Of Cartoons and Crazy People

Bizarro World. That’s the only possible explanation why Eugene Robinson can look at the same situation as me and make this comment. He lives in Bizarro World:

OK, I want to make sure I understand. Two years ago, with the nation facing a host of complex and difficult problems, voters put a bunch of thoughtful, well-educated people in charge of the government. Now many of those same voters, unhappy and impatient, have decided that things will get better if some crazy, ignorant people are running the show? Seriously?

I will admit to being puzzled why people that voted for Barry have changed their minds so rapidly. He is doing exactly what he said he was going to do. Did they think he was kidding?

When has there been an election with so many looney tunes running under the banner of one of our major parties?

Well, let’s see. There’s:

  • Sheila “Can you see Armstrong’s Flag on Mars” Jackson Lee
  • “Madame” Barney Frank
  • Cynthia “Troofer” McKinney
  • Stuart Smalley
  • Hank “Guam’s gonna flip over” Johnson
  • Robert “Imperial Wizard” Byrd
  • Maxine “CIA got black folks hooked on crack” Waters

Wanna talk looney toons? Y’all got crazy mad looney toons. The list goes on and on.

I’ve had it. Let’s be honest. If she’s [Christine O’Donnell] qualified to be a senator, I’m the king of Prussia.

Howdy Frederick.





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October 15, 2010 12:05 pm

#7 WB

I agree with Pyro — I think Obama’s clown brigade genuinely does not know Econ 101 and can’t understand why their policies have not worked.

October 15, 2010 11:18 am

Imagine if these clods had to actually get a real job.

October 15, 2010 10:03 am

I remain unconvinced that this is all an intentional plot. These people have a really whacked-out worldview. They are also arrogant enough to believe that they’re the smartest people around and that the only reason what they’re trying has never worked is because, well, those other people were just not as up to the task as they themselves are. It’s… Read more »

October 15, 2010 9:49 am

#5 I think you’re right. No one can be this consistently stupid. It has to be on purpose. These are calculated lies intended to sway a public who they consider ignorant. Here’s another op/ed from Cynthia Tucker of the AJC:

One of Obama’s greatest political weaknesses has been his stubborn — and unrequited — love for bipartisanship.

El Gordo
October 15, 2010 9:34 am

Blind monkeys taking random shots at a dartboard would score better than these clowns. Occasionally one of them would get something right. Not so with our administration. That’s why I’m convinced that this effort to destroy America is intentional – nobody is wrong all the time – just like the old broken clock. But these folks have yet to score… Read more »

October 15, 2010 8:38 am

#3 otl
We couldn’t possibly be expected to read every bill we vote on.

October 15, 2010 8:31 am

Don’t forget the comments

We need to pass this bill to see what’s in it

The constitution doesn’t mean anything.

The Dude
October 15, 2010 8:19 am

I’ve come to enjoy watching the histrionics of the elitists this election season. They’re kind of amusing when they get all riled up. Please pass the popcorn!

October 15, 2010 8:03 am

Eugene Robinson is obviously a moron. I have not yet read the entire article, however what has been excerpted provides stunning evidence of the pot calling the kettle black; or to be a little more accurate: the pot calling the white milk jug black.

October 15, 2010 12:05 pm

#7 WB

I agree with Pyro — I think Obama’s clown brigade genuinely does not know Econ 101 and can’t understand why their policies have not worked.

October 15, 2010 11:18 am

Imagine if these clods had to actually get a real job.

October 15, 2010 10:03 am

I remain unconvinced that this is all an intentional plot. These people have a really whacked-out worldview. They are also arrogant enough to believe that they’re the smartest people around and that the only reason what they’re trying has never worked is because, well, those other people were just not as up to the task as they themselves are. It’s… Read more »

October 15, 2010 9:49 am

#5 I think you’re right. No one can be this consistently stupid. It has to be on purpose. These are calculated lies intended to sway a public who they consider ignorant. Here’s another op/ed from Cynthia Tucker of the AJC:

One of Obama’s greatest political weaknesses has been his stubborn — and unrequited — love for bipartisanship.

Super Dave
October 15, 2010 9:34 am

Blind monkeys taking random shots at a dartboard would score better than these clowns. Occasionally one of them would get something right. Not so with our administration. That’s why I’m convinced that this effort to destroy America is intentional – nobody is wrong all the time – just like the old broken clock. But these folks have yet to score… Read more »

October 15, 2010 8:38 am

#3 otl
We couldn’t possibly be expected to read every bill we vote on.

October 15, 2010 8:31 am

Don’t forget the comments

We need to pass this bill to see what’s in it

The constitution doesn’t mean anything.

El Gordo
October 15, 2010 8:19 am

I’ve come to enjoy watching the histrionics of the elitists this election season. They’re kind of amusing when they get all riled up. Please pass the popcorn!