Wednesday Open Comments

The documents revealed on WikiLeaks this week have mostly been little more than gossip that told us what we already knew, or at least suspected. There have, however been some revelations that are downright scary because of what we may infer about the breathtaking naivete of the Obama foreign policy.

In the summer of 2009, the Obama Administration was anxious to try out its new approach to foreign relations. There were two big problems in the Middle East/Southwest Asia that seemed ideally suited to such an ambitious plan: the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process” and Iranian nuclear ambitions.

Team Obama decided that it could solve these problems in in one masterstroke. First, the Israelis, seeing Iranian nukes as the existential threat they would be, would be convinced to make some concessions to the Palestinians regarding settlements. This would be positioned to the Arab world as Obama getting tough with the Israelis so they would cooperate with our proposed sanctions. Meanwhile, Team Obama was also making a deal with the Russians to help with Iran sanctions in return for our abandoning our proposed ABM system in Eastern Europe. Team Obama told the Israelis that he would give the Iranians six months after their elections to show some movement in the right direction.

That deadline passed a year ago.

What, you may ask, does this have to do with WikiLeaks? It turns out that the Arab states in the region were already asking the US to crush Iran, before Team Obama demanded concessions from Israel. In other words, Team Obama flat-out lied to the Israelis to get their cooperation.

What about the Russians? That actually doesn’t enter into the WikiLeaks discussion (that we know of yet). That part of this drama merely adds yet another example of how hapless Obama’s foreign policy efforts are. Team Obama was led to believe, through its own naivete or through an outright lie or both, that if the US were to give up the ABM system in Poland and the Czech Republic that Russia would participate in economic and other sanctions against Iran. Within about a month of our announcing the cancellation of the ABM system, Russia announced that sanctions were not in its interests at that point in time. Russia then proceeded to provide Iran with nuclear technology and other assistance.

Now, don’t we all feel safer?



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December 1, 2010 11:01 pm

Dang. As soon as I thought I was done counting them all…

December 1, 2010 7:57 pm

Cantor: We’ll have a preexisting conditions provision in our new health-care plan too

Whoohoo! Get rid of Obamacare to replace it with a smaller version of Obamacare. Let’s get Cantor some hearing aides for Christmas. I don’t think he’s quite hearing the people right. Especially his new base of voters.

December 1, 2010 7:55 pm

Oletimer #2;

Handel’s Messiah’s Halelujah Chorus is the best piece of music ever written. A well-sung rendition of it always humbles me. The flash mob did a splendid job with it in that mall.

December 1, 2010 6:04 pm

55 Hamous says: December 1, 2010 at 3:49 pm Mass insanity or willful deceit. There can be no other explanation for these morons to keep pushing their “bigger government is the solution” remedy. I will go the Mass Insanity route if Paul Burka is any indication: What can the Democrats do with their 51 votes? They’re going to lose every… Read more »

December 1, 2010 5:02 pm

Bring back “mark-to-market”, dissolve the big banks as they will be bankrupted with “mark-to-market”, force the federal government on GAAP and start telling the truth no matter what. Prosecute and jail the banksters that are found to be criminally liable of securities fraud/insider trading/market manipulation/etc. What’s the chances? Now I know why my wife’s grandfather who lived during the First… Read more »

December 1, 2010 4:31 pm

#55 Hamous

I think it’s mass jelousy. You know, the I-want-what-he-has crowd. It is ususally comprised of those who believe that wealth is a zero sum game, where wealth in one hand has been stolen from the hands of another.

December 1, 2010 3:49 pm

Mass insanity or willful deceit. There can be no other explanation for these morons to keep pushing their “bigger government is the solution” remedy.

December 1, 2010 3:30 pm

I’m unplugging myself from the matrix early today (my first meeting was at 4AM local time for the convenience of my European colleagues with funny accents) so that I can meet adopted lil sister for a snack and a brew before choir practice. The choir has a tradition of sometimes ending rehearsals with a surprise phone call to folks on… Read more »

December 1, 2010 3:00 pm

Speaking of dogs, is any responsible person in dire need of a sweet two year old spayed female pit?

December 1, 2010 1:58 pm

This just puts a big smile on my face :>)

December 1, 2010 1:53 pm

Finally an Israeli leader that GITZIT.

December 1, 2010 1:50 pm

Just Frigg’n shoot me. Just when I thought this guy couldn’t do anything stupider than he already has. Washington (CNN) — President Barack Obama will not be allowing new drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for at least seven years, according to a senior administration official. The ban is being imposed as a result of the April 20 explosion… Read more »

December 1, 2010 1:49 pm


December 1, 2010 1:31 pm
December 1, 2010 1:30 pm

#45 Adee

It’s okay, Adee. I’ll send Barf Kitty over to Lawrence’s house for a visit.

She’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse. Seriously. She will. She’ll offer him something he’ll have to clean up.

