The Last Obama Lover

In one word, yes.

Am I the last person in America who loves Obama?

At this point, I love Obama so much that I recently thought if it were 1961, I’d probably display a bust of him in my living room. Then I realized I’m already displaying the 2010 equivalent: On my living room wall, I have a framed version of that famous November 2008 New Yorker cover of the O moon over the Lincoln Memorial.

And now the author had better check his stash for potency and contaminants:

I’m also not convinced, my own hyperbolic tendencies aside, that I’m really the last Obama devotee standing. When I ask around, I find that the people who are disappointed in Obama aren’t as disappointed as the media would have us believe, and that many aren’t disappointed at all. In fact, some acquaintances have told me that they, too, feel surprised by the assumption that the Obama backlash is universal.




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November 2, 2010 12:31 pm

T-Rex and associates stalk the land today. Thump…..Thump…..Thump

And Obama prepares to flee to India and Indonesia right after the election, taking his retinue with him and strewing millions of our $$$$ on this conceit. Can’t hide from Rex, however.

November 2, 2010 12:19 pm

TT, this guy is one of those tingle-up-my-leggers. He lived in a bubble while the USA had begun circling the drain under the Foul O.

November 2, 2010 12:10 pm

You can’t make anything fool/idiot-proof. The best you can expect is fool/idiot-resistant.

November 2, 2010 9:38 am

“At least your daughters still like you … probably” Michele, not so much. Obviously, if you’ve lost your job, life is tough, but did voters really believe the country was going to quickly and dramatically reverse course once he was elected? I’m pretty sure they did. People thought Obama would pay their mortgages, the seas would stop their rise, and… Read more »

November 2, 2010 12:31 pm

T-Rex and associates stalk the land today. Thump…..Thump…..Thump

And Obama prepares to flee to India and Indonesia right after the election, taking his retinue with him and strewing millions of our $$$$ on this conceit. Can’t hide from Rex, however.

November 2, 2010 12:19 pm

TT, this guy is one of those tingle-up-my-leggers. He lived in a bubble while the USA had begun circling the drain under the Foul O.

November 2, 2010 12:10 pm

You can’t make anything fool/idiot-proof. The best you can expect is fool/idiot-resistant.

November 2, 2010 9:38 am

“At least your daughters still like you … probably” Michele, not so much. Obviously, if you’ve lost your job, life is tough, but did voters really believe the country was going to quickly and dramatically reverse course once he was elected? I’m pretty sure they did. People thought Obama would pay their mortgages, the seas would stop their rise, and… Read more »