I don’t know if Wagonburner will be beating me to the punch again this morning, but I’ve been listening to the radio this morning….
The “lame duck” Congress begins sitting this afternoon. Questions that flow through my fertile mind:
1) What are they sitting on?
2) What eggs will they try to lay before we say ‘buh-bye’?
3) Does Nancy Pelosi actually believe her own hype? “I’m not the reason we lost.” I mean, really?
And then there’s us, the great unwashed (as perky Katie says):
1) What are we in for from these lame ducks?
2) Can we stop them from inflicting more damage?
3) When does duck hunting season start?
And I’d like any good duck recipes, if you have one!
According to bob, that’s everyone here.
Donovan McNabb getting quite the reception from his old team mates. 59-21 Eagles, 3rd quarter.
Didn’t even know about it, thanks for the heads up.
Have y’all been watching Hume’s six part series, The Rise, Fall and Future of Conservatism? Very educational.
They could let Brit Hume be a moderator. I have always found him to be a very straight shooter.
More from Hewitt on the subject: If the candidates want to gain some public attention this spring, they can work with organizations like Heritage and AEI to appear jointly at forums on spending, taxes, or foreign affairs where genuine moderators as opposed to agent provocateurs ask the sort of questions that GOP primary voters want to hear answered. At a minimum, the Obama-swooning MSM should not call the shots when the debates of the 2012 cycle begin. As I noted in the column and in the conversation with Cillizza, there are scores of center-right reporters, bloggers and broadcast journalists who… Read more »
Good job again, Tim, bringing out one of those pix of Obama as a big kid on his bike. The helmet makes him look so tough, don’cha think?
Hugh Hewitt weighs in on the idea of a GOP Presidential debate at the Reagon Library. He’s right, why hand over our debates over to the Olbermann Networks. I discussed this topic with one of my favorite Beltway pundits, the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza, on Friday’s radio show. Cillizza gamely defended his guild, but here’s the key exchange: HH: OK, objectively, what would get more ratings and be more interesting, a panel of Brian Williams and John Harris and Anderson Cooper asking eight Republicans questions, or a panel of Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Medved — four… Read more »
And he’s all ours.
Deer hunters in Wisconsin urged to practice gun control.
…he’s a coked-up street thug turned community organizer from the most corrupt political environment in the nation. The only thing I would disagree with there is “street thug”. He ain’t tough enough to be categorized as a thug. He’s nothing more than a narcissist who was told all his life he was a prince, a spoiled brat who was doted over by a grandmother who was “afraid of black men”. He has lived his entire life in the political equivalent of Carlsbad Caverns sleeping in decades of guano laid down by the likes of Daley, Alinsky, Ayers and countless other… Read more »
Blunt opinion is good in my estimation.
At the risk of being called a racist and getting kicked off the blog, the 3M President is the nation’s first affirmative action( can’t see his college records, remember?) President. He’s Lee Brown with a Phd from Dale Carnegie. Nothing will change the fact that he’s a coked-up street thug turned community organizer from the most corrupt political environment in the nation.
Really, what did you expect?
Well, it’s late afternoon and lots has happened today here on Hambone’s home and nationally. Got in my Monday good morning piece at the tag end of weekend open comments. That The One is acting strangely is not news to most of us here, but it likely is a shock to the average bear on the street–if they ever find out about it that is. Biden doesn’t want to pick up the pieces??? Isn’t that part of the VPs job description??? LA Governor Jindal is relating to Hannity the odd and infuriating meetings he had with The One on the… Read more »
#37, there is only one problem with He will unanimously take his place as the worst President in American history and forever be known as the most undeserving Nobel prize winner in the history of that degraded organization. And that is does this move Jimmy Carter up to #2 worst all time and second most undeserving of Nobel Prize? What I find highly ironic, that both times when the Democrat party has won the White House with a very left of center candidate, they end up being a complete train wreck for the party. Will they ever learn? And should… Read more »
We need the 3M President to serve out his term and move on to whatever global corruption scam he can attach himself to. The worst thing for America would be for something to happen to this incompetent before the end of his term. He will be voted out of office peacefully in 2012 and will become a highly footnoted piece of presidential regret in the annals of the American Presidency. He will unanimously take his place as the worst President in American history and forever be known as the most undeserving Nobel prize winner in the history of that degraded… Read more »
Feet met fire.
Feet moved.
#34, SD,
Can you imagine how our allies would react, much less Al-Queda, and others like that?
#27, and when that all happens armageddon will not be far behind.
Correct, it would make the Chicago Race Riots of 1919 and the Democratic National Convention Riots of 68 look like a Sunday Picnic.
Mine’s pegged.
That said, a lot of what the article said has elements that match observations. I can’t see how his mother-in-law would have that much stroke; Aunt Esther might, but even that is a bit thin. I do think that there are several (many?) Democrats who would like him to go away.
To say the least.
Are they trying to bring up the birther thing again, without actually mentioning the words “birth certificate”? Meanwhile, a team of ex-CIA officers are traveling the globe assembling a dossier of documents on Obama’s past, including his education, passport, travel, and residency records. The team has scoured Kenya, Indonesia, Pakistan, and other countries collecting documents that are not already mantained in the CIA’s own files on Obama’s past. There is a possibility, according to WMR’s sources, that any “smoking gun” documents may be released while Obama is in Asia in order to elicit a public and, perhaps, irrational enough response… Read more »
#27 Bones
Except what they always run on, pretty much for the last 40 years: telling the unintelligent and uninformed that the R’s want to let industry pollute our air & water, and let poor children, welfare mothers, and old folks die.
#27, and when that all happens armageddon will not be far behind.
#22 SD
Obama does seem a bit hen-pecked. And Michelle sure does seem hard to please.
Let’s just consider the future should the foul “O” be declared incompetent and Joe “The Dip-Shit” Biden takes over. The ex-CIA guys are climbing all over the world looking for the smoking gun(s) that the foul “O” is not legal occupant for the Whitehouse in addition to the evidence they have “in house”. When the hammer falls and he is deemed incompetent and/or illegal, then every bill he signed into law becomes null and void; further, every judicial appointment he has made becomes null and void. IN fact, every official act he made as president, should he be found to… Read more »
I don’t know what is scarier…
Obama being left in power, OR
Obama being removed from power (and Biden is the one to “pick up the pieces”).
Halloween is a daily event for this administration.
Well I posted before I finished reading,…DUH Vice President Biden, under intense pressure from some Democratic Party officials and Cabinet members to invoke Article 25, Section 4 of the Constitution and have Obama temporarily or permanently removed as president because of his mental incapacity to fulfill his constitutional oath as president is reluctant to take such drastic action. Biden feels that the country would “become unglued” after such action and he doesn’t want to be the one who would be responsible for “picking up the pieces,” according to a source who works within Biden’s office. MAN!! Be sure to read… Read more »
#22, at least on week a month is it really really scarry…. (Appologies to the ladies in the audience)
Then we have this bit of news… Not that it is a big surprise what he is accused of, but that the pannel said no to a delay.
#18 Bonecrusher
#19 TT: That particular party is more appropriately described as a rectum or donkey-hole if you will. When they are in power and they throw their weight/influence around it always results in a crappy day for America.
#18, well I guess the description of batshit crazy liberal is coming home to roost in the WH and the Democratic party….
And there are those who still say Palin was less qualified that Obama. That story makes it look like just the opposite.
#18 Boney
We knew about his narcissism, but — WOW!
Other than the content, I was majorly irritated at the constant use of “Democratic Party”. They are the DEMOCRAT party. The word DEMOCRAT is part of the proper noun that is their name.
They are anything but democratic, as in the adjective.
