The Quanell Evans Racist Revue: Election Day Tour

Local racist and media darling Quanell Evans took his merry band of hate-filled and well-dressed bullies to polling places on election day and seems to have been, if not assisted, at least given a pass by LEOs. From

In the early hours of voting on election day, things went smoothly and generally without incident. But all was not entirely quiet for the whole day. The most egregious incidents were perpetrated by Quanell X (formerly Ralph Evans) local leader of the race-based, militant New Black Panther Party.

Quanell X was witnessed illegally entering polling places with a New Black Panther entourage of at least 5 other New Black Panthers. Some were in uniform.

Certainly the New Black Panthers are not allowed to enter polling places without poll watcher credentials. They are absolutely not allowed to issue instructions to election officials which they were witnessed doing. In some instances, white poll watchers and white election officials were rejected from the polling places after these intruders had words with polling judges.

At district 202, for instance, a KSP poll watcher observed as ten members of the Black Panthers entered the polling place in order to confront poll watchers.

On the local news this incident seemed to show the LEOs forcing a poll watcher to leave. According to the poll watcher, he requested an escort out of concern for his safety:

One KSP poll watcher was threatened forcing him to leave the polling place in fear of his personal safety. In a threatening manner the Black Panthers blocked the path of the two KSP poll watchers as they tried to leave. One of the poll watchers felt that they Panthers intended to physically attack them as soon as they left the polling place.

And the bullying continued at other polling places:

In another incident in District 210 an alternate judge who lives in that district was chased out of the polling place due to the threatening demeanor of Quanell X and his gang of followers. The alternate judge left the polling place in the late afternoon in fear of her safety. This woman contacted the Harris GOP and was assured that she had every right to be in the polling place. Upon her return the Black Panthers continued their harassment until ultimately police threatened to arrest the alternate judge and bodily remove her from the premises. During none of this did the judge ever utter to her harassers more than the words “are you guys ready to vote today?”

I don’t expect anything to come of these incidents. Local LEOs are neutered and the fawning local media seem to be scared to death of this thug in designer threads.

(H/T gtotracker)





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November 4, 2010 11:33 am

#7 Hammy:

Let’s not forget that many of these people sprang from the bowels of radicals in the ’60s

There, fify.
That puts them in the appropriate category: FECES.

November 4, 2010 9:41 am

I, in my conspiratorial mindset, beleive that the lefties want bloodshed so that they can impose harsh, draconian impositions on our freedoms. Let’s not forget that many of these people sprang from the bowels of radicals in the ’60s. Quanny’s parents were Nation of Islam racists so he’s steeped in whitey-hating. Our illustrious president is bosom buddies with Bill Ayers… Read more »

November 4, 2010 9:15 am

#5 Fat Man:

Don’t you ever listen to our President or our Attorney General or Louis Farakahn or any of the people in charge right now?

NOT NO BUT HELL NO!! That is why I am still sane and have no problem calling a spade a spade!

El Gordo
November 4, 2010 8:59 am

Racist. Islamophobe. Haven’t you been around long enough to know the protected groups when you see them? It’s not about equal rights, it’s about special rights. Don’t you ever listen to our President or our Attorney General or Louis Farakahn or any of the people in charge right now?

The Dude
November 4, 2010 8:58 am

Q-10 is going to push some redneck too far and he along with his “entourage” is going to be in the way of some serious pain.

Ever notice how Mr. 10 nearly never pulls his stunts out in the ‘burbs where a goodly percentage of us have CHLs? He’s not a stupid man.

November 4, 2010 8:31 am

Q-10 is going to push some redneck too far and he along with his “entourage” is going to be in the way of some serious pain. Wrong is wrong; what happened in the 50’s and 60’s was wrong on the racist white side, I don’t think that any reasonable person would argue that point. What Q-10 is now doing is… Read more »

The Dude
November 4, 2010 7:57 am

I’m not sure which I find more offensive, the polling place intimidation or the lack of a reasonable response from LEOs. Local LEOs are neutered and the fawning local media… I suppose the latter could beget the former. Either way, it’s disgusting all the way around. There’s a fairly thin line between civilized social behavior and flat out anarchy. I’m… Read more »

November 4, 2010 7:25 am

It would appear that the FBI should be paying Mr. TheTenth a social call.

I also wonder if anyone has standing to file a civil rights suit against Mr. TheTenth.

November 4, 2010 9:41 am

I, in my conspiratorial mindset, beleive that the lefties want bloodshed so that they can impose harsh, draconian impositions on our freedoms. Let’s not forget that many of these people sprang from the bowels of radicals in the ’60s. Quanny’s parents were Nation of Islam racists so he’s steeped in whitey-hating. Our illustrious president is bosom buddies with Bill Ayers… Read more »

Super Dave
November 4, 2010 8:59 am

Racist. Islamophobe. Haven’t you been around long enough to know the protected groups when you see them? It’s not about equal rights, it’s about special rights. Don’t you ever listen to our President or our Attorney General or Louis Farakahn or any of the people in charge right now?

El Gordo
November 4, 2010 8:58 am

Q-10 is going to push some redneck too far and he along with his “entourage” is going to be in the way of some serious pain.

Ever notice how Mr. 10 nearly never pulls his stunts out in the ‘burbs where a goodly percentage of us have CHLs? He’s not a stupid man.

El Gordo
November 4, 2010 7:57 am

I’m not sure which I find more offensive, the polling place intimidation or the lack of a reasonable response from LEOs. Local LEOs are neutered and the fawning local media… I suppose the latter could beget the former. Either way, it’s disgusting all the way around. There’s a fairly thin line between civilized social behavior and flat out anarchy. I’m… Read more »

November 4, 2010 7:25 am

It would appear that the FBI should be paying Mr. TheTenth a social call.

I also wonder if anyone has standing to file a civil rights suit against Mr. TheTenth.