Let’s see him abuse kitties after THAT! 😀

December 1, 2010 1:29 pm

Bigot, racist, homophobe, a$$hole, cat-hater – I’ll answer to ’em all!

December 1, 2010 12:56 pm

#42 Lawrence, bigot 🙂

December 1, 2010 12:40 pm

Back to back meetings preclude actually doing a leisurely Poke Chop Wednesday away from the desk. Fortunately, the last one ended 20 mins early, which gives me time to go pick one up.

And yes, my furry administrative assistant canhaz leftoverz.


December 1, 2010 12:15 pm

#42 Lawrence

I disagree. We haven’t had a rodent in the house since Barf Kitty took up residence.

December 1, 2010 12:08 pm

#37. Dogs are productive and can actually earn their keep.

Cats, on the other hand, aren’t productive, more likely destructive, and are a drain on all they come in contact with. In short, they have no redeeming value.

Kinda like liberals.

December 1, 2010 11:48 am

This just in… Democrats in house realize november blow out was because of their actions and Tax rate vote upcoming in house

December 1, 2010 11:30 am

Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff. 🙂

December 1, 2010 11:08 am

SuperD, good idea. I think I’ll do lunch off site today.

Super Dave
Super Dave
December 1, 2010 11:00 am

Yo Bob, it’s Poke Chop Wednesday! 😉

December 1, 2010 10:51 am

Dogs are easily trained and have been bred to have natural loyalty to their masters.

Kinda like social conservatives.

December 1, 2010 10:51 am

#35 Lawrence: Cats are kind of like liberal friends; not so bad as long as you don’t expect very much from them.

December 1, 2010 10:42 am

Cats suck.

Ever heard of a “seeing-eye cat”?

How about going duck hunting or upland bird hunting with your retrieving cat?

Ever heard of a police cat?

How about a drug and/or bomb sniffing cat?

Didn’t think so.

End of story.

December 1, 2010 10:41 am

Kill the feral cats

December 1, 2010 10:39 am

Cats are libertarians.

Dogs are socialists.

December 1, 2010 10:30 am


Liberalism involves not thinking past the end of one’s nose

There fify. Liberalism, by definition, does not involve thinking at all; it is purely an “emoting” way of cogitation.

December 1, 2010 10:04 am

Tautological link of the day: The intelligence of “a man’s best friend” has evolved at a greater rate than the less social cat over millions of years, scientists at Oxford University have claimed. It was often thought that the feline pet was smarter than its canine counterpart because it needed less attention but researchers have discovered that cat’s brains are… Read more »

December 1, 2010 9:53 am
December 1, 2010 9:51 am

#27 Oletimer

A liberal is a person for whom reason and logic is of no use whatsoever a foreign concept.


December 1, 2010 9:50 am

#24 & 26 WB & TT
From my post #8

8 OletimerLin says:
December 1, 2010 at 7:57 am
A liberal is a person for whom reason and logic is of no use whatsoever.

December 1, 2010 9:40 am

#24 WB It’s the liberal way. As long as there’s no pollution happening as a direct result of my own personal actions, then I’m a good green citizen. The way they see things, the further removed any pollution is removed from them personally, the more green and smug they can be. Even if, as the article points out, they cause… Read more »

December 1, 2010 9:00 am

#21 WB
I’ve always loved that video. There are some copycats, but yours is the best version.

December 1, 2010 8:58 am

From Roger Simon (via Ree-C): Because we know sifting through over a quarter of a million documents can be time-consuming for the average citizen and therefore somewhat daunting, Pajamas Media has hired a dozen dolphins from Sea World to go over the voluminous material. Working non-stop for several days, they have boiled it down to its essence. Berlusconi likes girls.… Read more »

December 1, 2010 8:51 am

Not that anyone here doesn’t already know this, but here’s some intelligent information on the Left’s newest smug-generating vehicles: The EPA is purposely comparing apples to oranges, conveniently hiding the fact that you are simply displacing gasoline usage with coal. The fact that you don’t have to directly throw coal into your car doesn’t mean you aren’t using any. Indeed,… Read more »

December 1, 2010 8:49 am
December 1, 2010 8:46 am

I’d love to see that flash mob do that on the courthouse or city hall steps.

December 1, 2010 8:34 am

#2 OTL: As you may have learned previously, I dig Scripture. That act of civil disobedience was quite refreshing, thanks.

December 1, 2010 8:28 am

#11. It wasn’t hard to envision – just get a mental picture of our own coQuanell Ten as president.

December 1, 2010 8:27 am

Good morning all. Frosty 27 on the north bank of the Brazos at Richmond. A sea of white again in the pastures and on the rooftops. The mares love romping in the cold before settling down to bask in the Sun. Very still and peaceful on the way to fetch the paper at 6, ebony sky clear and peppered with… Read more »

December 1, 2010 8:26 am

#4. I thought when Monica had a busted lip on Monday morning, we knew Ol’ Bill had himself a good weekend.

December 1, 2010 8:13 am

#2 That was awesome.