Required Reading for Your College-Bound Kid

Texpat forwarded me a link I thought I’d share.  One of the biggest concerns I hear from friends with children heading off to college is that they fear the indoctrination into leftist ideology that seems to be ubiquitous on college campuses nowadays.  Some folks got together and wrote a book about it – Disorientation: How to Go to College Without Losing Your Mind.  Here’s a description from Amazon:

Every year, thousands of young Catholics leave their homes for higher education at our nation s colleges and universities. Very few realize, however, that from orientation day onward, they will be indoctrinated with a vision of reality that is very different from the values their families hold dear. Sadly, many of our young people will fall prey to one or more of the dominant ideologies engrained in their college education, ideologies that can lead them away from the Church and, ultimately, their faith in God. Students who are not taught how to think critically or who lack the tools needed to sift through the logic of these positions are easily swayed by the smooth sophistry of the intellectual elite.

For this reason, fourteen of the top Catholic writers in America professors, priests, journalists, philosophers, and theologians have come together to dissect the trendy ideas that can lead young Catholics away from the Church. Disorientation is intellectual ammunition for every college student and parent, as it breaks down the history, analyzes the appeal, and debunks the empty promises of such wildly popular errors as:

…and more.

Looking at the list above it may be suitable for any person of faith, not just Catholics.





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Super Dave
Super Dave
October 27, 2010 10:59 am

Great article and it is must reading for many kids. I never worried though because my Baby Girl is just like her Daddy and she did go tto A&M, so the atmosphere was MUCH better there, than where Benzine went,…I think he was the one that went to liberal school in yankee land that had co-ed bathrooms!? Dang, Dammit. My… Read more »

October 27, 2010 7:43 am

Interesting timing. This was on First Things this morning:

October 27, 2010 10:59 am

Great article and it is must reading for many kids. I never worried though because my Baby Girl is just like her Daddy and she did go tto A&M, so the atmosphere was MUCH better there, than where Benzine went,…I think he was the one that went to liberal school in yankee land that had co-ed bathrooms!? Dang, Dammit. My… Read more »

October 27, 2010 7:43 am

Interesting timing. This was on First Things this morning: