’s not just Holder. Janet does her bit, too. She has now partnered WalMart with Homeland Security to help battle against domestic terrorism. Over six hundred stores will participate.

The first thing she instigated is to get pat-downs from WalMart greeters.

December 10, 2010 9:44 am

because they really don’t want to get shot while they attempt to take prisoners who they then have to transport great distances at further risk to their lives, only to risk being sued later by those prisoners or the US DoJ for somehow violating their civil rights (of which they have none, under the Geneva Conventions). The present Kumbaya approach… Read more »

December 10, 2010 9:41 am

#16 Geezer: You forgot about the part where they “share” with each other.

December 10, 2010 9:39 am

G’Morning all

#11 crusher

Yes, liberals have thumbs, it is just that they are usually employed being jammed up the natural exit of their bodies.

And they are sucking the other one.

Every 30 minutes they rotate thumbs.

There, finished the thought for you.

December 10, 2010 9:29 am

Just pulling a response out of my arse, I would say that American scientists have become accustomed to, and politicized by, the flow of milk from the government teat and are just engaging in primal self-sustenance by supporting big government Democrats.

December 10, 2010 9:19 am

Stupid liberals. Hmm…what, if any, conclusions can be drawn from the Pew Research Survey indicating that a mere six percent of American scientists call themselves Republican? One might conclude they are non-political, except 55 percent are Democrats. And even more telling are some of the stats that compare scientists with the general public. While 37 percent of the general public… Read more »

December 10, 2010 9:10 am

I took lessons from a cat on ignoring people. Long hair over the ears helps too.
(Defends your ears from the plethora of bovine processed hay that is tossed around)

El Gordo
December 10, 2010 9:01 am

I have to keep reminding you folks – do not misunderestimate these liberals. They hide their ideology behind their shield of ignorance. They are neither stupid nor ignorant. In fact, they have thought their plans through very well. There are no unintended consequences – the consequences we endure by allowing their policies to be adopted and followed are in fact… Read more »

December 10, 2010 8:56 am

9 Pyro: Yes, liberals have thumbs, it is just that they are usually employed being jammed up the natural exit of their bodies.

December 10, 2010 8:54 am

DANG! I miss the modify button

consequences of their actions? Isn’t that kind of like

There, fixed it for me.