Wednesday Open Comments

From Joe Carter (via Texpat):

When Nothing Created Everything

Throughout history people have been awed and thrilled by retellings of their culture’s creation story.

Aztecs would tell of the Lady of the Skirt of Snakes, Phoenicians about the Zophashamin, and Jews and Christians about the one true God—Jehovah. But there is one unfortunate group—the children of atheistic materialists—that has no creation myth to call its own. When an inquisitive tyke asks who created the sun, the animals, and mankind, their materialist parents can only tell them to read a book by Carl Sagan or Richard Dawkins.

But what sort of story are they likely to find? Should they be told, as famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking claims in his recent book The Grand Design that “the universe… create[d] itself from nothing”?

Since Hawking’s explanation is a bit too drab and nospecific for bedtime reading I’ve decided to take the elements of materialism and shape them into a purportedly accurate, though mythic, narrative. This is what our culture has been missing for far too long—a creation story for young atheistic materialists.


In the beginning was Nothing, and Nothing created Everything. When Nothing decided to create Everything, she filled a tiny dot with Time, Chance, and Everything and had it expand. The expansion spread Everything into Everywhere carrying Time and Chance with it to keep it company. The three stretched out together leaving bits of themselves wherever they went. One of those places was the planet Earth.

For no particular Reason—for Reason is rarely particular—Time and Chance took a liking to this little, wet, blue rock and decided to stick around to see what adventures they might have. While the pair found the Earth to be intriguing and pretty, they also found it a bit too quiet, too static. They fixed upon an idea to change Everything (just a little) by creating a special Something. Time and Chance roamed the planet, splashing through the oceans and sloshing through the mud, in search of materials. But though they looked Everywhere, there was a missing ingredient that they needed in order to make a Something that could create more of the same Somethings.

They called to their friend Everything to help. Since Everything had been Everywhere she would no doubt be able to find the missing ingredient. And indeed she did. Hidden away in a small alcove called Somewhere, Everything found what Time and Chance had needed all along: Information. Everything put Information on a piece of ice and rock that happened to be passing by the former planet Pluto and sent it back to her friends on Earth.

Now that they had Information, Time and Chance were finally able to create a self-replicating Something which they called Life. Once they created Life they found that it not only grew into more Somethings, but began to become Otherthings, too! The Somethings and the Otherthings began to fill the Earth—from the bottom of the oceans to the top of the sky. Their creation, which began as a single Something, eventually became millions and billions of Otherthings.

Time and Chance, though, where the bickering sort and were constantly feuding over which of them was the most powerful. One day they began to argue over who had been more responsible for creating Life. Everything (who was forever eavesdropping) overheard the spat and suggested that they settle by putting their creative skills to work on a new creature called Man. They all thought is was a splendid plan—for Man was a dull, hairy beast who would indeed provide a suitable challenge—and began to boast about who could create an ability, which they called Consciousness, that would allow Man to be aware of Chance, Time, Everything, and Nothing.

Chance, always a bit of a dawdler, got off to a slow start, so Time, who never rested, completed the task first. Time rushed around, filling the gooey matter inside each Man’s head with Consciousness. But as he was gloating over his victory he noticed a strange reaction. When Man saw that Everything had been created by Time, Chance, and Nothing, his Consciousness filled with Despair.

Chance immediately saw a solution to the problem and took the remaining materials she was using to make Consciousness to create Beliefs. When Chance mixed Beliefs into the gray goo, Man stopped filling with Despair and started creating Illusions. These Illusions took various forms—God, Purpose, Meaning—and were almost always effective in preventing Man from filling up with Despair.

Nothing, who tended to be rather forgetful, remembered her creation and decided to take a look around Everything. When she saw what Time and Chance had done on planet Earth she was mildly amused, but forbade them to fill any more creatures with Consciousness or Beliefs (which is why Man is the only Something that has both). But Nothing took a fancy to Man and told Time and Chance that when each one’s Life ran out, she would take him or her and make them into Nothing too.

And that is why, children, when Man loses his Life he goes from being a Something created by Time and Chance into becoming like his creator—Nothing.

