Denial of Mortality

Okay, this conversation will be a bit of a downer, but I consider this my personal PSA for the group: we are all going to die.

Not from man-made global warming.

Not from the idiocy in D.C., though it may seem that way. Especially if I run out of tape with which to wrap my head.

No, we’re all going to die from something at some time. It may an illness.  It may be from an accident.  But it cannot be denied.  Death is more democratic than taxes, as it will touch us all at some time, the rich along with the poor.

I will be attending a funeral this morning of a man who put off going to his doctor when he was feeling ill. He thought he had received a cancer diagnosis from one of his doctors and refused to talk to his wife, telling her he was fine and not going back for his follow-up. He began sleeping around the clock, not eating or drinking. His wife was calling another of his doctors – thinking it was related to his diabetes – and it was several days before she was able to drag him into the diabetes doctor’s office. He was sent directly to the hospital, where he died several days later, of pneumonia. His widow is now left without any idea of how he ran their business.

I lost a beloved brother-in-law because he refused to go to a doctor when he began having headaches. It wasn’t until he blacked out behind the wheel that he admitted something might be wrong. It wasn’t until he began having seizures that he succumbed to a doctor’s care. By that time, his brain tumor was inoperable. The only good thing I can say is that he and his wife made the best of their remaining time and they tried to enjoy the moments of humor that they found until the cancer finally took him.

I have another brother-in-law who had symptoms of cancer and put off going to a doctor until forced by his wife. It appears that he now has an inoperable tumor.

I don’t know if it’s typical that all of these examples are men, or if it’s just coincidental. The common thread is denial of the possibility that symptoms were serious.

Please, men, we gals may complain and make fun of you, but we LOVE you all! Please don’t deny your mortality. Talk to your wives and make sure that we know what to do with things should something happen to you. We need to tell you the same (my hubby would be in a world of hurt should I die tomorrow – he has NO idea where the money is!). If you sense something is not right with your body, go see a doctor. I don’t want to lose any of you before your time.

Oh, and Merry Christmas!




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December 3, 2010 10:50 am

Wow. This one really hits close to home for me, Tedtam.

I’m a testicular cancer survivor who is likely only here to be a father to my kids because I listened when my wife nagged. Guys, Tedtam is right on the mark. Don’t blow off health related issues. They rarely fix themselves.

December 3, 2010 9:57 am

all of these examples are men

Yep.No coincidence.

El Gordo
December 3, 2010 9:40 am

Once Obamacare kicks in, there won’t even be the option of going to the doctor available, especially if you are nearing socialized security time. Can you say “death panels?”

El Gordo
December 3, 2010 10:50 am

Wow. This one really hits close to home for me, Tedtam.

I’m a testicular cancer survivor who is likely only here to be a father to my kids because I listened when my wife nagged. Guys, Tedtam is right on the mark. Don’t blow off health related issues. They rarely fix themselves.

December 3, 2010 9:57 am

all of these examples are men

Yep.No coincidence.

Super Dave
December 3, 2010 9:40 am

Once Obamacare kicks in, there won’t even be the option of going to the doctor available, especially if you are nearing socialized security time. Can you say “death panels?”