Has anyone sen this?
Bweldon, lol. It looks like they have a pretty popular act. I watched a couple of vids and liked the way they interacted with the audience one on one.
Hey Bob,
Just for you. Actually for everyone….
PS type hey what in the box
#13 – Well DONE Dad (aka Sensei)
#13 Bweldon
Your payment was in the best coinage ever!
On a more positive note… I spent Friday and Saturday giving of my time. Friday I took off and after meeting my mother over at ST’s place of business for some business, and a quick lunch. I spent Friday assisting in the setup of the facilities for our TKD tournament. Saturday I got up and drove with the family back up to the Woodlands for the tournament, I competed at 9AM, the kiddos competed later in the day, and then spend the remainder of the day as an official, both judging adults and junior competators, as well as being coach… Read more »
#10 TT: Your solution is on target; ceptin that it needs to apply to the other 2 branches as well; get back to the Feds only doing what the constitution specifically allows them to do. The results would be:
1) massive unemployment for federal beauro-turds
2) big time tax cuts
3) huge budget surpluses with which to reduce, then eliminate the national debt
4) more big time tax cuts and greater prosperity for we citizens
5) more money flowing into valid charities
6) the darned near extinction of the D party
How could anybody not want the above??
#8 Shooting the ducks is a whole story in itself. I think the season opens this weekend if not already open. As far as the orifices in DC goes, the 23 Senate D’s who are up for re-election in 2012 are probably more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs:>)
I see that Drudge has linked to a Newsweek story about the presidency being too large for one man. I see the solutions as:
1) A co-presidency, which would require a Constitutional change, probably be rejected, and I have never seen a co-presidency work well. Not even when the Clintons were in office.
2) Reduce the job of president. Stop doing the things that the states are supposed to do and I think that will jest ’bout take care of it.
The tax people in CT can be real stinkin rectums. They are targeting a widow!?!
If I were in her position, I would be steadily cutting/removing chain, or get someone to do it for me.
#7 Bonecrusher
That sounds delish, except you forgot a step —
1) First, shoot a duck.
TT: 3) When does duck hunting season start? And I’d like any good duck recipes, if you have one! We will assume that recipe (s) of which you are requesting are that of actual waterfowl and not that foul unclean crap that hangs out in DC. Take the cleaned (no feathers, guts, feet or head) wild duck and dust with whole wheat flour seasoned with garlic salt and cayenne pepper, sear in olive oil in a dutch oven browning as much of the bird as possible; DO NOT BURN THE STUFF IN THE BOTTOM OF THE POT. Remove the bird… Read more »
#4 bob
I have relatives in the McA area – Preaches Fire, Cooks Casserole, and their kids, who both married serious Natives. They’re generally to the right of me, with none of those messy libertarian leanings.
#4 Bob42
Couldn’t happen to nicer group of people!
If you’re ever in McAlester OK, consider stopping by Bob’s diner for lunch. But if you’re a nutjob, anti-patriotic, gay-hating crew of ignorant xenophobes, don’t bother.
Over 1000 citizens came out (so to speak) to “welcome” Phred Felps and Co., who were there to protest a soldier’s funeral. I think they went too far when someone decided to slash 2 tires on their vehicle, but couldn’t help but chuckle when no auto shop in town would do business with them either.
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA Date: Saturday 13NOV2010 Noon EST YOUR ACTIVISM YESTERDAY MADE A DIFFERENCE! PELOSI HAS POSTPONED AMNESTY VOTE AT LEAST UNTIL AFTER THANKSGIVING Earlier this week U.S. House Speaker Pelosi announced she hoped to bring up the DREAM Act amnesty to a vote in the first week of the Lame Duck session (next week). We asked you to start pounding congressional offices with faxes Thursday afternoon and, first thing Friday, we asked you to ring the phones off the hook all day in protest of any amnesty activity. You have already sent more than 150,000 faxes of… Read more »