Joe Carter is web editor of First Things. His previous articles for “On the Square” can be found here.






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December 8, 2010 10:43 pm

Richard Dalton’s brother. The ol’ smoothie.

December 8, 2010 10:42 pm

bob #66;

Who the h*ll’s Brian Dalton?

December 8, 2010 10:37 pm

Hold my beer and watch this.

December 8, 2010 10:07 pm

Given the discussions today, I found this sci-fi story rather interesting.

I like sci-fi ‘cuz it exercises my mind. Or twists it. Kinda like drugs without the drugs.

December 8, 2010 9:43 pm

I haven’t seen the modify button on any posts. Nor on any poles, telephone or ethnically identified.

December 8, 2010 9:29 pm

Gotta go back to pruf reeding again, as Squack says.

December 8, 2010 9:18 pm

Modify button shmodify button. Bring back the floating Hamous head!

December 8, 2010 8:33 pm

I can see them on (all) the posts in the “Last Prophet” thread, but not here.

December 8, 2010 8:14 pm

#101 WB – I see them on everyone’s posts. I have superman rights so I can see everything. It just seems to me that if the “Modify Delete” buttons suddenly stopped showing up they would stop showing up for everyone. Very weird. Can you see them on your posts?

December 8, 2010 7:56 pm

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 8DEC2010 8:20 p.m.



Right now we are the No. 1 watched webcast in the world on U-Stream.

December 8, 2010 7:54 pm

#98 hammy
You get the modify link because you’re the author of the topic. Take a look at my “Last Prophet” post and see if you see the modify link.

December 8, 2010 7:47 pm


December 8, 2010 7:39 pm

What a creative and intellectually stimulating and humorous piece by Joe Carter.

December 8, 2010 7:38 pm

The weird thing is I can see it fine. It seems to me if it breaks for one it should break for all.

December 8, 2010 7:35 pm

The edit button’s kinda like that gal in school everyone drooled over, nice to have around, but just too much trouble.

December 8, 2010 7:29 pm

I ain’t got no edit button, why am I being descriminated on?? Delete my account!!

December 8, 2010 7:26 pm

#82 Hammy Detailed maps of the supposed 27 different areas of the brain were created, and a person who had a particularly large bump on their skull in the area for, say, the sense of colors, would be assumed to have a proclivity for painting. Imagine being the proud parents of a little boy said to be destined for the… Read more »

December 8, 2010 6:51 pm

Look at that guy “Modify” using my gravatar.

December 8, 2010 6:49 pm

I’m back. Whew it feels good to shed of those annoying other plugins and widgets.

December 8, 2010 5:04 pm

Is “Modify” back?

December 8, 2010 4:50 pm

You know the Hindus don’t eat meat because it could be their ancestor. I knew a Hindu who was eating a hamburger. I inquired if he was eating his ancestor. He said no his ancestors were in India, that he was eating my ancestor.

December 8, 2010 4:45 pm

#85 sarge I actually meant theory of reincarnation. No edit button.

December 8, 2010 4:43 pm

So what would happen if you were only partially reincarnated? Could your consciousness occupy both the planes of the living and the dead simultaneously? You’d be sort of like a zombie but not really. OK… I’m busted. I really just wanted to talk about zombies. Forget that reincarnation crap.

December 8, 2010 4:41 pm

#79 FA

In 1880 there was substantial evidence for luminiferous ether surrounding everything.

No, there was never any real evidence supporting the theory of a luminiferous ether. It was simply one of many theories that was subsequently proved to be nonsense, and abandoned as a result.

Fact: That disproven theory is why we call the IEEE 802.3 protocol “Ethernet.”

December 8, 2010 4:38 pm

a girl that was dead set on reincarnation

Woudln’t one have to be dead set on reincarnation?

One state does assume the other, does it not?

December 8, 2010 4:33 pm

I’m more curious about where my consciousness was before I was born. I once dated a girl that was dead set on reincarnation, that souls were recycled and you came back as someone else. Since the population of the earth is ever increasing, I asked where all the extra souls came from. Deer in the headlights look. I don’t think… Read more »

December 8, 2010 4:27 pm

All them there mathematicians is proved wrong too:

December 8, 2010 4:10 pm

I’m more curious about where my consciousness was before I was born.

That’s more than a bit incongruous based on your professed (non)belief system. Do you sometimes have the feeling you were once Xena Warrior Princess’s sidekick?

December 8, 2010 4:07 pm

Squack really seems to enjoy his NOT MODERATOR status.


fat albert
fat albert
December 8, 2010 4:05 pm

#66 Bob: Oh and there’s also substantial evidence supporting the theory that homo sapiens have been around for between 100,000 and 200,000 years. In 1880 there was substantial evidence for luminiferous ether surrounding everything. To restate my response to your prior post: It is indeed an observable fact that the Earth is spheroid in shape and is not in the… Read more »

December 8, 2010 3:53 pm

The only thing that’s happened in the last 24 hours is I switched from php4 to php5 on my host. My guess is that’s what broke the button. When I get home I’ll go back to php4 and see if that fixes the issue.

December 8, 2010 3:51 pm

#50 blah blah blah. You’re argument style belongs in a spaghetti bowl. It is a fact that the observed universe is approximately 14.7 billion years old. No it’s not. It’s a guess. Not six or ten thousand years old. It IS an observable fact that the earth is not six or ten thousand years old. In the presence of facts,… Read more »

December 8, 2010 3:51 pm

Mr/Mrs/Ms Moderator why did you ban the modify button?

Squack really seems to enjoy his NOT MODERATOR status.

December 8, 2010 3:44 pm


Did you find a good online used car parts source? Always on the look out for one.

December 8, 2010 3:39 pm

It is scientists who say algae cannot survive below certain temps. As a regretful pool owner, I know the truth. 😀

And I’m supposed to believe their future and past prognostications.

December 8, 2010 3:35 pm

Have y’all noticed the edit button is gone?


December 8, 2010 3:34 pm

Regarding the creation of the Universe.

I have it on good authority that the answer is 42.

December 8, 2010 3:29 pm

So we are marking the anniversary of John Lennon’s death. Okay the guy was shot. It must suck to be the 2nd dead Beatle, George Harrison. I mean all he did was just die. Seldom I hear of masses of arses gathering to morn the anniversary of his passing. Paul already died once, he is a zombie now. Poor Ringo… Read more »

December 8, 2010 3:22 pm

There were no observers there at the time, and you cannot re-create the mechanism, or for that matter even accurately describe the mechanism by which the earth came into existence.

Short of having a TARDIS or HG Wells as you uncle so he can build a time machine that is correct….

December 8, 2010 3:21 pm

Modify Button Update:

Nope there still ain’t got one on my post. Mr/Mrs/Ms Moderator why did you ban the modify button?

December 8, 2010 3:19 pm

The Big Bang was not the definitive beginning of the universe, CMON folks start reading the news. There was a wave first.

ET was throwing rocks into the universal primordial puddle dontcha know.

December 8, 2010 3:18 pm

#64 There’s a South Park episode for that. It’s titled Cancelled.

December 8, 2010 3:11 pm

#65 FA, I’m glad you enjoyed the Mr. Deity “conundrum time” bit. It’s one of my faves. And for when Darren shows up, I’ll add that Brian Dalton is a lapsed Mormon. 😉 As a point of clarification, I stated that there is a mountain of evidence indicating that our entire universe is 14.7 billion years old. Our cozy little… Read more »

fat albert
fat albert
December 8, 2010 2:43 pm

#50 Bob: I t is a fact that the observed universe is approximately 14.7 billion years old. Not six or ten thousand years old. It is a fact that the earth is a sphere, not flat, and is not the center of the universe as some geocentrists still insist. It is indeed an observable fact that the Earth is spheroid… Read more »

December 8, 2010 2:36 pm

Sometimes I think it is all a comedy reality show for aliens. That would explain a lot.

fat albert
fat albert
December 8, 2010 2:32 pm

#31 Bob:

Absolutely hilarious!! This is one of the funniest things since “Who’s on first?”

December 8, 2010 2:27 pm

I believe that we are all simply part of the immagination of some other being and when they wake up ***POOF**** we will all be gone!!!!!